Easy Come, Easy Go: Weight loss Made Easy
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Though I can’t remember EVER being one of these people, I have friends who claim that during their growing years, teen years and/or including their young adult years they were able eat anything without gaining a pound. But, with time, responsibility and a more sedentary lifestyle even for them things have changed.
In fact, most of us need to consume less and burn off more to stay fabulously fit and trim. And, for many of us that means cutting out many of our favourite indulgences in addition to regularly meeting our trainer and hitting the gym. And, for some, losing weight and toning up can still be a challenge.
Ah, if only shedding those extra pounds were easy, or at least easier. Well, according to experts, you no longer have to sweat it when it comes to “dieting”.
1. Chew on this: Experts suggest chewing cup for 15 minutes between lunch and a midday snack to help you eat less. In fact, studies suggest that gum chews took in 36 less calories per day, and a “whopping” 252 calories per week.
2. Pour it on: Research reveals that green tea can help shed body fat while protecting us from disease. So, go ahead, have a cup or two of brew each day.
3. Minimize: Quite the opposite of our “super-size” society and mentality. Experts suggest serving yourself on smaller plates so that you “trick” yourself into believing you’re eating more. This can save you up to 30 percent fewer calories at each meal. And, drinking out of a skinny glass can help you serve yourself another 28 percent less.
4. Keep busy: Studies show that even engaging in “mundane” tasks such as getting up and moving around, throwing in a load of laundry means squeezing in “exercise” without working up a sweat. And, believe it or not, that can add up to 350 calories each day.
5. Get Tuti-Fruity: We all know that fruit is good for us, but digging into a grapefruit may help shed some extra pounds. According to studies, those who ate ½ grapefruit three times a week (before each meal) dropped on average and extra 3.6 pounds.
6. Dose Off: Sleeping for seven hours nightly is the recommend down time your body needs for shedding weight while you sleep. In fact, women, especially as they get older, who slept less than five hours each night were one-third more likely to put on extra pounds.
7. Easy does it: Savour your food, say experts. In fact, they note that those who took more time to enjoy their food ate 70 percent fewer calories than those who ate quickly. And, if you’re on a three-meal-a-day plan that could add up to 210 calories less.
8. Take a fitness break: Rather than get up and go to the fridge during commercial breaks, experts suggest doing some form of simple exercise instead. They recommend bicep curls, leg lifts or crunches.
9. Develop A Less Is More Mentality: Sure you may still feel hungry or may have refrained from piling up your plate, but the payoff won’t be worth it unless you learn to say “no” to second helpings no matter how small. Experts suggest putting everything you want to eat on your plate, the first time around and save yourself an extra 18 percent less calories.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Easy Come, Easy Go: Weight loss Made Easy