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Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Anyone have experience with their cat peeing on the wall?!
Some background.. We got Penny 4 years ago. A year later, we got another cat. They never really got along, but the only thing Penny really did was hiss at the new cat. She never did any other weird behavioral things around the house. She eventually got used to him and they tolerate each other... and sometimes play... sit together... etc.
Fast forward a few years... we just adopted yet another kitten (so now we have 3). We have him since May. It's basically been very similar as when we introduced the new cat a few years ago. She hisses, etc... but other than that she is FINE and is her regular self. Lately I've even started thinking shes been getting more comfortable around him.
Well, last week we noticed she was vomiting. We called the vet and they said to take away food for the night and introduce it gradually again the next day to help settle her stomach. We did that, and she hasn't thrown up since then (so, since Saturday and it's Tuesday morning).
This morning, I was laying in bed when all of a sudden ... she was PEEING on the WALL!!!!!!!! She has NEVER done anything like this before.. EVER!! She has NEVER peed outside her box before!!!!!!!
I made an appt to bring her to the vet tomorrow morning, but now I'm wondering what you ladies think... Does this sound like a behavioral thing where she's angry at us or something? Is it possible she's jealous?
I'm so upset because Penny is usually the perfect cat .. very clean .. sweet.. and this is the first time shes done anything like this!! I'm just worried it will become a repeat thing. Also, what's the best way to get the smell out of the wall/rug? I used a multi-purpose cleaner on the wall and febreeze on the rug. The vet recommended nature something .. I'm just so upset over this.
I edited with a picture of the sweetest face in the world... Just to put a face to the name in my story!! Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 8/16/2011 9:50:55 AM.
Posted 8/16/11 9:47 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
missing my baby

Member since 1/10 1359 total posts
Name: Brittany
Re: Anyone have experience with their cat peeing on the wall?!
aww she's beautiful! since there's a new kitty in the house it could be behavioral. our kitty was peeing in weird places this past week but that's bc he had a uti.. is she licking excessively in her "area" or anything like that? our cat also vomitted.
as far as getting the smell out, use nature's miracle!
Posted 8/16/11 12:17 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Anyone have experience with their cat peeing on the wall?!
Thanks, I actually just bought natures miracle!! I just got back from Petsmart (check out the Infertility board to see what else I picked up while I was there )
Anyway, thanks, I'm thinking it's probably behavioral We have an appt with the vet for tomorrow.
Between the febreeze and natures miracle, the smells seems to be out at least.
Posted 8/16/11 1:36 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Anyone have experience with their cat peeing on the wall?!
how old is Penny?
She is gorgeous
i was also going to suggest nature's miracle.
Posted 8/16/11 3:40 PM |
Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with their cat peeing on the wall?!
Unfortunately I am experienced in this area. My first cat Sushi did not particularly care for us brining in Miso. They both seem to be dominant cats. It started with Sushi peeing on things that were hers and that Miso would "take over" (ex. scratching mats, her favorite paper bag, blanket). Then it moved to areas that were hers (DS' room , my laundry (never DH's) and then the bathtub ).I took her to the vet several times (sometimes stress can cause an inflamation of the bladder) but it turned out to be behavioral. She has been on Prozac to help ease her anxiety and have seen a huge improvement with her over the months. I also have given her exclusive rights to our bedroom so she has a place she can call her home without Miso invading it. We still have the occassional incident but it almost always limited to the kitchen when Miso traps her in there or wont let her eat.
If you have any questions, let me know. It sounds like your cat is stressed out. It is possible that when you got the first cat she "set him straight" but the new cat hasn't "caught on to who is queen" yet
Posted 8/16/11 7:49 PM |
Carpe diem!

Member since 11/10 5287 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with their cat peeing on the wall?!
She's a beautiful cat!
Absolutely get Natures Miracle. Make sure you scrub the wall with it so that it really breaks down the scent of the pee.
Posted 8/16/11 10:36 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Anyone have experience with their cat peeing on the wall?!
Posted by Domino
Unfortunately I am experienced in this area. My first cat Sushi did not particularly care for us brining in Miso. They both seem to be dominant cats. It started with Sushi peeing on things that were hers and that Miso would "take over" (ex. scratching mats, her favorite paper bag, blanket). Then it moved to areas that were hers (DS' room , my laundry (never DH's) and then the bathtub ).I took her to the vet several times (sometimes stress can cause an inflamation of the bladder) but it turned out to be behavioral. She has been on Prozac to help ease her anxiety and have seen a huge improvement with her over the months. I also have given her exclusive rights to our bedroom so she has a place she can call her home without Miso invading it. We still have the occassional incident but it almost always limited to the kitchen when Miso traps her in there or wont let her eat.
If you have any questions, let me know. It sounds like your cat is stressed out. It is possible that when you got the first cat she "set him straight" but the new cat hasn't "caught on to who is queen" yet
Yikes!!!!! You had some experience there!! I'm glad you mainly have it under control now and your cats have the CUTEST names!!!!!!!! Soooo funny because my dh really wanted to get two kittens and name them Miso and Wonton Instead, we gave all our cats people names. I tell people they are like our children, so it makes sense!
Anyway thank you everyone for responding!!!!!!! Penny is actually 4 1/2 and like I said.. that was her first incident!!
She hasn't had any incidents since then .. the Nature's Miracle and Febreeze really helped mask the smell completely and there's no stain, etc on the wall. We actually ended up canceling our vet appt. We figured this was PROBABLY due to stress and she FREAKS OUT when she goes to the vet and gets all out of sorts after. We were afraid putting her through that would just make it works for her. If she does it again and we think she has a UTI, we'll take her, but hopefully it was just an isolated thing. In the meantime, I've been giving Penny extra lovin' in case she really is jealous of the new guy.
Thanks again ladies, I'm sorry I didn't update this sooner!!
Posted 8/18/11 4:22 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Anyone have experience with their cat peeing on the wall?!
glad everything has worked itself out!
Posted 8/20/11 6:47 AM |