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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Ladies - he NEVER cried more than 10 minutes on the worst night! I spoke with my daycare center - by law, they are never allowed to let a baby cry in the crib for more than 15 minutes. I have taken a shower when he was sleeping, and come out to him screaming - he could have done it for the entire 20-30 minute shower for all I know. That is during the day. Crying happens sometimes.... I do the best I can, but I am alone with him for 10-12 hours a day - DH works from morning til night. If we don't get some sleep during the nightime, at some point I will have to let him cry more than necessary, and I wanted to avoid that at all costs....

I am not asking him to sleep thru the night - just to get SOME sleep - even 2 hr stretches. Just not up every half hour....

during the day, he naps at very consistent times. I fill our day with a diverse amount of activities - walks, car rides, visits to friends, families, nearby villages and parks, activity mat, swing time, alone time for both of us. We nap together in the wee hours of morning as well. Cailen is the happiest little baby I have ever seen - he smiles and giggles already at 6 wks old. I must be doing something right! Chat Icon

My doctor told me that I needed to get him out of the bouncy seat (where he slept the best) and try to get him out of some patterns I already started with his sleeping... I did speak with him about this. I just wasn't ready to address it yet because I feel guilty about going back to work and putting him in daycare, and wanted to hold him all night when he cried for my own issues. I realized it wasn't fair to any of us, buckled down, and decided to do the right thing for everyone.

I am an educated and responsible person. I am a behavior specialist, and most of all - I'm a mother. I would NEVER do anything to harm or traumatize my baby. Maybe its hard to tell from my post, which I can understand, but I think many of you can tell from my thousands of posts here that I am a humane, caring, and loving person. I know that I was going to get some disagreements, and thats ok. I just wanted to share this with moms who are having difficulty getting their baby to sleep.

I welcome everyone's advice and opinions - if not for me than for others reading so they can get all iopinions and sides to this. There are no right or wrong answers here.

Parenthood is ALL about making mistakes, learning from trial and error, and figuring this whole complex thing out ourselves, and with support and guidance from those that have done it before. But, throughout history, babies have been raised all sorts of ways. Books come out every minute with a different approach and philosophy. You will find an expert for every type of way to raise a child imaginable.

I have no problem putting what I do out there for people to share and learn from - thats why I am here. But remember - none of us are really experts on anyone except our own child - if that much! Chat Icon Few of us are doctors on here, and although some of us are educators (and in my case - very knoweledgeable on behavior and child development) we are still going to be at a loss at what to do when it comes to our little one screaming at all times of day and night!

I love hearing from all of you, and never get offended or upset at being questioned. I am confident in what I do and who I am - but I didn't want anyone to think that what I'm doing is neglect by any stretch of the imagination!

Message edited 5/15/2007 12:24:13 PM.

Posted 5/15/07 12:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Ladies - he NEVER cried more than 10 minutes on the worst night! I spoke with my daycare center - by law, they are never allowed to let a baby cry in the crib for more than 15 minutes. I have taken a shower when he was sleeping, and come out to him screaming - he could have done it for the entire 20-30 minute shower for all I know. That is during the day. Crying happens sometimes.... I do the best I can, but I am alone with him for 10-12 hours a day - DH works from morning til night. If we don't get some sleep during the nightime, at some point I will have to let him cry more than necessary, and I wanted to avoid that at all costs....

I am not asking him to sleep thru the night - just to get SOME sleep - even 2 hr stretches. Just not up every half hour....

during the day, he naps at very consistent times. I fill our day with a diverse amount of activities - walks, car rides, visits to friends, families, nearby villages and parks, activity mat, swing time, alone time for both of us. We nap together in the wee hours of morning as well. Cailen is the happiest little baby I have ever seen - he smiles and giggles already at 6 wks old. I must be doing something right! Chat Icon

My doctor told me that I needed to get him out of the bouncy seat (where he slept the best) and try to get him out of some patterns I already started with his sleeping... I did speak with him about this. I just wasn't ready to address it yet because I feel guilty about going back to work and putting him in daycare, and wanted to hold him all night when he cried for my own issues. I realized it wasn't fair to any of us, buckled down, and decided to do the right thing for everyone.

