Animal “Attraction”: Why Wanting A Pet Can Be Good For You
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Pets are not only cute and cuddly, unless of course you have a pet python or something, but they can be a positive force in our households. That’s right; man’s best friend or best friends can offer many positive benefits.
· Natural “Anti-Allergans”: A common misconception, according to experts is that little ones are more likely to develop allergies with pets around. And, that if children already have allergies, pets, at least the furry friend kind, should be avoided at all costs.
New studies however suggest that kids growing up in a pet-friendly environment or household actually have less likelihood of developing allergies and asthyma.
According to research, infants in dog-inhabited homes showed less evidence of pet allergies. And, they were also less prone to eczema, and also showed signs of a stronger immune system.
· Ice Breakers: Pets can often be the perfect conversation piece, especially if you are looking to meet new people and make new friends. People always stress the importance of socializing with those with common interests and your pet, especially if you don’t have kids, can open that door. Pets can be an especially useful talking tool for those who are shy or don’t know what to say or how to strike up a conversation. Consider activities that involve more than just walking your pet and that could lead to meeting others with similar hobbies and interests.
· Fountain of youth: I’ve heard people say that kids keep you young and motivated. Well, now some studies suggest that pets can do the same. In fact, recent research revealed that those with Alzheimer’s experienced less anxiety when pets were present. And, it helps their caregivers as well, giving them some piece of mind that their “patient” has company and companionship when they are not around. For those who are still mentally and physically fit, having a pet can help keep them that way, as pets require nurturing and attention. Pet owners have to remember to feed and groom a cat, bond by petting, and waling a dog offers invaluable exercise benefits.
· Stress Busters: People with pets tend to be more positive and less depressed. In fact, having a cuddly furry friend can not only lift your mood but can lower your blood pressure and also lower the amount of harmful chemicals such as cortisol and norepinephrine that are released when the body and mind are stressed and we get into a state of dis-ease.
· Heart Smart: Studies show that heart attack patients who have loving pets have greater success and survival rates than those that don’t. In fact, most male pet owners are less likely to have symptoms of heart disease and also have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels as well.
Long Island Pets Articles
Animal “Attraction”: Why Wanting A Pet Can Be Good For You