Party Poopers: Why You Basic Staples May Not Be Your Best Choice
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We all know that any “good” party has plenty of good food and plenty of alcohol.
But before you pop open another brew, pour yourself another glass of wine, or reach for one of those irresistible snacks, think about the potential dangers of these delicious delicacies.
According to nutrition professionals alcohol is a key culprit in system breakdowns and in fact turns into fat in the liver, ultimately impairing its ability to function properly.
New studies further suggest that high fat foods such as cheeses (made from whole milk) can also go directly to your liver and can contribute to weight gain and liver problems, even in those who don’t (regularly) consume alcohol.
So, if you must feed your (party) “addictions” and guests, you may want to limit the amount of alcohol you consume or make available for consumption. You may also want to limit high fat snacks, sneak in a few healthy ones, and keep cheese options to a minimum and make sure those selections are low-fat while you’re at it. Your best bet cheese and dairy products made from 2%, 1% and non-fat milk.
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Party Poopers: Why You Basic Staples May Not Be Your Best Choice