I am an educated and responsible person. I am a behavior specialist, and most of all - I'm a mother. I would NEVER do anything to harm or traumatize my baby. Maybe its hard to tell from my post, which I can understand, but I think many of you can tell from my thousands of posts here that I am a humane, caring, and loving person. I know that I was going to get some disagreements, and thats ok. I just wanted to share this with moms who are having difficulty getting their baby to sleep.

I welcome everyone's advice and opinions - if not for me than for others reading so they can get all iopinions and sides to this. There are no right or wrong answers here.

Parenthood is ALL about making mistakes, learning from trial and error, and figuring this whole complex thing out ourselves, and with support and guidance from those that have done it before. But, throughout history, babies have been raised all sorts of ways. Books come out every minute with a different approach and philosophy. You will find an expert for every type of way to raise a child imaginable.

I have no problem putting what I do out there for people to share and learn from - thats why I am here. But remember - none of us are really experts on anyone except our own child - if that much! Chat Icon Few of us are doctors on here, and although some of us are educators (and in my case - very knoweledgeable on behavior and child development) we are still going to be at a loss at what to do when it comes to our little one screaming at all times of day and night!

I love hearing from all of you, and never get offended or upset at being questioned. I am confident in what I do and who I am - but I didn't want anyone to think that what I'm doing is neglect by any stretch of the imagination!

Liza, I think you are a great mommy, Chat Icon I just wanted to share with you what my ped told me about crying in the first months of age.

Posted 5/15/07 12:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

I have to give you my honest opinion and that is that I do think letting them cry even for 10 mins at this age is too young.

I am sure you are aware that while it might seem to be working now that as soon as you think "excellent he is sleeping through the night" a spanner will be thrown in the works due to growth spurts, teething, separation anxiety etc and you could be back at square one again. I just feel when a baby this young is crying they are not trying to manipulate you but they are crying because they need something from you and the fact that its the middle of the night is irrelevant to them and frankly it should be to you too no matter what you have to do the next day i.e work etc.

I dont want to come across too strong but I am speaking from the heart and as a mom of a 15mth old who still doesnt sleep through the night as I dont believe in CIO and I work all day and take care of her. Am I tired? yes ...but IMHO thats part and parcel of being a mom and I signed up for it so I will deal with it...

I am only throwing in my two cents as there are a lot of new moms on this board and I really, really dont want them to think that CIO at 6 weeks is okay....sorry but I dont.

Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 12:43 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by beachgirl

I am only throwing in my two cents as there are a lot of new moms on this board and I really, really dont want them to think that CIO at 6 weeks is okay....sorry but I dont.

Chat Icon

I am an advocate of CIO and did do a very graduated version starting at 12 weeks (for naps--she was a horrible napper)...BUT 6 weeks sounds so young. I was just figuring her out at that point, she was a great sleeper and she was still up 2-3 times a night. Exhaustion was the thing I most expected and dreaded as a new parent...and at 9 weeks, I was back to work and so tired. But a mantra that I learned here and from everyone else...the first 3-6 months are the hardest...I said that over and over. And soon things get into a routine, and you get used to less sleep and they also begin sleeping more.

Bella was a great sleeper, through the night at 3 1/2 months at her behest...but with teething and sickness, there are STILL many nights I am up at least once soothing her to bed.

I don't agree with this at all. 6 weeks, crying is the way they communicate a need...and my ped always said that you need to establish a relationship with them that you will be there when you need them, and it sounded so corny...but I truly believe that now.

