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Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Just need to vent about insurance companies!
So, yesterday, State Farm, whom DH has been with since he was 16, decided to tell us they may not be able to give us a homeowner's policy b/c we didn't have steps leading from our sliding glass doors to the backyard in our new home. Why they are having difficulty with this when the TITLE REPORT stated the house was fine in all areas and acceptable for sale is beyond me.
They added that no insurance co. would be able to insure the house if this issue was not taken care of.
And then added that the roof looks a little dirty from pollen, etc and we will need to clean it to get the policy.
So, me, being the logical thinker, wanted to call a few other insurance companies to get price quotes, etc. DH, on the other hand, wants to STILL deal with State Farm. So, he deals with the rep here in PJS and tells her that if they are going to give us any hassle on this, then he's taking our car insurance policies elsewhere, along with homeowner's. So, State Farm said not to do anything and spent the next 45 minutes and 3 phone calls later dealing with this issue. Needless to say, they are giving us the policy only IF we installed steps by March 1.
So, DH went to Lowes last night and bought the materials and we're going to install them as soon as possible once we talk with the homeowner.
I just want to scream - Allstate is no longer offering new homeowner insurance policies. And I'd rather deal with someone else, but I've wasted so much time arguing with DH, I just don't want to deal with this anymore!
And to top it off - State Farm said that no insurance co. would insure us.....well, our seller bought our hosue 9 months ago, and he has a policy on the house! And there were NEVER stairs in the back! So, W T F!
I hate insurance companies!
Posted 1/18/07 9:29 AM |
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Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
I really think you should talk to some other ins. companies, why is Bob being so subborn about it? Is it a safety issue? How high is the door off the ground?
Posted 1/18/07 9:36 AM |
Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
Posted by SweetTooth
I really think you should talk to some other ins. companies, why is Bob being so subborn about it? Is it a safety issue? How high is the door off the ground?
His father went to the house this morning to measure - it needs 3 steps (they bought two last night). I honestly didn't measure outside, b/c it was something Bob and I were going to deal with this summer/fall when we had more money.
It got the point last night, that one of us had to leave the apt (me) to get away from the arguing. So I went for a 15 minute drive to calm down.
Posted 1/18/07 9:40 AM |
Member since 8/06 4376 total posts
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
That's annoying! I'd call Filos in Long Beach. They work with several companies and I'm sure they can find a policy for you, just so you have other options.
Posted 1/18/07 9:41 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
What?! I hope you guys get this resolved...I swear...if it's not one part of this whole process that's's another.
Posted 1/18/07 9:41 AM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
i will say that they are correct about the steps. Any doors or sliding glass doors that you have, you are required to have steps for each of them in order to obtain a C.O. on a new house. On an old house, it is a new requirement as well.
Posted 1/18/07 9:43 AM |
Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
Posted by aliwnec10
i will say that they are correct about the steps. Any doors or sliding glass doors that you have, you are required to have steps for each of them in order to obtain a C.O. on a new house. On an old house, it is a new requirement as well.
The Title Co. actually told us that everything was fine as is. The owner is a construction developer as well, and although this is an old house, no steps were required.
And CO's are not required for cement, only for decks that are wood and more than 3 feet wide.
We looked into this extensively before contracts were signed by calling the Town of Brookhaven accessors office, development office, etc and they all said the same thing to us - steps weren't needed, so we didn't make it a contract issue.
But now it's an insurance issue? And the roof is dirty and that's an issue! Give me a break!!!!!!
Posted 1/18/07 9:48 AM |
Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06 13519 total posts
Name: Kerry
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
we are using Nationwide. I found them to be very easy to work with.
I can understand the steps, but the roof being dirty shouldn't deny you from a policy.
The reason for the steps is pure liability. God forbid somebody falls, its there pockets & yours that would be paying out. I know its annoying but that's how they work.
Posted 1/18/07 9:57 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/06 1305 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
I just wanted to say, don't stress, we had the same issues with a step problem and not having a railing, it's not StateFarms fault, it's policy across the board. Trust me, we learned too! And the railing looks nice actually.
Posted 1/18/07 9:58 AM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
Posted by PotofLuck06
Posted by aliwnec10
i will say that they are correct about the steps. Any doors or sliding glass doors that you have, you are required to have steps for each of them in order to obtain a C.O. on a new house. On an old house, it is a new requirement as well.
