So, apparently, Fridays are going to be my awesome craft
days! I’m more than okay with that. This was another super simple craft I found
that made me just think, “Wow, that’s so cool and even I can do it!” It’s
always great to have an extra idea or two in your arsenal to keep your children
(or nieces and nephews or neighbors!) occupied and exploring outdoors. So what
are this week’s antics?! Pebble Plaques!
For your decorations and designs on these mosaic-esque
plaques first you'll need to collect as many shells, stones and pebbles as you
can stand. The more pebbles the better. You're going to want to have plenty to
not only create patterns with, but also to keep with whatever theme you may
have going when decorating.

With all of your “shinies” collected, you’re now ready to
make your super easy plaques. All you'll need from your kitchen is:
3 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 ¼ cups water (plus a little additional, as needed)
In an electric mixer, combine all ingredients at a medium
speed until a ball of dough forms. If your mixture is going for a little while
and still seems clumpy, not is when you should add a little extra water, ¼ cup
at a time as needed.
Take your dough ball out and kneed it until it’s smooth.
Divide it into three equal pieces and ball each section. Place each ball on
foil and flatten it into a disk (not too thin, you’ll want it about ½ - 2/3
inch thick). Press your stones into the disks however you’d like.
When you’re done, just transfer your disks onto a cookie
sheet and throw it in the oven at 275 degrees for about 2 hours. When you take
them out, let them cool completely, and then check the pebble/stones/shells. If
any seem loose, remove them and add a drop of sturdy glue beneath, before
replacing them.

Craft idea and photo borrowed from Parents.
Posted on Aug 9 2013 10:31AM
By LIFamilies