I am always looking for fun ideas and activities that are
super simple to share…and this one made me squeal a little bit. Okay, maybe it's
just my generation, but when I happened upon a “Flubber” recipe that I could
make in less than 10 minutes, I got down-right giddy! Here’s a fun idea to maybe try
this weekend if we end up stuck inside again. (Or you can always take it
outside, too, if it gets nice enough out!)
So you need to set this up in two parts. The first is
in one bowl combine and mix the following well; 2 cups of Elmer’s glue, ¼ cup
of warm water, and food coloring of your choice.
In a second bowl, combine and mix well; 3 teaspoons of Borax
and 1 cup of warm water.
Next, pour your first mixture into the second…and that’s it.
It’s supposed to do all of the rest of the work itself. Once it forms a big
glob with just a little bit of water on top pour the extra water off, and then
knead if for a minute or two. That’s it! You can enjoy your
flubber fun and store it in an airtight container when you’re done to save for
another day!

(Image source)
Posted on Feb 21 2014 10:08AM
By LIFamilies