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disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

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Party of 5 - 2015

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disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

so my niece started kindergarden after being in daycare. My parents called me to tell me another 5 year old threw a rock that hit my niece causing her to be rushed to the ER with 7 stitches in the head, lots of blood....

Chat Icon Chat Icon they didnt call the police, didnt call an ambulence. Took her in a car without a car seatChat Icon they are paying extra for extended hours why arent the adults supervising the kidsChat Icon and this is in a Rich nassau county townChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 10:40 PM
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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

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Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to your niece

Posted 9/27/07 10:44 PM


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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

WOW, WHY didn't they call an ambulance? God forbid something happened on the way to the hospital. What were they thinkingChat Icon
Sorry your niece was hurt. Many Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon that she's feeling better soon.Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 10:46 PM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

As a teacher, I can tell you its not that easy to "supervise" every single thing a child does. They will always have an opportunity to do something in the blink of an eye.

That being said, medical professionals should have been called and a report filed but not with the police. I hope she will be alright.

Posted 9/27/07 10:47 PM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

OMG that's awful. I don't know what I'd do if that was my neice. I'd be busting some heads!!!
I hope she's ok. My thoughts and prayers are with her!
I don't get some people.... what kind of world are we living in?!

Posted 9/27/07 10:48 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Posted by MrsMessina

OMG that's awful. I don't know what I'd do if that was my neice. I'd be busting some heads!!!
I hope she's ok. My thoughts and prayers are with her!
I don't get some people.... what kind of world are we living in?!

i hope she's ok, i always was so proud that i am 25 and still no stitches, thats alot of trama for a 5 year old to experience....

i thought when you go outside its always on those foam mats and sand... , i didnt think there would be rocks around kids that young

Posted 9/27/07 10:51 PM


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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Message edited 11/11/2011 7:49:04 PM.

Posted 9/27/07 10:54 PM


Member since 8/07

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

They def should've called an ambulance!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon

I wonder what made a 5 y/o so angry as to do such a thing?! Chat Icon

My thoughts and prayers go out to your neice for a speedy recovery!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 11:01 PM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

OH my gosh, I'm in shock that they wouldn't call an ambulance!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Your poor neice......she must've been petrified. I hope that she is okay. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 11:09 PM


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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Whose car did she go in? That is such a no-no!!!!

Incidentally, I had stitches in my head at the same age, also from getting hit by a rock. My neighbor threw it at me. I'm a little screwed up now but pay me no mind!! Ok, actually, it was scary for me then but I'm friends with that neighbor now. We are both almost 40 years old and it is just a memory. It was worse for him--his mom beat him with a wooden spoon when she found out what happened.

Posted 9/27/07 11:57 PM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Posted by imthecindyofcindyandkevin

They def should've called an ambulance!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon

I wonder what made a 5 y/o so angry as to do such a thing?! Chat Icon

I doubt the 5yo was angry. Unfortunately, it's "fun" for kids that age to do that kind of stuff. I see DS think about throwing rocks and things, but we stop him before he does.

I wouldn't fault the facility for the injury (it's absolutely impossible to prevent all injuries when you have a bunch of 5yos), but definitely for not calling EMS, and it's criminal to drive a child in a car without a car seat! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/07 12:31 AM

My little lamb

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

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Posted 9/28/07 12:34 AM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

First of all, how heartbreaking for her aprents to know this happened to their baby Chat Icon I dont know what I would do if my baby started Kindergarten and this happened to him

Second of all, it IS hard to watch kindergarteners on the playground - and there arent teachers out there - a lot of the time there are playground aides who are just hired for the hour or so to supervise the playground, and they may not have received any appropriate training. This is not ok - something needs to be done about this!

and yes, my guess was that it wasnt an angry kid that did it, just a rambunctious 5 yr old who wasnt thinking about what might happen. I wonder if he learned his lesson about throwing rocks? He may feel just as awful as everyone else in this!

and most of all - your poor little neice!!! I hope this doesnt ruin her school experience or traumatize her too much.. poor baby Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/07 6:18 AM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Posted by GoldenRod

I doubt the 5yo was angry. Unfortunately, it's "fun" for kids that age to do that kind of stuff. I see DS think about throwing rocks and things, but we stop him before he does.

