Water World: What You Need To Know About H2O
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 You must first be logged in to post a new topic. If you are not registered, please click "Create Account". By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We all know that drinking plenty of water is essential for hydrating and nourishing our body and our skin but for many keeping moist still remains an untapped mystery.
So, here is what you need to know.
Daily Requirements: It’s by now probably ingrained in our brain that as adults we should get at least eight glasses of water each day. But, realistically, is this feasible, and how many of us really keep track? In fact, most of us don’t think about our water intake unless we’re hot and thirsty, and even then most of us may be inclined to reach for that ice-cold can of soda, juice, or a refreshing frap or iced coffee. But, according to experts each of us must replace the fluids we lose through sweating, exhaling, exercise, etc, noting the women need about 91 ounces or about 11 cups of fluid and mean an estimated 125 ounces or 16 cups on a daily basis.
The Right Amount For You: Just like we all have different metabolisms, and varying food requirements, so do we all have different daily water requirements. In fact, experts assert that how much water we need depends on our size, exercise habits and sweat rates. So, while it’s difficult to generalize, they suggest that one of the best indicators of overall hydration is your urine frequency and output. And, they suggest that a normal flow means urinating every two to four hours and should be light in color and of significant volume indicating you are getting plenty of fluids. However, if you can go almost all day without a bathroom break and/or your urine is dark and concentrated, you are likely dehydrated.
Alternative Options: Some people just don’t enjoy drinking water. In fact they often find themselves forcing it down. Yet, according to experts, you can meet your daily requirements simply by eating foods that are abundant in water. In fact, about 20 to 30 percent of daily water requirement come from food with liquids making up the other 70 to 80 percent. Remember, oranges are almost all water (90% to be exact), soups are also primarily water as is lettuce and don’t forget that even yogurt contains an ample amount of water as well.
Untapped Potential: Most of us these days drink bottled water in lieu of tap water, but is it really better. Well, according to government agencies that require a annual water quality report note, that reports don’t always equal purity. In fact, they often can help identify contaminants and impurities. With that said, its important to note that bottled water quality varies by brand, and whether or not it’s “safer” may depend on where you live, lifestyle needs and personal preference and taste.
Tiny Bubbles: One of my favorite H20 indulgences is sparkling or bubbly water. With that said, many may wonder about the plausibility of oxygenated water? The answer is you can’t increase water’s oxygen content. Water, by sheer composition is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom and there is no such thing as changing its composition or adding to it to make it super oxygenated.
Should You Refuse Infused: Many new products infuse basic water (which is already good for you on its own) with vitamins and nutrients that are supposed to do everything from boost you energy to help you lose weight. However, experts suggest that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. They suggest that taking a daily multivitamin as well as eating well and exercising should be enough. And, while there may be healthier options (since many contain artificial colors, flavors, and sugar), they are fine as an occasional treat.
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Water World: What You Need To Know About H2O