Posted 5/15/07 12:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Ladies - he NEVER cried more than 10 minutes on the worst night! I spoke with my daycare center - by law, they are never allowed to let a baby cry in the crib for more than 15 minutes. I have taken a shower when he was sleeping, and come out to him screaming - he could have done it for the entire 20-30 minute shower for all I know. That is during the day. Crying happens sometimes.... I do the best I can, but I am alone with him for 10-12 hours a day - DH works from morning til night. If we don't get some sleep during the nightime, at some point I will have to let him cry more than necessary, and I wanted to avoid that at all costs....

I am not asking him to sleep thru the night - just to get SOME sleep - even 2 hr stretches. Just not up every half hour....

during the day, he naps at very consistent times. I fill our day with a diverse amount of activities - walks, car rides, visits to friends, families, nearby villages and parks, activity mat, swing time, alone time for both of us. We nap together in the wee hours of morning as well. Cailen is the happiest little baby I have ever seen - he smiles and giggles already at 6 wks old. I must be doing something right! Chat Icon

My doctor told me that I needed to get him out of the bouncy seat (where he slept the best) and try to get him out of some patterns I already started with his sleeping... I did speak with him about this. I just wasn't ready to address it yet because I feel guilty about going back to work and putting him in daycare, and wanted to hold him all night when he cried for my own issues. I realized it wasn't fair to any of us, buckled down, and decided to do the right thing for everyone.

I am an educated and responsible person. I am a behavior specialist, and most of all - I'm a mother. I would NEVER do anything to harm or traumatize my baby. Maybe its hard to tell from my post, which I can understand, but I think many of you can tell from my thousands of posts here that I am a humane, caring, and loving person. I know that I was going to get some disagreements, and thats ok. I just wanted to share this with moms who are having difficulty getting their baby to sleep.

I welcome everyone's advice and opinions - if not for me than for others reading so they can get all iopinions and sides to this. There are no right or wrong answers here.

Parenthood is ALL about making mistakes, learning from trial and error, and figuring this whole complex thing out ourselves, and with support and guidance from those that have done it before. But, throughout history, babies have been raised all sorts of ways. Books come out every minute with a different approach and philosophy. You will find an expert for every type of way to raise a child imaginable.

I have no problem putting what I do out there for people to share and learn from - thats why I am here. But remember - none of us are really experts on anyone except our own child - if that much! Chat Icon Few of us are doctors on here, and although some of us are educators (and in my case - very knoweledgeable on behavior and child development) we are still going to be at a loss at what to do when it comes to our little one screaming at all times of day and night!

I love hearing from all of you, and never get offended or upset at being questioned. I am confident in what I do and who I am - but I didn't want anyone to think that what I'm doing is neglect by any stretch of the imagination!

When you explain yourself thoroughly here, its seen in a different light. I had responded to do what works for you, and every baby is different, which is true!

I think what throws people off is that in the first post you stated that the first night was terrible, and you cried along with him..

It puts a picture in our heads of a 6 week old screaming himself crazy for a long long time...I didn't want to judge at all but I thought in my head "wow 6 weeks is too little for that...".

Its just like i said earlier, no one would question your mothering skills...I am sure you are a wonderful mom. But sometimes we don't have all the answers...I read a lot and ask questions to know whats best, and when books constantly say that the first 6 weeks are the hardest with sleep patterns and the baby not knowing night from day can see where people are coming from.

Also-like a few others have stated-it took so long to get into a sleeping pattern and for my son to get out of that "newborn" phase where they cry at any hour, startle easily want them to do certain things that just aren't going to happen right away but WILL in time.

I admire your honesty and approach, and it seems that you know what you are doing and if you have no second thoughts, than I think thats great! You are learning as you go like we all do!

Posted 5/15/07 1:05 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

If it works for you then do what works for you. I know a lot of time we come to this forums for help and advice (or even our pediatricians) but when you are in a situation and something like CIO or putting baby on their tummy is saving your sanity then do what works for you.

