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Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

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Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Wait until you read this. Any advice is welcomed! TIA

I wanted to write and tell you how shocked and disappointed I am at the treatment I received from one of your employees during my tenure at X. I began working at X in November xx, 2006. I was hired in the XX position. During my time there I was a conscientious employee and was under the impression that I was doing a very good job. I was never reprimanded or written up or even told verbally that my work was not up to par. I was, however, discriminated against because of my physical appearance and condition. Around the holidays, we were invited to attend a few luncheons. The first time I was invited to go in Mr. XX's car. I did so and when we arrived at the restaurant the car was parked far from the entrance. I have back and knee problems and it is hard for me to walk briskly so I walked at my own pace behind the others. Mr XX told me that I needed to "Keep up with the young girls if I wanted to work there. " I was offended by this comment and thought it was inappropriate but decided to let it go in the interest of job security.At various other times during my tenure, comments were made by Mr. XX regarding people who had disabilities or were overweight. Specifically he spoke of XX XX, who has a pronounced limp and expressed happiness that he wasn't "stuck with her." I was appalled at these comments. but again didn't say anything because i needed my job. On Thursday, January 25, 2007, I was called into Mr XX's office my our HR manager, Mrs. XX. He informed me they were letting me go and said I was a failure(please consult with Mrs. XX as she has a record of this conversation) I responded that I did not think I was a failure and he said, "Well, you failed." I thought again, this was extremely inappropriate behavior. I am a college graduate with two Masters degrees, including an MBA and I have 25 years of experience in the insurance industry. As a division of one of the largest banks in the country, I would think there was a consistent process in place to let someone go.

Mr. XX, I am sure you realize that these comments are neither acceptable nor appropriate in the workplace. Since I was never once made aware of dissatisfaction with my performance, verbally or through the proper channels such as a write up, I can only assume that I was forced out because of my physical limitations, which are totally unrelated to job acumen. I am single and take care of my elderly mother and need to have a reliable income. I feel for the treatment I have suffered I should receive at least 12 months of severance pay and benefits paid in the same manner as they were when I was employed or I will be forced to seek recourse through legal channels. I also believe Mr. XX should have to go through some intense training on professionalism and appropriate workplace behavior. I hope I have impressed upon you how upsetting and degrading the treatment was I received while in your employ. I know the laws of the United States are in place to protect people in my position and I have no issues with addressing this in this manner should we not be able to come to a mutual resolution. Thank you for your time and prompt attention to this matter.

ETA: This is a division of a VERY large company. You all know them. I know she probably won't get 12 months severance but I want them to negotiate with her. Also this will be written to the corporate head of HR

Message edited 1/29/2007 12:19:20 PM.

Posted 1/29/07 12:17 PM
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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Don't even send it. Get your attorney involved. If those things are true, that is discrimination. Does your mom have written backup?

Posted 1/29/07 12:19 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

I am appauled. I am so sorry that your mom has to deal with this. I think her letter is great, and her demands are reasonable. I also think that she needs to get HRs policy on job performance as it pertains to termination of emplyment.

Chat Icon

ETA: She should consult a labor attorney before doing anything though. Sending the letter on her own might give them enough time to "find" things to back up their claim.

Message edited 1/29/2007 12:22:52 PM.

Posted 1/29/07 12:20 PM

J'taime Paris!

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Chat Icon Chat Icon OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 1/29/07 12:20 PM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Your poor mom! Who is she sending the letter to? Someone in HR?

Posted 1/29/07 12:21 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

I think your mom should seek legal advice based on discrimination. He fired her because shes overweight? Thats a little harsh.

Posted 1/29/07 12:21 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Chat Icon Great letter!...but I would def seek legal action, that is disgusting how she was treated!

Message edited 1/29/2007 12:22:27 PM.

Posted 1/29/07 12:21 PM

I am what I am

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by MsMBV

I am appauled. I am so sorry that your mom has to deal with this. I think her letter is great, and her demands are reasonable. I also think that she needs to get HRs policy on job performance as it pertains to termination of emplyment.

Chat Icon

ETA: She should consult a labor attorney before doing anything though. Sending the letter on her own might give them enough time to "find" things to back up their claim.

I completely agree with this. Dont even send the letter. Go straight to an attorney. Good luck and keep us posted. Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 12:25 PM

can hardly wait

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

I would have your mother talk to an attorney and someone at the equal employment opportunity commission.

Posted 1/29/07 12:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by MrsTC

Don't even send it. Get your attorney involved. If those things are true, that is discrimination. Does your mom have written backup?

I totally agree with this.

Message edited 1/14/2008 11:07:53 PM.

