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BTDT - going into labor-related question

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LIF Infant

Member since 1/12

66 total posts


BTDT - going into labor-related question

can you share how you knew you were going to go into labor?

I've been having a lot of BH but my OB said they were normal and that 5-6 an hour at 35 weeks is normal.

i sit on the couch at night and freak out I'm going to somehow go into labor.

care to share your 'story?' was it a mucous plug, water breaking, cramps only, etc.

Posted 1/26/12 1:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 3/08

4539 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

DD1's story-

My due date was dec 2nd. had plenty of braxton hicks for a long time. Thanksgiving day, around 8:30, started having very different contractions. I just knew they were different. It felt like my organs in my lower belly were being twisted like you would twist a wet towel to get the water out. They weren't terribly painful, but a little painful. They were every 2-4 minutes almost all day, staying consistent--not getting worse or better. At 3:30, I was deciding whether I should eat thanksgiving dinner. Well, the contractions started easing up and getting farther apart. By 5pm they were all done. The next morning, I lost my mucus plug, and bits came out over several hours. The next day was my bday, and nothing happened. We went out for indian food and i made mine extra spicy :) The next day (Nov 30) I started feeling the same type of contractions at 3:30pm. I didn't say anything to anyone. This time, they were a little less painful, and about 10-12 minutes apart. I didn't say anything for a few hours, then I commented that I was feeling these, but they weren't getting stronger or closer. I had a dr appmt the next morning at 8am and figured i would raise it then. We watched dexter and californication that night. i was calling out when i felt the contractions, and they were still about 12 minutes apart. At 11pm, we went to bed. I was listening to my ipod because i couldnt sleep (terrible insomnia the whole pregnancy). I noticed they were coming every 1.5 songs, and were getting more painful. They started to make me moan a little. I got out of bed and came on here and facebook to keep me distracted. I found an online contraction timer, and they were getting closer tp 3-5 min, so I decided to call the dr. It was about 12:30am dec 1. he called back, i told him what i was feeling, when i was due. he said you're in labor! come on in. i kind of didnt believe it. it wasnt very painful. i woke dh up, he didn't believe it either. the story about our trip to the hospital is an adventure all on it's own, but leaving that aside, we arrived, safely, a little after 2am. dr checked me out and i was about 4cm and 90% effaced. he said this was definitely labor. he offered to break my water to speed things up. i decided to wait. as he walked out of the room, my water broke on its own. at about 3:30, contractions started getting much much worse, but still all very tolerable. at around 5am-5:30am, i felt like i was dying and questioned why i wanted a natural childbirth, and though a c-section would be way easier. i gave myself pep talks that women have done this for all time and i was fine. the nurses told me it was going to get much worse and go on much longer so i should really think about how much i can tolerate and think about an epidural. i really didn't want one (because of back issues i have it was going to be difficult and only had a 50% shot at working). i caved at around 6, and at around 6:15/6:30 they started trying. took almost half an hour to get it in. It never worked. I was still breathing through the contractions and the nurses looked confused saying i shouldnt be in pain anymore. they asked if i felt pressure or pain. i said both. they asked if i felt any rectal pain. i hadnt thought about it before, but when they said that, i realized i did. they looked shocked and said go get the dr to check her. dr came in, checked me, his face now looked shocked and he said the baby is right there, it's time. he got everything ready, said he thought it was going to be a quick delivery- less than 20 minutes. i started crying. couldnt believe my baby was almost here. once i knew it was time, it was like i didn't think about the pain at all. i pushed 3 times, and she was out in 10 minutes. born at 7:44am, perfectly healthy.