I never really brought up the fact that I let my babies CIO when they were quite young. Around 8 weeks. Like your experience by the third night they were doing their three hour intervals. I HAD to do this for my and DH sanity and i am convinced that is why i have amazing sleepers now. My boys sleep 12 hour nights, will play in their cribs until we come and get them and usually go down for 2 two hour naps a day.

But again, to each their own. You are going to have people totally disagree with your way of going about it and bring up things their pediatricians told them. My advice is again do what is working for you and DH.

Posted 5/15/07 1:06 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by maybebaby

When you explain yourself thoroughly here, its seen in a different light. I had responded to do what works for you, and every baby is different, which is true!

I think what throws people off is that in the first post you stated that the first night was terrible, and you cried along with him..

It puts a picture in our heads of a 6 week old screaming himself crazy for a long long time...I didn't want to judge at all but I thought in my head "wow 6 weeks is too little for that...".

Its just like i said earlier, no one would question your mothering skills...I am sure you are a wonderful mom. But sometimes we don't have all the answers...I read a lot and ask questions to know whats best, and when books constantly say that the first 6 weeks are the hardest with sleep patterns and the baby not knowing night from day can see where people are coming from.

Also-like a few others have stated-it took so long to get into a sleeping pattern and for my son to get out of that "newborn" phase where they cry at any hour, startle easily want them to do certain things that just aren't going to happen right away but WILL in time.

I admire your honesty and approach, and it seems that you know what you are doing and if you have no second thoughts, than I think thats great! You are learning as you go like we all do!

I agree with this.

Liza, I don't think you need to explain yourself. I knew exactly what you meant, which is why I responded like I did.

I think some people are blowing it out of proportion. I think using CIO is the wrong term. You should say that you didn't jump to his first cries. And, it is hard to not respond even when your baby is only fussing , which is what I think you are learning to do.

Posted 5/15/07 1:16 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

I think you are awesome! You are just letting him fuss for just a few minutes to see if he will settle himself, if he doesn't you go and comfort him- good for you! I admire you. I have not been able to do that really and now I am sleep deprived like a zombie and I worry that maybe I am keeping Matty from
being the happiest he could be during the day if he was getting solid, uniterrupted sleep at night.

He is 5 1/2 months old and we go to him as soon as he fusses and we probably need to stop it as it is up to 6 times a night (very quick shhing and binky and then he goes back). After 5am in the bed with us. I admire that you can do it- sometimes I wonder if I am more afraid of him being upset if we do CIO or if deep down I am selfishly scared that he will be angry at mommy- anyway- you are a great mom- good for you for keeping at looking for ways to make things work for you!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 1:26 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by Ali1

If it works for you then do what works for you. I know a lot of time we come to this forums for help and advice (or even our pediatricians) but when you are in a situation and something like CIO or putting baby on their tummy is saving your sanity then do what works for you.

I never really brought up the fact that I let my babies CIO when they were quite young. Around 8 weeks. Like your experience by the third night they were doing their three hour intervals. I HAD to do this for my and DH sanity and i am convinced that is why i have amazing sleepers now. My boys sleep 12 hour nights, will play in their cribs until we come and get them and usually go down for 2 two hour naps a day.

But again, to each their own. You are going to have people totally disagree with your way of going about it and bring up things their pediatricians told them. My advice is again do what is working for you and DH.

Wow- I am so impressed with your boys- can I pay you to come and consult for me how to get Matty to sleep! You did it with twins and I can't do it with one! Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 1:28 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Whatever works for you Chat Icon I also did CIO at earlier than the recommended age. But Jake never really cried, he only fussed. I've also noticed that, like Bxgell said, our parents' generation did this alot so I can see where your DH was coming from with it also, since you said he has other children that are older.

