I found and wanted to share this little antibiotic ointment
alternative! I haven't had the chance to make it yet, but will be soon! My SO
is not one for using medical anything, and I'm lucky when I can get him to wash
an abrasion off with some peroxide. He can't stand anything commercial or
synthetic. Hopefully this will keep an infection or two out of my home, and yours
This is a quick and simple recipe for an antiseptic ointment
that you can keep on hand for all of the scraps and cuts that come with life.
All of your ingredients are:
1 ½ ounces of grated beeswax
1 cup of coconut oil
¼ teaspoon of vitamin E oil
½ teaspoon tea tree oil (antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiotic)
10 drops lemon essential oil (again; antibacterial,
antiviral, and antibiotic)
20 drops of lavender essential oil (ditto plus pain relief)
In a double boiler or small pot, melt your coconut and
beeswax together. Once it is fully melted, remove it from the heat source and
add your vitamin E and other oils to the mix. Stir well. Pour your mixture into
sterilized containers (2 oz mason jars work perfectly) and leave them someplace
safe to cool and harden.
When you store your antibiotic balm in a cool, dark place it
keeps for up to 5 years!

Posted on Aug 19 2013 2:40PM
By LIFamilies