dd2-a little different. at 38.5 weeks my fluid dropped very low and she was moving less. i was going to have to go to the dr every 2 days, and he was thinking about inducing me. he stripped my membranes the day before 39 weeks, and i started contracting on the way home. again, about 3:30pm. these weren't little contractions though. they hurt more like the active labor ones. and were about 5 min apart from the start. this went on until about 8 or 9 and they started getting worse. much worse. every 1 to 2 minutes like very active labor the last time. we called at 10pm, and headed to the hospital. i honestly thought i was going to be ready to push when i got there. i was only 3 cm. i felt deflated and the on call dr almost sent me home saying it was false labor from the membrane stripping. i stayed all night in terrible pain. contracting every 2-3 minutes, bad painful contractions, and the hospital staff and doctor basically ignored me. i was very close to tears at many points. when the new staff arrived at 7, and the new nurse offered me jello, i thought i was going to cry from happiness because someone finally cared. the next on call dr came with the old one at 8. old dr said he thought it was false labor, my contractions were slowing down, and they should send me home. new dr examined me, said i was about 4.5 , and i was in labor, just needed a little help. we talked about an epi and last time, and he got a consult. dr wanted to break my water and start pitocin, but was hoping they could give me an epi first because i was really worn out from all the contracting and needed a break. they said they would put in an epi without the meds, and give me a spinal, which was sure to work, though not last very long. if i needed more after the spinal ran out, the epi would be in already and they could try it. he got it in much easier than the last guy. spinal was from heaven. i was pain free. my BP dropped, and they gave me something for that. then, around 9ish, they broke my water and started pitocin. around 10:30, i started feeling pressure. the dr checked me and i was 9cm fully effaced. he said give it 30 min and we'll start pushing. he came back sooner, checked me, and said you're ready to go. we were much more relaxed this time around having been through it before, so i asked dh to film it. we have the whole birth on tape :) i pushed through i think 2 contractions--6 minutes of pushing, and DD was in my arms at 10:59am.

Posted 1/26/12 2:19 PM

Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

Lost my MP about a week prior. My water broke the day after my EDD. I was only a fingertip dilated.

Posted 1/26/12 2:27 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

just wanted to share that I was in the same boat as you - very frequent BH, for many weeks.

i never went into labor... i was induced at 39w6d and eventually had a c/s the next day.

Posted 1/26/12 2:42 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

A couple of days before, I started to not feel right. I really can't explain it. I was just uncomfortable and unhappy. I also vomitted randomly, for no apparent reason. The day before I had some cramping.
The day of my water broke and I mean gushed out. I never saw a mucus plug or a bloody show or any of that.

Posted 1/26/12 3:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/08

3860 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

DS1: Was never dilated at all...felt no different. Water broke 9 days prior to due date. Delivered 7 days prior to due date.

DS2: Was never dilated at all...felt no different. Water broke 11 days prior to due date, dellivered 10 days prior.

You just never know! My friend was 2 cm dilated forever...I thought she was so "ahead" of me, (we were due together) She wound up going late, and I was early. Good Luck!!!

Posted 1/26/12 3:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

DD came 8 days after EDD! I was on eggshells every time i felt something!!! On that 8th day, my water broke (actually gushed) around 7:45-8 a.m. - dilated slowly until early afternoon when given pitocin. Then a couple hours later, epidural. At 9:59 p.m. DD was born! Everyone is different - GOOD LUCK!!!

Posted 1/26/12 3:31 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/10

806 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

I had pretty frequent braxton hicks. 2 days after my due date, I woke up with cramps like my period was coming, but then the cramps would go away and come back 20 minutes later. It felt very "off", not like every other day. The 20 minutes turned into 18, then 15, then 13, 10, until I called the dr at 7 minutes (which was 11pm)...the cramps were also getting more severe. If I was walking, I had to stop, if I was laying I could only be in a certain position. I had DD the next day around 4pm!

Posted 1/26/12 3:38 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

ds #1- woke up with my bloody show. Contractions started an hour later. My water was broken at 8cm's by the doctor. Start to finish- 7 hours total.

ds #2- had contractions and BH's since 34/35 weeks. At 38 weeks, woke up with BH's but then started timing them and they were 4 minutes apart. 45 minutes later, the cramping came along with the contractions and began to be 3 minutes apart. Doctor had to break my water at 9cm's. Never had my bloody show. Start to finish- 4 hours total.

Posted 1/26/12 3:43 PM

I believe in miracles!