Also, I have to say that I firmly believe that this will NOT backfire on you. Jake is a great sleeper and has been since then. Growth spurts, teething, ear infections - through it all I can count on getting him getting a good night's sleep (knock on wood - God I hope I don't jinx myself b/c he is teething right now! Chat Icon). Most of the mommies here that have done CIO can probably agree with me on that one.

Posted 5/15/07 1:59 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

I want to be clear that I wasn't judging you in anyway, thats why I said at the bottom that if it works for you, great! But posting something in a public forum gives people the right to post anything that they want, I worry sometimes that people are just responding with what they might think the OP wants to hear. I truly believe that letting a tiny baby cry for any extended period of time is not good for them physcally. I also believe that babies are meant to be held, thats why they come out so small. Also, for me, as a mother, my job was to find out why my baby was crying and to fix any problem that was causing him to be upset. That (to me) is the job of a mother. And I bloody loved holding my baby. I would give anything to be able to hold him now without the little bugger squirming to run to destroy something.

I had a baby that I could not put down for a minute, I held him until the day he started to crawl. I used to post on this board with one finger while Noah was asleep, I fought with him from birth to get him to try to breastfeed for 4 months and in general he was a horrible baby. I didn't sleep for months, I was there!!! I feel for ya! Also, I am an advocate of CIO, I did it with Noah, and it was a fantastic solution to moving him into his own room at six months old. Anyway, I am getting carried away now.

The point is, this is your baby! You should do what feels right for you! In your original post it just felt like you were trying to convince us that it was the right thing to do!

So I am clicking post reply now and expecting everyone to flame me big time!!!

eta...did you read The Happiest Baby on the Block??? That book changed alot for us! The 5 S's are a fantastic tool to use with a newborn.

Message edited 5/15/2007 2:39:46 PM.

Posted 5/15/07 2:37 PM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

I am a firm believer of whatever works for you but I think CIO comes with risks at such a young age. My mom let my sister CIO when she was 8 weeks and not to scare you-my sister stopped crying but then my mom heard a stiffling noise and when she checked-my sister had spit up, out her mouth and nose and had sucked some of it back up and couldnt get her breathing right so she had started turning blue. This is one reason I am careful with CIO so young. Some babies may have the same experience others may not but at this age where they are learning to regulate themselves u do have to be very care.

I know u are a great mom. Never doubt it.

Posted 5/15/07 2:45 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Im sorry- I really am not trying to judge, or flame.... And in the end- if you feel its working than thats great for you...

But I do want to point out- at 6 weeks they are not able to manipulate you- Just because your child is changed and fed doesnt mean that there isnt something else that he/she might need... Maybe that something else is YOU.... He may just need that extra warmth and comfort...

I 100% believe CIO works wonders- but it works when it is done correctly which is after 12 weeks (Have you even read the Ferber method?)

Im sorry but letting a NEWBORN cry for 2 min. at this young age is never OK IMO.

Posted 5/15/07 2:47 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

I dont want to come across too strong but I am speaking from the heart and as a mom of a 15mth old who still doesnt sleep through the night as I dont believe in CIO and I work all day and take care of her. Am I tired? yes ...but IMHO thats part and parcel of being a mom and I signed up for it so I will deal with it...

It seems that you don't believe in it at any age, which is ok. Some people here do, and some don't.

Thats why they make different flavor ice creams! Chat Icon Baskin and Robbins would certainly be boring with one flavor!

Posted 5/15/07 2:48 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by lipglossjunky73

I dont want to come across too strong but I am speaking from the heart and as a mom of a 15mth old who still doesnt sleep through the night as I dont believe in CIO and I work all day and take care of her. Am I tired? yes ...but IMHO thats part and parcel of being a mom and I signed up for it so I will deal with it...

It seems that you don't believe in it at any age, which is ok. Some people here do, and some don't.

Thats why they make different flavor ice creams! Chat Icon Baskin and Robbins would certainly be boring with one flavor!

Who knew you would be such a sh1t stirrer??

