Walking In A Winter Wonderland: Winter housekeeping tips
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 By mia bolaris-forget
My dh and I make frequent runs up North where his family is from. Yet, while we usually stay for the same length of time, it never ceases to amaze me how much more we seem to need or bring once the weather cools down. And, while we may not actually be bringing “much” more, it certainly feels that way; probably because winter wear is bulkier, heavier and more space-consuming.
Conserve more space in your home by following the following winterizing rules
· Get accessories in order: Rather than rummage through piles of mismatched winter accessories, such as scarves, gloves, hats, etc, keep them paired and stored in a place that offers easy access. Get rid of items you haven’t worn in years, don’t match anything your have, or items that are mismatched or missing their other half.
· Create a winter wear station: From a place to hang your wet coat (which does NOT belong on the couch or in a closet) to a place for your umbrella and weathered shoes and books, creating an enclave for winter accessories is strongly suggested, especially if you have kids. Just make sure everyone understands what goes where and that you keep the space organized and clutter free.
· Form good habits early in the season: Decide in advance where you want things kept and stored and make a habit of putting everything immediately where it belongs. Keeps hats and scarves and gloves with your coat (though gloves can also go in your handbag), making it easy to “accessorize” and to find items easily when you need them.
· Clear the air and your space: Note that many dry cleaners will store bulky items for coats, jackets, etc. until you need them again in the spring, giving you added space and room for all the whimsical spring and summer styles. Otherwise clear out closets by storing “surplus” in bins and/or closets or drawers that are not being used, making the switchover next season, much easier.
Long Island Home & Lifestyle Articles
Walking In A Winter Wonderland: Winter housekeeping tips