Okay, ladies, once and a while we need to talk about the
less fun topics in life. One such unpleasantry is PMS. Those three simple
letters not only make us cringe, and also tend to make our loved ones
(especially our SOs) want to run and hide. There’s nothing enjoyable about the cramps and
coursing hormones associated with premenstrual syndrome, but there are a couple
simple ways that we can fight back.
Okay, this may sound contradictory (considering how many
cravings you have during PMS), but try to keep you sugar intake to a minimum.
It may calm that sweet tooth, but it can actually worsen the symptoms that are
driving you nuts. Simple sugars increase inflammation, making those cramps feel
even worse.
Cut down on your salt and caffeine consumption, as well.
Salt makes you bloat by causing you to retain water…when you’re PMSing you’re
already retaining water, so salt it making it even worse. Caffeine can make
your more irritable and your breasts tenderer. Cutting it out makes you
naturally feel that much better.
Make sure to rest up and de-stress. When you’re relaxed and
refreshed, you’re more adequately prepared to deal with the waves of hormones
that course through your body this time of the month. That way they won’t have
quite so much power over your day.
Keep yourself moving and exercise. When you keep going, you
fight the cramps and PMS day blues with the endorphin rush that you create.
Don’t be afraid to supplement. I know you likely try to stay
away from pills as much as possible, but sometimes a supplement or two goes a
long way to help. Calcium supplements help reduce many of your symptoms.
Magnesium and B complex vitamins also help to relieve some of the hormonal
effects, as well.
Posted on Dec 12 2013 11:15AM
By LIFamilies