X-Pectations: Understanding The Female Mind
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![](/i/a/1670.jpg) By Mia Bolaris-Forget
As long as there have been men and women, there have been differences between them. And, from “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” to “The Truth About Cats and Dogs” there has been plenty presented to support the theory that we are as uniquely different as night and day.
And, according to experts some recent research validates our vastly different thinking patterns by especially examining and explaining the development of the female mind.
In The Beginning:
· Until eights weeks after conception, every brain is female. What makes some brains male, say experts, is a surge of testosterone that targets the communication center killing off cells in the area…and resulting in the growth of addition cells in the sex and aggression centers.
· Female brains have much greater amounts of estrogen spurs leading to growth and enhancement of circuits and centers responsible for observation, communication, intuition, and nurturing and caring.
Teen Tendencies:
· According to experts, the primary purpose for girls during their adolescent years (at least from a biological standpoint) is making themselves more (sexually) appealing and attractive.
· Girls develop their communication skills and speak two to three times more words per day than boys and they also speak much faster. For girls, connecting through talking activities stimulates the pleasure centers in the female brain.
Mommy Mentality:
· Once past adolescence and into the marriage and mommy stage of life, the female brain undergoes yet more changes. In fact, according to experts, the brain tends to shrink during pregnancy. However, it does not lose cells, but simply changes metabolism and restructures. In the last one or two weeks (of the pregnancy phase) it begins to increase in size and develop maternal circuits. However, it does not return to its normal size until about six months after delivery.
Mental Maturity: Generally accompanying the menopausal stage, women get a surge of independence and individuality.
· The Mommy brain unplugs.
· Menopause results in the end of hormones that once increased communication circuits, emotion circuits and the drive to tend and care and to keep the peace at all costs.
· Statistics suggest that more than 65 percent of divorces that take place after age 50 are initiated by women. According to experts, it’s all part of a “phenomenon” known as “post-menopausal zest”, where they experience the desire to pursue their “passions” and explore their “independence without worrying about taking care of anyone else.
Love. Sex And The Female Thought Process:
· While men may think that a buff bod and an expensive meal along with some sweet nothings whispered into a woman’s ear will “turn her on”, the truth of the matter is that women can’t fully be turned on until their brain is officially turned off. In fact, experts assert that orgasms can only be triggered when the amygdala (fear and anxiety center) is shut down, turning off the circuits leading to worry.
· Foreplay is NOT just what takes place in the few minutes or seconds before intercourse. In fact, for women, it’s everything that has transpired in the 24 hours prior to getting physical. From feeling good about work, the day’s events, etc., to feeling good about her partner and the relationship, a woman’s anxiety center must be “deactivated” before she can relax enough to even think about sex.
· Experts suggest that women will cry to get their man’s attention. In fact they are more likely to cry four times more easily than men. And, professionals also caution against the “silent treatment” because that simply doesn’t thoroughly convey the point to the mail brain.
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X-Pectations: Understanding The Female Mind