Luxurious Laundry: Tricks Of The Trade For Keeping Towels and Sheets Soft And Fluffy
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
There is virtually nothing than a soft, plush, preferably warm towel to wipe off with after a relaxing and refreshing shower. You know the kind I’m talking about the kind you get when you stay at a top-of-the-line resort, hotel, or cruise ship, or if you happen to be a rare guest at our house.
But besides the aromatic fabric softener, the one way to ensure luxuriously, supple towels and sheets is by placing a few tennis balls in the dryer. Believe it or not, tennis balls help keep towels and sheets soft and fluffy, and cut down on the lumpiness in items such as pillows, comforters and down jackets. Plus, it also helps reduce drying time saving you time and energy.
However, experts recommend proceeding with caution.
· They recommend have a “special” set of tennis balls specifically for drying purposes and make sure to keep them off the court.
· Let others in your household know what you are doing, especially if you’ve never done this before. Tennis balls (in the dryer) can be quite loud and may “frighten” you mate leaving him/her to believe there is something wrong with your dryer.
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Luxurious Laundry: Tricks Of The Trade For Keeping Towels and Sheets Soft And Fluffy