So I just saw this on one of my favorite blogs and hope it
works for me, too! Did you know that it’s possible to “unshrink” your favorite
clothes?! I absolutely loath shrinking pants legs. I’m 5’10” to begin with, so
as my jeans and sweatpants start to shrink they almost instantly become way too
short to wear (I also absolutely loath “high-waters” as we always called). Here’s
hopefully a solution to help my wardrobe last a while longer.
Fill up your sink with lukewarm water and a capful of baby
shampoo. Allow your clothing item to soak for a while in the solution. Remove
the item and wring it out gently. **Don’t rinse it out.**
Next, lay the item out on a dry towel, and roll it up
(absorbing that excess water out of it). Get another dry towel and repeat that
step. Once you’ve done it a second time, unroll the cloth and towel, laying it
out to dry the rest of the way. As it’s drying, gently stretch the item out,
little by little, to its original size/length. Once it’s dry, try it on to see
how close to un-shrunk you’ve gotten it! If you need to unshrink it a little
more do the usual “rinse & repeat.”

Posted on Mar 20 2014 2:56PM
By LIFamilies