Posted 1/29/07 12:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by Nicole728

Chat Icon Great letter!...but I would def seek legal action, that is disgusting how she was treated!

i agree.. get legal involved... i have back and leg problems which has made it hard for me to even find a pt. job.. so i can understand how she feels in every wayChat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 12:28 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

two thoughts
1. i don't think there is enough in this letter to prove discrimination
2. Is GA a right to work state? If so, she was within her first 90 days so rge company might hide behind that.

I wish your mom a ton of luck and I am sorry she is going thru this.

edited to correct state

Message edited 1/29/2007 12:38:05 PM.

Posted 1/29/07 12:35 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

wow, great letter mel, I wanted to write that a$$hole that called her a failure a letter but this is MUCH better....way to go. I am still mad about what he said to mom, how dare someone talk to someone else like that Chat Icon

Message edited 1/29/2007 12:36:48 PM.

Posted 1/29/07 12:36 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Hmmm she lives in Atlanta and she is kind of scared I guess to do the whole legal thing. I wrote this for her. I agree with you all. The only thing that should be written is the "failure" commentChat Icon The HR woman from her office was there taking notes. The comment made to her about keeping up no one else heard. The comment about the other woman other people heard but my Mom thinks they won't say anything because they don't want to lose their jobs. Maybe I'll call a couple of attorneys down there for her. She is not very aggressive. I got that from my DadChat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 12:36 PM

Mom of 3

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

I think the letter is good, but it would have much more weight if it came from a lawyer. The company is more likely to offer her something if they really believe your mom will take legal action. Plus, talking to an employment lawyer will give her a better idea as to whether she has a strong case. Keep us updated. Good luck. Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 12:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

If you choose to send it I'd take out the part about caring for her elderly mother. They may use that as an excuse - she was preoccupied, had to take time off for dr's appts, whatever. My mom's company still makes comments about work life balance and my grandmother has been out of my mom's house and in a nursing home for 1.5 years. Her boss is just unwilling to see that many of her staffers are overworked, it's easier to say they can't handle the stress. Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 1:04 PM

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by Woodsy

Posted by MrsTC

Don't even send it. Get your attorney involved. If those things are true, that is discrimination. Does your mom have written backup?

I totally agree with this. (And I am an employment side, though.)
Good luck.

From an HR standpoint, I agree. Tell her to contact her local EEOC office and a labor attorney immediately.

Showing them your case beforehand isn't prudent. Particularly where she continually doesn't say anything re: discrimination or unfair treament.

Hugs to your mom!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 1:04 PM

My life:)

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

I agree with the above posters as to the difficulty of proving "discrimination". It depends what kind of "failure" they were referring to...were they referring to specific projects that she had "failed" to complete, implement, etc. or were they referring to her a "failure" for other reasons...perhaps physical. This is going to be very hard for you mom to prove. I dont know if I would send this may raise a red flag and they might try to cover it up somehow...I would consult an attorney.

I am appalled and disgusted by the way large industries treat their workers these days...Im so sorry your mom is going through thisChat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 1:07 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

She has 180 days to file a claim as per GA DOL law. Without question she will get a better settlement if she gets a labor attorney. She'll still have to file a claim but an attorney should guide her through the process

Filing a Charge of Employment Discrimination

Charge Filing Procedures for the Atlanta District Office
The Atlanta office's hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you have an employment discrimination question or if you wish to file a charge, please call the EEOC National Contact Center toll-free at 1-800-669-4000 or 1-800-669-6820 (TTY). You may also write the office at Sam Nunn New Federal Building, 100 Alabama Street, S.W., Suite 4R30, Atlanta, GA 30303.

While no appointment is needed to file a charge in person, please contact the office if you are traveling a long distance or have limited time to verify that EEOC has jurisdiction and determine the best time to visit the office. In an effort to provide better customer service, EEOC staff may conduct either an interview in the EEOC office or a telephone interview. Although less time may be required, please allow at least 1 to 2 hours for an office visit. To avoid delay, please let the office know beforehand if you need special assistance, such as an interpreter, to file a charge.

Individuals who are interested in filing charges of discrimination are initially screened by an EEOC representative to determine whether your employment experiences are covered by the laws EEOC enforces. The EEOC representative will ask questions about your allegations, about the evidence available to support the allegations, and about jurisdiction (whether the charge is timely, and the employer, charging party and subject matter are covered under the statutes enforced by EEOC).

Our staff will advise you whether your employment concern is covered by EEOC. If it is not covered, you will be provided with information on where you might receive assistance. If covered by EEOC, you will be advised on the procedures for filing a charge of employment discrimination with EEOC.

When filing a charge with EEOC, individuals should be prepared to provide the following information:

The name, address, and telephone number of the person filing the charge;
The name, address, and telephone number of the company, employment agency, or union that the charge is filed against, and the number of employees (or union members), if known;
A short description of the event(s) with supporting documentation (if any) which caused the person filing the charge to believe that his or her rights were violated;
The date(s) the event(s) took place;
The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any witnesses;
Whether the individual has filed the same or similar charge with a state or local fair employment practice agency; and
The name, address, and telephone number of a person who always knows where to contact the person wishing to file a charge.
Please be sure to read our information on time limits for filing a charge.