First Bridentology & now a CIO cult?Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 2:53 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by sometimesmommy

I am a firm believer of whatever works for you but I think CIO comes with risks at such a young age. My mom let my sister CIO when she was 8 weeks and not to scare you-my sister stopped crying but then my mom heard a stiffling noise and when she checked-my sister had spit up, out her mouth and nose and had sucked some of it back up and couldnt get her breathing right so she had started turning blue. This is one reason I am careful with CIO so young. Some babies may have the same experience others may not but at this age where they are learning to regulate themselves u do have to be very care.

I know u are a great mom. Never doubt it.

OMG - I sit there the entire time watching him as he cries - and the clock!!! I don't let him go past 10 minutes - he stops by 6... last night by 3. I am ANAL about watching him. Like I said, I stroke his chest and his hair and face.... I put the pacifier in his mouth and talk quietly to him. I left the room for a second to pee to prevent myself from lifting him...

OK - maybe I'M the one that is confused about CIO - maybe you guys are thinking of something else.

what is the definition of CIO? Chat Icon I could be the silly one here and think that CIO means crying without being held for a few minutes. Does it really mean endless crying for hours and hours?

If thats the case, then Cailen voluntarily CIOs for us every night from 6:30-8:30. Chat Icon When I told this to the ped, he never said anything about blood pressure or hernias. He laughed and said thats normal for babies to do. He cries more during that time no matter WHAT we do then the time I put him down after he's been fed, changed, and cuddled....

Look ladies - you all rock. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't. I wasn't looking for validation or anything like that. Just sharing another experience for those that may get something out of it.

Personally, I think the pooping in the tub post (two times!!!) was a lot more exciting! Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 2:57 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

First Bridentology & now a CIO cult

Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 2:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

2326 total posts

Ms. Brat

Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

My son had severe colic and cried nonstop for the first 3 months of his life, and in hours long spurts from 3-9 months. There was nothing, and I mean NOTHING, I could do to get him to stop. He cried himself to sleep many nights. Putting him down in his bassinet and walking away while he cried himself to sleep saved my sanity on many a night.

Is he scarred by this? Not at all. Does he remember? Not a bit. Is he a happy, healthy, attached, articulate 2 year old? Yes. Am I sane and happy? You bet.

A mom has to do what a mom has to do. If any baby was ever going to bear ill effects from prolonged crying, it would be him, and he is fine.

Posted 5/15/07 3:04 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by PatsBrat

My son had severe colic and cried nonstop for the first 3 months of his life, and in hours long spurts from 3-9 months. There was nothing, and I mean NOTHING, I could do to get him to stop. He cried himself to sleep many nights. Putting him down in his bassinet and walking away while he cried himself to sleep saved my sanity on many a night.

Is he scarred by this? Not at all. Does he remember? Not a bit. Is he a happy, healthy, attached, articulate 2 year old? Yes. Am I sane and happy? You bet.

A mom has to do what a mom has to do. If any baby was ever going to bear ill effects from prolonged crying, it would be him, and he is fine.

Not that I would EVER shake my baby, but in all literature about shaken baby syndrome, they say that this is always the best way to go then to get frustrated with your baby....

Thanks for sharing your experience.... Cailen does not have colic at all, and he is not a fussy baby - I can't imagine going what you went thru....

Posted 5/15/07 3:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

2326 total posts

Ms. Brat

Re: OK - I know some of you are not going to agree with this - but it worked (sleep related)

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Thanks for sharing your experience.... Cailen does not have colic at all, and he is not a fussy baby - I can't imagine going what you went thru....

You're welcome, and I hope you NEVER have to!Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 3:12 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Thank you ladies!

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Chat Icon

why would you remove this post?

Posted 5/15/07 3:18 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Thank you ladies!

Posted by mommy2bella

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Chat Icon

why would you remove this post?

It was discussed for 2 pages... I figured it was done... Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 3:33 PM
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