Part 3 - Proceed With Caution: Work Place Hazards To Avoid
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 You must be a logged in user to report a bad post! By Mia Bolaris-Forget
For most women working during pregnancy is a safe and rewarding experience. Yet, many pregnant professionals are at risk….and may be risking baby’s health too. Job environment is hence a considerable concern among women who have conceived or are trying to. Experts emphasize the need and importance of avoiding teratogens (substances associated with fetal health risks) and taking precautionary steps to avert exposure. Some common workplace teratogens include:
· Lead: Lead factory workers as well as those who work on heavily traveled roads may experience significant lead exposure.
· Ionizing Radiation: X-ray techs and laboratory researchers who work with machinery that gives off ionizing radiation are at most risk Note that radiation from computers, microwave ovens, and color TVs emit another type of radiation, classified as nonionizing, and non-harmful.
· Chemotherapy Drugs: Exposure may be experienced by a variety of health care workers.
Professionals point out the urgency in familiarizing yourself with your work environment and the potential perils that may surround you. Consult with your employer and your physician to determine the best course of action for you, you pregnancy, and your baby…and whether or not it’s safe for you to continue to work.
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Long Island Money & Careers Articles
Part 3 - Proceed With Caution: Work Place Hazards To Avoid