Posted 1/29/07 1:14 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by MST9106

I agree with the above posters as to the difficulty of proving "discrimination". It depends what kind of "failure" they were referring to...were they referring to specific projects that she had "failed" to complete, implement, etc. or were they referring to her a "failure" for other reasons...perhaps physical. This is going to be very hard for you mom to prove. I dont know if I would send this may raise a red flag and they might try to cover it up somehow...I would consult an attorney.

I am appalled and disgusted by the way large industries treat their workers these days...Im so sorry your mom is going through thisChat Icon

he was referring to her as a failure-this guy is obviously a moron. She never took a day off and never took off to care for her Mother. I am encouraging her to talk to an atty but she is not really up for it. I figured the letter would put them on notice that there was a n issue with this guy and also make them cough up some more severance(she only got 2 weeks)

Posted 1/29/07 1:45 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

I feel absolutely terrible for your mother. She must be a very strong woman. I do agree with the other women though, she should have an attorney send this for her. That IS discrimination. Best of luck and I hope you keep us posted. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 1:48 PM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by MrsTC

Don't even send it. Get your attorney involved. If those things are true, that is discrimination. Does your mom have written backup?

I agree.

Posted 1/29/07 1:49 PM

This is gonna be a good year!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by LFitzy79

I would have your mother talk to an attorney and someone at the equal employment opportunity commission.

agreed. consult an attorney before sending the letter, you dont want to send it and them think you're just trying to extort money from them (i'll keep quiet if you pay me kinda thing). tell an attorney and ask for their advice as to the next steps to take. i know you know a bunch of attorneys melissa!!! Chat Icon good luck and keep us posted!

Posted 1/29/07 1:56 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by alnem

Posted by LFitzy79

I would have your mother talk to an attorney and someone at the equal employment opportunity commission.

agreed. consult an attorney before sending the letter, you dont want to send it and them think you're just trying to extort money from them (i'll keep quiet if you pay me kinda thing). tell an attorney and ask for their advice as to the next steps to take. i know you know a bunch of attorneys melissa!!! Chat Icon good luck and keep us posted!

But it has to be a Georgia atty. I don't know anyone who is licensed in GA and NY. Only Fl or NJChat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 2:10 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Read my letter! On behalf of my Mom-she got fired!

Posted by nrthshgrl

She has 180 days to file a claim as per GA DOL law. Without question she will get a better settlement if she gets a labor attorney. She'll still have to file a claim but an attorney should guide her through the process

Filing a Charge of Employment Discrimination

Charge Filing Procedures for the Atlanta District Office
The Atlanta office's hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you have an employment discrimination question or if you wish to file a charge, please call the EEOC National Contact Center toll-free at 1-800-669-4000 or 1-800-669-6820 (TTY). You may also write the office at Sam Nunn New Federal Building, 100 Alabama Street, S.W., Suite 4R30, Atlanta, GA 30303.

While no appointment is needed to file a charge in person, please contact the office if you are traveling a long distance or have limited time to verify that EEOC has jurisdiction and determine the best time to visit the office. In an effort to provide better customer service, EEOC staff may conduct either an interview in the EEOC office or a telephone interview. Although less time may be required, please allow at least 1 to 2 hours for an office visit. To avoid delay, please let the office know beforehand if you need special assistance, such as an interpreter, to file a charge.

Individuals who are interested in filing charges of discrimination are initially screened by an EEOC representative to determine whether your employment experiences are covered by the laws EEOC enforces. The EEOC representative will ask questions about your allegations, about the evidence available to support the allegations, and about jurisdiction (whether the charge is timely, and the employer, charging party and subject matter are covered under the statutes enforced by EEOC).

Our staff will advise you whether your employment concern is covered by EEOC. If it is not covered, you will be provided with information on where you might receive assistance. If covered by EEOC, you will be advised on the procedures for filing a charge of employment discrimination with EEOC.

When filing a charge with EEOC, individuals should be prepared to provide the following information:

The name, address, and telephone number of the person filing the charge;
The name, address, and telephone number of the company, employment agency, or union that the charge is filed against, and the number of employees (or union members), if known;
A short description of the event(s) with supporting documentation (if any) which caused the person filing the charge to believe that his or her rights were violated;
The date(s) the event(s) took place;
The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any witnesses;
Whether the individual has filed the same or similar charge with a state or local fair employment practice agency; and
The name, address, and telephone number of a person who always knows where to contact the person wishing to file a charge.
Please be sure to read our information on time limits for filing a charge.

Thanks Barb. I responded to your FMChat Icon

Posted 1/29/07 2:11 PM
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