Member since 8/07

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

I started having more intense contractions that wednesday (I gave birth on saturday). Each day they got worse. I dl an app to time my contractions which were not 5-6 minutes apart. On Friday, I started getting really bad contractions to the point where I couldn't stand it. I called the doctor and she said to come over to the hospital to check me. A few minutes later I called my mom and my water broke. That's when i really knew that it was time!!! I walked into the hospital 4 cm dilated. Meanwhile Friday morning, I was at LIJ for a routine check up and I had told them that my contractions were getting worse, but they monitored me and send me home because they weren't close enough to each other!

Posted 1/26/12 5:55 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

With DD I had a scheduled C Section but with DS I woke up and when I went to the bathroom there was blood. I had contractions all day that progressively got more and more intense and closer together. The next morning I woke up and saw that I lost my mucous plug. My doctor told me to come to the office and I was 3cm. By the time I got to the hospital I was 4cm and waiting for the epidural Chat Icon The doctor broke my water in the hospital because it never broke on its own.

Posted 1/26/12 6:00 PM

Love my baby girl!!!

Member since 3/09

3405 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

I was like you. Scared I wouldnt knw or that every sign was labor.

I was late. Nothing was happening. The morning I was supposed to be induced, I woke up around 7am with contractions. I just knew! I was easily able to time them..they had a clear beginning and end (I never felt that before).

I know you will doubt me on this, but you will know!!

My water didnt break up I was 10 cm and about to push. I broke it on my own.

Posted 1/26/12 7:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

2418 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

Everyone says you will know...but I guess that doesn't really apply to all people. I literally had no idea I was in labor.

My baby was measuring big, and was looking like it would be a c-section. Two days prior, I felt crampy, had BH contractions and vomitting. I called the DR and he said to come in for monitoring, turned out I was having regular contractions and was 2cm dilated. He told me to come back in 2 days to check again. That entire morning I was a wreck saying there was no way I had progressed, I felt totally fine, I was going to have a section, etc. Well I went back in, they checked me, I was 6cm with contractions about 1min apart - sent me to the hospital, DD was born 4 hours from when I left the doctors office...and that was with me having to wait to push bc they weren't ready.

So I definitely felt "off", but I had NO clue it was labor - DD Was also two weeks early, if it was closer to my due date it may have been different. So you may not know exactly, but I would say call the dr if you feel off!!

Posted 1/26/12 8:19 PM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

Posted by LiveForMoments

Everyone says you will know...but I guess that doesn't really apply to all people. I literally had no idea I was in labor.

So I definitely felt "off", but I had NO clue it was labor - DD Was also two weeks early, if it was closer to my due date it may have been different. So you may not know exactly, but I would say call the dr if you feel off!!

I will definately agree with this.
I was 29 weeks and had felt off for a while. So my situation is different.
On the day that I gave birth, I felt fine all day, it was not until about 8PM that I started to feel like I had to peepee. I drove home from dinner out, about a 45 min drive. I tried to pee, but there really was nothing. Sorry TMI. I called the doc who sent me to the hospital. I arrived at the hospital at about 1035PM. I was fully dilated and my water had broken. My son was born butt first and vaginally at 1105PM. I had no idea I was in labor. But at 29 weeks who would think they were.

Message edited 1/26/2012 8:45:15 PM.

Posted 1/26/12 8:44 PM

Stop and smell the flowers

Member since 7/06

1538 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

39 week OB visit on Thursday morning, lost my musuc plug that afternoon. Woke up Saturday morning (exactly 1 week before my due date) with a cramping in my lower abdomen (like an AF cramp) that reached around on both sides to my back. 15 minutes later it happened again. 15 minutes later again. That's when I woke DH. I had DS less than 8 hours later. My water never broke, OB broke it and I didn't feel that at all.

I was so nervous...scratch that..I was TERRIFIED at the end of my pregnancy. I just hate the unknown and I didn't like not knowing what to expect and when to expect it. All I can tell you is that everyone is different and there is no way to really predict how your story will turn out. But somehow, ready or not, it happens, and it all works out. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/26/12 8:46 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

660 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

My water broke on my due date. I had actually been to the dr that morning and hardly dialated at all. I wasn't 'even sure it was my water breaking, and when I called the after hours service, the dr. said since I just had my cervix checked that day, it was probably the mucus plug from that. But then "liquid" kept coming out little by little and I called the service back. The dr. said it could be my water breaking and in that case I would have to go to the hospital. Well it was. They ended up inducing me though because I wasn't really dialated at all and no real steady contractions.

