Sleep Aids: Why Offering Your Child A Pacifier May Reduce The Risk Of SIDS
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Although you don’t want to smother your child, experts now assert that you may want to pacify him/her (literally). In fact, recent studies show that allowing your infant to suck on a pacifier before bed may help minimize the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Researchers noted findings as being so significant and “revolutionary” that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) was compelled to include a recommendation about pacifier use in its SIDS guidelines.
When researched studies the last time a baby was set down to sleep, they found a consistent protective effect for SIDS from pacifier use. In fact, they documented a 61 percent drop in SIDS risk from pacifier use.
From this, experts concluded that approximately one SIDS fatality could be prevented for every 2,733 babies who use a pacifier during sleep. And they added, that, these benefits far outweigh any potential hazards associated with pacifier use, including dental problems, a slightly higher incidence of ear infections and breast-feeding difficulties.
While researchers still do not have any conclusive reasons as to why pacifier use may help prevent SIDS, one (of several theories) suggests that sucking on a pacifier brings the tongue forward and forces the airway to open more. Another concludes that when infants suck on a pacifier, they may be more readily and easily woken from sleep.
Yet, they do remind parents, that as of know, the findings remain only a correlation and not a cause and effect relationship. Still, airing on the side of caution, the AAP is recommending (to parents) giving babies a pacifier at bedtime and naptime during their first year of life. They note, that the pacifier does not need to be replaced if it falls out during sleep, and they suggest refraining from coating it with any sweet substances to lure the infant into taking it. Furthermore, breast-fed infants should not be given a pacifier until breast-feeding is well-established, usually after the one month mark. Additional recommendations (by the AAP) for helping to reduce the risk of SIDS include placing the child in the same room as the parents, but not in the same bed, as well as avoiding putting your child to sleep on his or her side.
Other noteworthy (and recently revised) recommendations include:
· Make sure your baby is on his/her back every time he/she goes to sleep. · Only use firm sleep surfaces and keep soft objects, such as pillows and heavy blankets, out of baby's crib. · Give baby a smoke-free environment both before and after pregnancy. · Don't share your bed with your baby, but if possible, keep the baby in a crib in your bedroom. · Avoid overheating your baby. Babies shouldn't feel hot to the touch. Keep the room warm enough so a lightly clothed adult would be comfortable
The AAP also strongly advises parents against putting their trust and hopes in products marketed as lowering the risk of SIDS, including home monitors, noting there is no evidence that these products have any proven benefit.
Furthermore, the suggest that infants have plenty of tummy time when they are awake to prevent the development of a flat spot on the back of the head caused by always sleeping in the same position.
Parents should also make sure that EVERYONE who is responsible for taking care of their child is aware of and understands these guidelines….and is capable and willing to carry them out, otherwise don’t leave your child with them (at least not until he/she is out of the SIDS “danger zone”).
Long Island Safety Articles
Sleep Aids: Why Offering Your Child A Pacifier May Reduce The Risk Of SIDS