I love buying eyeshadow makeup palettes. At this point it's almost a sickness (especially considering how seldom I wear makeup), and we're not talking Wet n Wild: I'm probably single handedly keeping our local Sephora in business. I wouldn't have a problem...with my problem...if all of the colors were being well used and loved. Let's face it, though, there are always used colors in every palette, and just as many that sit by thoroughly neglected. For me, more often than not, it's because the colors are just too dark for my taste. What do you do with those colors, then? I found the perfect remedy for your otherwise wasted colors: expand your nailpolish collection, instead!
All you need is a short sharp blade (think razor blade, box cutter, exacto knife, etc), a toothpick, bottles of clear nail polish (one per color), a piece of paper, and your unused eyeshadows.
On the sheet of paper you're going to use your blade to scrape off, dig out, crunch up and crush your eyeshadow into as fine a powder as you can get it. You can also fold the paper in half over it and crush it that way, as well. You then fold the paper to funnel/slide the shadow dust into your clear nail polish. Use a toothpick to help thoroughly stir all of the powder into your polish, recover and shake it well. Vuala! You have a new nail polish. It should only take about the usual 2 coats to get it to it's true color. Remember to give your bottles a good shake before each use to ensure the pigment is completely dispersed!

Posted on Jun 10 2014 10:57AM
By LIFamilies