I’m obsessed with finding ways to “multi-purpose” the items
that are already regular household essential, especially anything that can be
added to my natural cleanser arsenal (case in point: my obsession with apple
cider vinegar). One such kitchen essential “power tool” is baking soda! Now we
already know that many toothpastes and detergents already boast that they have
baking soda as one of their main active ingredients, but you can skip the
middle man and use the real deal for many of your cleansing needs! Here are
some of my new favorite uses!
Stubborn, burnt on food in your pot? Sprinkle with a
generous amount of baking soda and cover with hot water. Let it sit for an hour
or so, and when you come back you should notice that the food has
loosen/relatively lifted for much easier cleaning. Got most of it off, but
there’s still a stubborn spot or two? Repeat the process rather than scrubbing
your night away!
Want to brighten your clothing and keep the colors? Add a ½ a
cup to your wash as you start it, along with ½ the recommended amount of laundry
detergent (meaning your also save on detergent!).
Stuck on stains in the kitchen or bathroom? Make a gentle
scrubbing paste with 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water. Scrub on, let it sit
and rinse away. Repeat as needed.
Want a gentle, chemical-free to clean and brighten your
toilet? Sprinkle straight into the bowl (as you would a soft scrub, such as
Comet) and scrub away your stains. Allow to set for about an hour (or until the
toilet is needed) before flushing to brighten and deodorize!
Your grandmother and mother were right about an open box in
the refrigerator! Keep a bowl full on one of your shelves, or sprinkle some at
the bottom of your garbage pail, to absorb the majority of odors.

Posted on Jul 16 2014 11:26AM
By LIFamilies