Sweep Her Off Her Feet: Why Helping With Chores Is Sexy
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 You must first be logged in to post a new topic. If you are not registered, please click "Create Account". By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While it’s been said that diamonds are a girl’s best friend and that the way to a woman’s heart is by wining her and dining her, experts say that they way into her boudoir has a lot less to do with what you buy her and a lot more of a philosophy that a modern man shouldn’t buy into, especially when it comes to helping around the house.
That’s right, experts suggest that one of the biggest turn on for your Mrs. Is seeing you pitch in. Remember, he work is literally never done. Besides potentially holding down an office job, it’s likely her “duty” to shop and arrange for supper, prepare it, set the table, make sure the kids are ready to eat, clean up, get kids, herself and you ready for the next day and trying to find some time to bond, unwind and relax.
So, any help you can give is appreciated, and, say relationship pros, the way women show their gratitude is through emotion, and in marriage, by making time for YOU and for sex.
Remember, while a sink of dirty dishes may not do much for deterring YOUR mood, it’s likely making HER unable to focus or relax and that more often than not translates into her getting to bed when she barely has enough energy to climb in…..so, you can forget about anything else.
In addition, studies suggest that men generate, on average, at least seven more hours of housework for women each week. And, that doesn’t include the added extras induced by the kids. Plus, according to experts, the extra work is often not the obvious kind, but rather deals more on the emotional level and includes having to tend to extra tasks such as shopping for gifts for the man’s side of the family, sending out additional holiday cards, keeping up with doctors appointments for hubby and kids, keeping in touch with a man’s friends and family and other “musts” that leave many, or should we say most, women psychologically drained.
And, since men still, according to research, do only 30 percent of the housework, any help they give is often interpreted as care and concern for their wife and an outward expression of love, affection, and concern for her well-being. In fact, a man pitching can can physically reduce her stress and alter her attitude.
Ironically however, the more men pitch and the less they report being satisfied with the marriage, while their mates often claim their relationship has markedly improved. But, if reaching a happy medium seems impossible with neither will to pitch in and do more than they want to, then experts suggest time-freeing alternatives such as replacing dinnerware with paper plates.
And, ladies, if you want your man to help out more, it’s best to ask him to do less. According to experts, men don’t like to be told what to do and when (especially when they’re not at work), and don’t like to be micro-managed when they do attempt to tackle a task. In addition is best not to send mixed messages such as saying you’d love help but don’t want to bother him or can’t trust him to do it right. Instead, make sure you know what you want and be prepared to firmly but lovingly negotiate, pointing out the advantages of getting some extra help. Remember to present you point with a positive and loving attitude and pointing out the benefits for both of you.
Long Island Relationship Articles
Sweep Her Off Her Feet: Why Helping With Chores Is Sexy