I’m always looking for new options for safely cleaning my
(and your) home. I don’t have little ones of my own, yet, but I do live with 2
(sometimes 3) four legged children who are into everything and always licking
everything. Because of this, I try to stick as natural as possible with my
cleaning products. And let’s face it, I also try to be as frugal as possible, and
usually home-made cleaners tend to be a lot easier on my pocket book than store
bought ones are, too! Especially the organic, healthier store bought cleaners.
Here are a couple new recipes I just found to try all around the house.
For your mirrors, in an empty spray bottle, just combine 1 ½
cups of water with ½ cup of vinegar. Add 5 to 10 drops of lemon essential oil
if you would like to add a fragrance, as well as extra cleansing/disinfecting

Keep your toilet clean and chemical free with straight vinegar.
When you want to sanitize and deodorize your toilet, pour a little (or a lot)
of scented or regular vinegar straight into the bowl. Keep additional vinegar
in a spray bottle to wipe down the seat. When you need an extra scrub, sprinkle
baking soda into the bowl and scrub it around with a sturdy brush.

For a great disinfectant for walls, door-knobs, toys, etc
(anything that hands and mouths may touch) make a diluted vinegar spray of equal
parts vinegar and water. To keep your home from smelling like a salad (as mine
often does) add a couple drops of your favorite essential oil to keep your home
smelling fresh and clean.

For your floors and countertops, a castile soap mixture
will do the trick. This also works great on your walls, too, when you just need
to brighten them up and not disinfect. Add 2 to 4 tablespoons of castile soap
and 10 drops of lemon essential oil to a gallon of hot water. Stir well and you’re
ready to go. If your floors or countertops are greasy, add an additional 1/8
cup of vinegar to the mix, as well.

Posted on Jan 23 2014 12:07PM
By LIFamilies