Do You Think I’m Sexy: What Women Fear Most About Getting “Close”
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
She may very well be a confident partner, businesswoman, and parent. She may even be a very confident flirt with a positive self-image….but that’s only the part she lets you and the world see. Under all that seductive allure, including that come hither smile and bedroom eyes is a women who’s hoping you won’t call her bluff and expect both of you to wind up in the buff. Here’s an inside look at her innermost “fears”.
1. Phat or Fat? While Baby Phat may be “in”, cellulite and excess fat are generally “not”. Just look at the recent trend in Hollywood; with starlets on the fast track to giving even Twiggy a run for her money. And, chances are even is she’s stick thin; she’s comparing herself to her more curvaceous “competition”. Though she may not be able to hide behind her finger, she may be able to hide behind her clothes. It’s your job to make her feel sexy (and desirable) inside and out. Point out things you love about her figure and why, but remember to do so with sincerity and confidence, and even when you’re not looking for anything in return. You may also want to try paying her a compliment on her “off-days” or when she sheds her protective gear.
2. No Fun In Bed: She’s probably intimidated by all those desirous divas out there and never once did she think she’d have to take up bedroom acrobatics to feel confident in her relationship and sexuality. My how times have changed. If you’re concerned about pleasing her, she’s probably just as concerned about returning the favor, plus she’s figuring you’ve been a lot more adventurous and have had lots more experience at these things. Unless you’ve got some outlandish fetish that will send her screaming to the divorce attorney, you may want to express your preferences and work together at achieving your mutual goals.
3. The F-word: No, not what YOU”RE thinking, that she knows you can handle. It’s the idea of foreplay that she fears you may be uncomfortable with. In fact, according to the experts, she not only afraid of telling you that she may feel neglected in that area, but is concerned with how you feel about returning certain physical “favors”. Experts suggest establishing well beforehand what is “comfortable” or off-limits for both of you, what is an acceptable “compromise”.
4. The Ex-Files: Somewhere during the course of your relationship you’ve both discussed your pasts and that includes exes (whether they live in Texas or not). Some of you may even need to maintain contact with them because of legal situations or mutual children. Well, as much or as little as you’ve revealed about your ex, your current is no doubt occasionally consumed by your positive memories. Maybe you’ve mentioned that she was a super cook, a sharp dresser, very smart, or “better yet”, insatiable in the sack. Now your current is wondering how she measures up, even if you’ve reassured her, she can’t help but wonder, if she really “does” measure up, why you would even remember think of you ex (even from time to time, and despite the fact that she may sometimes do the same about hers). Experts advise, living in and focusing on the present. Avoid conversations of comparison even if they make your current look good. They key say professionals is to remain totally neutral.
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Do You Think I’m Sexy: What Women Fear Most About Getting “Close”