24 hours later I had my DS.

Posted 1/26/12 9:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

About 4 days after my due date, whenever this annoying guy came into my office, I had this strange "twinge" by my hip. Didn't think anything of it - had a doc apt the next day. Decided I wanted crab cakes for dinner.
Around dinner time I didn't feel right. Thought I was hungry, made DH and friend get me my crab cakes. Ate them, still felt off. Went home. Had weird big deal, going to the doc the next day. Got worse. DH didn't change into his sweats which confused me. Mentioned to DH that I didn't feel right. He suggested I call the doc.
Apparently, I was in labor but didn't know...but how would you unless you water broke or you were in SO much pain.
I was so scared my water would break on the way to the didn't.

I get crabcakes every year the day before DS's birthday. He'll be 4 next week!

Posted 1/26/12 10:58 PM

Avatar Title

Member since 9/08

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

i never went into labor with DS... i had a schedule C section, and he was delivered the planned date.

DD was another scheduled C section but she had other plans (she was still delivered via C)

i was having BH with her sine about 6-7 months... July 11 i walked 4 miles on the Jones Beach Boardwalk (19 days before my due date, 11 days before my scheduled C)

July 12 around 1am i felt tons of cramps and pains, i timed them, and by 7am they were about 5-7 min apart. i called the dr. and they said to go to L&D around 11am i arrived at the hospital, and my DD was born at 3:52pm via C, i never dialated, but because i was in active labor and i was having a C, she came 18 days early. if i was a vaginal delivery they would have stopped labor.

so yea, you do know when your going into labor... ts just that feeling you get..

Posted 1/27/12 7:07 AM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

My last 2 labors both started with cramp-like feelings that got progressively stronger, longer, and more often.

No bloody show, no water breaking. Lost my mucus plug with DC1. Not sure what happened to it with DC2.

Posted 1/27/12 7:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

For my son I started having very strong, regular contractions that got stronger and stronger and closer together. They were very strong from the start, much more so than a BH.

For my daughter, my water broke.

Posted 1/27/12 7:51 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

The day before I had her, I was getting these odd pains- they weren't like the period cramps everyone says contractions feel like- they were more like a tightening that would come and go. Very irregular.

That night I went to bed and by like 3 am or so they were getting very uncomfy and waking me up. I couldn't get comfortable so I went out on the couch and tried to time them with a contraction timer I found online.

They started coming more regular by 6 am so I called the dr and they said to come to the hospital

I'd describe it as a severe tightening that would stop me in my tracks, take my breath away for a minute and then subside.

Posted 1/27/12 8:51 AM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

With DD#2 I was in denial that I was in labor, even though she was my 2nd birth (first DD I was induced but obviously went through labor) and a week overdue.

I went to bed and she was super active, which she rarely was while I tried to sleep. Then I started having what I thought were just cramps...then I was peeing every 20 minutes....then the "cramps" were getting really intense and painful....that's when DH said we better leave for the hospital. I didn't want to, I though I had a lot of time (and pain Chat Icon ) left, but he insisted...and good thing, since DD was born 10 minutes after arriving at the hospital...I could feel her crowning as we were driving to the hospital. Chat Icon Very, very short labor. Never lost my MP with either girl. And with #2, my water apparently broke at home (likely on one of my bathroom trips), but I had no clue.

I never had braxton-hicks though with either pregnancy, so these were unique pains to me.

Message edited 1/27/2012 10:27:39 AM.

Posted 1/27/12 10:25 AM

Tigger the the Rescue!

Member since 8/08

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Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

My back was hurting, it was like 2 a.m. I thought it was b/c I had constipation... FF to 6 a.m. itstill hurt and w/i an hour I realized I was in back labor.

Posted 1/27/12 12:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

1449 total posts


Re: BTDT - going into labor-related question

Had back pain. Went to use the bathroom-saw blood. Called my OB..he said it's a bloody show, you can go into labor within the week. 45 minutes later I started having front to back contractions 7-10 minutes apart. Two hours later I was on the way to the hospital..they were 2-3 minutes.

Posted 1/27/12 8:25 PM

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