The Title Co. actually told us that everything was fine as is. The owner is a construction developer as well, and although this is an old house, no steps were required.
And CO's are not required for cement, only for decks that are wood and more than 3 feet wide.
We looked into this extensively before contracts were signed by calling the Town of Brookhaven accessors office, development office, etc and they all said the same thing to us - steps weren't needed, so we didn't make it a contract issue.
But now it's an insurance issue? And the roof is dirty and that's an issue! Give me a break!!!!!!
I'm sorry that you're going through this. I didn't mean to get you upset. I know it's aggravating. But unfortunately steps aren't required for the contracts to be signed, but for insurance... they are. Just like insurance companies won't insure your pool unless you fill the requirements (it being fenced in, etc). It's all about liability.
Message edited 1/18/2007 10:13:29 AM.
Posted 1/18/07 10:12 AM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
Posted by PotofLuck06
Posted by aliwnec10
i will say that they are correct about the steps. Any doors or sliding glass doors that you have, you are required to have steps for each of them in order to obtain a C.O. on a new house. On an old house, it is a new requirement as well.
The Title Co. actually told us that everything was fine as is. The owner is a construction developer as well, and although this is an old house, no steps were required.
And CO's are not required for cement, only for decks that are wood and more than 3 feet wide.
We looked into this extensively before contracts were signed by calling the Town of Brookhaven accessors office, development office, etc and they all said the same thing to us - steps weren't needed, so we didn't make it a contract issue.
But now it's an insurance issue? And the roof is dirty and that's an issue! Give me a break!!!!!!
Like Kerry said this is strictly a liability issue-has nothing to do with title ins. Title insurance covers you for previous owners coming back and laying claim to your property. I also use Nationwide and teh rep is great John CaLi indenhurst
Posted 1/18/07 10:13 AM |
Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
I know you girls are right, and I'm not snapping at any of you in particular, but I just find it frustrating that we learn this AFTER the title and contracts are all signed and dealt with and explained that everything is fine, we just need a homeowner's policy.
Posted 1/18/07 10:27 AM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
Posted by PotofLuck06
I know you girls are right, and I'm not snapping at any of you in particular, but I just find it frustrating that we learn this AFTER the title and contracts are all signed and dealt with and explained that everything is fine, we just need a homeowner's policy.
Oh i know how you feel. While building our house, various things have come up that caught us off guard. And you sit there going... "how did no one know we had to do this?!?! Why didn't anyone warn us about this?" It's frustrating, annoying, migraine worthy, etc. But it does go away and will get easier so hang in there!
Posted 1/18/07 10:28 AM |
Enjoying wedded bliss.....

Member since 4/06 1323 total posts
Name: Katrina
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
I have call in for insurance quotes tons of times and have never been asked about these types of things....just price/value of house, location of fire dept., security devices in the home etc.
Posted 1/18/07 11:41 AM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
Im sorry you are dealing with this but unfortunately, the company is stating this due to the fact that it is a risk and a dangerous one, that could cause problems down the rd if you dont add steps. Liability issues or medical.
Normally a company dosent necessaryily ask these questions and because you were a faithful customer, they bound coverage for you needed for your closing. During that time, a rep goes out to take pics of the house, FRONT and BACK and sends them off with application which at the time, should of tipped off underwriting about your step/deck situation.
Oh and I also work for SF, HTH.
Posted 1/18/07 1:07 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
The title insurance is not very strict when it comes to rules and laws. I had no problem getting mine, buying the house or even insurance. Now that I am getting a permit to do work on my house, the town is scrutinizing everything! I have to move my shed, get a permit for it and cut my deck back four feet.
None of these (title ins., town, bank, ins, etc) has anything to do with the other. The insurance is separate, and they have their own requirements.
Posted 1/18/07 7:36 PM |
My bunny
Member since 5/06 8777 total posts
Name: Meaghan
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
State Farm didnt look at our house until After we closed....
but at any time they could have driven past your house and said they didnt like something - so maybe its best it is now!
Posted 1/18/07 8:32 PM |
Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: Just need to vent about insurance companies!
Posted by Meaghan729
State Farm didnt look at our house until After we closed....
but at any time they could have driven past your house and said they didnt like something - so maybe its best it is now!
What agent did you use Meaghan?
Posted 1/18/07 9:04 PM |