I wouldn't fault the facility for the injury (it's absolutely impossible to prevent all injuries when you have a bunch of 5yos), but definitely for not calling EMS, and it's criminal to drive a child in a car without a car seat! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I do whatever they want, in all honesty, and at that age, they don't understand completely that there are consequences to what they do. And unless you have eyes all around your head and 1 aid or teacher for every single child, things happen. Especially when the number of children outnumbers substantially the number of eyes.

That said, she should not have left the premises (sp) in a car!!! They should have called EMS or something.

Posted 9/28/07 6:42 AM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

That was definitely taken care of poorly.

That being said... When my kids have recess there are 50 kids out there, and only 1 other teacher. It's impossible to see everything, though we do try our best.

Posted 9/28/07 6:52 AM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Something odd happened last week at a grade school. The school had a rule that no one is to call 911 if something were to happen to a student. Sure enough something happened a hours later they decided to took the child to the hospital and I don't think they even bothered to called the parents. I believe the parents are suing.

Message edited 9/28/2007 7:27:31 AM.

Posted 9/28/07 7:26 AM


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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Holy crap!'s the parents...some just don't teach their kids: you DON'T throw things at people! OMG....

Posted 9/28/07 7:38 AM


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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Posted by VirginiaDeb

That was definitely taken care of poorly.

That being said... When my kids have recess there are 50 kids out there, and only 1 other teacher. It's impossible to see everything, though we do try our best.

That is totally understandable...but like I said, I mean, even when I was a baby/kid, I knew right from wrong when it came to throwing, hitting--stuff like that. I just feel like kids today are so wild and when they get out of hand, Mom and Dad buy them food, a game, or a toy to calm them--not really explain why you don't do that. That's probably a generalization, but it just seems to be the way with kids today....we need more parents like LIF-ers. Seems to be some great mommies on here. So even if you are one teacher out there with 50 kids, it's scary to think that things like this happen.Chat Icon

Message edited 9/28/2007 7:41:39 AM.

Posted 9/28/07 7:40 AM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Posted by Lanabean

Holy crap!'s the parents...some just don't teach their kids: you DON'T throw things at people! OMG....

Possibly, but it could be 100% on the kid. DS is taught right from wrong, and is scolded when he picks up rocks and it looks like he's going to throw them. He is punished if he does throw rocks. I consider him a very well-behaved child, well disciplined, and relatively calm. That being said, he still tries to throw rocks once in a while. They don't learn empathy until age 6-8, so they don't quite understand that it will hurt the other person.

Posted 9/28/07 8:18 AM


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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

These kids have no discipline these days. So sorry about your niece.

Posted 9/28/07 8:19 AM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

OMG Chat Icon Thats awful! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/07 8:20 AM


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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by Lanabean

Holy crap!'s the parents...some just don't teach their kids: you DON'T throw things at people! OMG....

Possibly, but it could be 100% on the kid. DS is taught right from wrong, and is scolded when he picks up rocks and it looks like he's going to throw them. He is punished if he does throw rocks. I consider him a very well-behaved child, well disciplined, and relatively calm. That being said, he still tries to throw rocks once in a while. They don't learn empathy until age 6-8, so they don't quite understand that it will hurt the other person.

I agree. I have a 5 year old and he absolutely knows the difference between right and wrong and what he should and shouldn't throw. But, he is only 5 and there are mishaps. They also truly don't know at this age the consequences of some of their actions at this age.

Posted 9/28/07 9:35 AM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

how scary!
Accidents like that do happen, so I don't necessarily fault a lack of supervision. But the way they handled ambulance, no car seat?
That I would have a problem with!

Did they at leat follow-up with the parent of the child who threw the rock?

Posted 9/28/07 9:40 AM

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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...

The fact that it happened I can see - I mean, you cannot watch and prevent EVERY move a 5-year old makes. HOWEVER, no one should have driven that child anywhere. An ambulence should have been called. PERIOD.

I'd be LIVID if I were that girl's mother. I'd be on the phone or in person talking to the principal, the superintendent, and anyone else higher up. That is BEYOND unacceptable.

Posted 9/28/07 9:51 AM


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Re: disturbing news today...whats wrong with people...


Posted 9/28/07 9:52 AM
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