Romance Revival:: Turn Your Bedroom Into A Romantic Retreat
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Statistics show that most long-term and married couples may get along GREAT in every area but the bedroom.
And, besides the busy schedule of work and oh-so-often kids, couples with the fact that the initial fireworks (may) have faded, some suggest that our subdues sex lives are a result of boudoirs that are not romantic enough.
That's right...want to ramp up your sex life, you may want to consider redecorating.*************
Experts suggest that our mood can be affected by many things and that even if we're not aware of it, our feng shui may be in a funk...and that may be putting out sex life in a funk as well.
Pros point out the colours, visuals and other stimuli can stimulate our senses and our libidos...and that creating an environment that is visually pleasing and sexually arousing to both partners is a plus and a must.
Start by doing way with clutter, mess, dust, or anything that will potentially interfere with romance and putting you in the mood. Remember a tidy bedroom translates into a peaceful sanctuary that allows you to focus on each other rather than on ALL those things that need attention around you.
In addition, experts suggest getting rid of family photos. Why? Well, because having the kids or grandma peering down at you may not help boost your romantic mood. Keep family photos in family-friendly areas such as the living room, den, etc. Embellish your bedroom with photos of the two of you as well as with pictures that promote serenity and sensuality such as city night scapes, country fields, beach scenes, etc.
Keep colours neutral and non-gender specific. Remember a very feminine room won't put your man in the mood and sports memorabilia on the wall won't do much for a lady's libido either.
Find a colour combination and a "theme" that appeals to the BOTH of you and try to steer clear of greys and browns.
You'll also want to avoid lots of florals, stripes, or any pattern that too busy and takes the focus off YOU.
Invest in some candles, throw pillows, a nice comforter,....pretty much anything that makes your space more serene, inviting, comfortable, comforting...and ultimately more romantic.
Turn off the tube or get rid of it entirely. Tuning in to your favourite show won't allow you to tune into each other. Instead opt for some soothing tunes that will put you in the mood for love....but remember to keep it low. Let's face it you may love club music or heavy metal...but that really doesn't soothe, woe or put you in the mood for love.
And, don't stop at the decor...keep going and make it personal. Put away bulky old robes and jammies. Instead replace with modern, sexy wardrobe essentials that make you look and feel sexy and sophisticated to both you and your partner. And, no it's not just lingerie that's pjs or a nice nightgown can do the trick quite nicely.
Last but not least, remember that variety is the spice of change your nighttime wardrobe from time to time and make small changes in your room frequently. Simply changing the sheets and the comforter can be enough. Remember the key is keeping it fresh, exciting, new and creating new interest.
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Romance Revival:: Turn Your Bedroom Into A Romantic Retreat