I am absolutely loving the weather this week! The nights are
coming on a little bit sooner, the skies are clear and beautiful, and the
crisp, cooler air has me waiting on baited breath for fall! If you’re looking
for a little bit of outdoor loving, too, here’s a simple, starry night project
to get the little ones outside on the deck/patio/porch for just a little bit
longer! (Or you can be a cool kid, like me, and do it for yourself and SO: no
kids needed to enjoy!)
I’ve seen these called starry night jars, star jars, and
fairy jar. I just call them awesome. And they’re so simple that it will only
take you a couple of minutes to complete. There are two different methods, so I’ll
mention both. For either you’ll need your jars of choice (I love large mason
jars). You will then need either glow sticks (the big ones from the camping
section) or glow in the dark paint. For a finishing touch you can also include
silver glitter.
For a glow stick jar, simply crack your glow stick as usual
and shake the contents together. Once it’s glowing, though, carefully cut off
the tip of the stick and empty it into your jar. Add a pinch or two of glitter,
close the lid on top, and shake to your heart’s content! You now have your
bright, starry night jar! ((The plus of this version – the jar glows brighter
and immediately. The down side – it is only a temporary project, through it can
possibly be prolonged for a second night by putting it in the freezer when you’re
done using it the first night))
Another version of the glowing jar utilizes glow in the dark
paint. Just like the jar above, just add a squirt/glob or two of glow paint to
your jar with a pinch of glitter, Add the lid and shake it up good. Let your
paint dry and then get it under a good light source. Once it’s “fully charged”
head outside with your new glowing lantern. ((Plus side – these jars are a permanent
project that can be used night after night. Down side – they need to be charged
under a light source and then recharged when their glow starts to fade.))
No matter which jar you choose to make, just be sure to take
them outside and enjoy awesomeness of early fall nights!

Posted on Sep 20 2013 1:49PM
By LIFamilies