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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Potential ADHD...
So, I posted recently that I was meeting with a Dev Ped. They tested my 6 year old and found he has ADHD tendencies and is below grade level in reading fluency, but because he doesnt have enough "patterns" they would not diagnose him. For the first few months of the school year the teacher (regular classroom) would tell me he had trouble focusing when things were hard for him. He would just check out or not complete work. She said he was not hyperactive and was not malicious. Just this past week his beginning to have some trouble in school with his peers. He often gets too close to people and it is off-putting. Up until last week he had never laid hands on anyone, but did for the first time by hitting a child in the stomach. Now im even more concerned. I know people who have their child in an inclusion class without an IEP in my district. Is this something you would fight for in my case? I know there are pros and cons -- but im thinking the pros may outweigh the cons here. He definitely could use the extra attention and right now as 1 of 25 kids he is a burden on his teacher :( Thanks in advance for any insight.
Posted 2/20/20 3:57 PM |
Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08 2860 total posts
Potential ADHD...
why not have him evaluated by the school and get him an IEP so you can make sure he is in that class and maybe receive services?
Posted 2/21/20 9:10 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Potential ADHD...
Is that something I need to initiate? I didnt even know it was an option. The teacher keeps telling me about his tendencies but has never suggested that the school evaluate.
Posted 2/24/20 9:23 AM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Potential ADHD...
You need to write a letter to the Special Education Director and request a full educational evaluation including an FBA (Functional Behavioral Analysis) for your son. It has to be in a letter, not over the phone, and they will do a full elevation. After the evaluation they will call a meeting with you to see if needs any services. As far as the inclusion class. Yes "typical" peers are in inclusion classes, hence the term, but unless he has an IEP or 504 he can not receive the services they are offering in the class. He would just be part of the "typical" peers.
Posted 2/24/20 10:24 AM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Potential ADHD...
So, is the Dr unwilling to give a diagnosis that would help you get an IEP based on the evaluation? Either way, you'd need to request the evaluation from the school. I am in NYC schools and a few years ago, I requested the evaluation in March- we got a private evaluation and let the school know, they still did their own in conjunction with the written report from the Dr. It still took until the following school year (October) to get the IEP in place. My daughter has Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and is in an inclusion class, and I find it helps immensely.
Posted 2/24/20 10:34 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Re: Potential ADHD...
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
So, is the Dr unwilling to give a diagnosis that would help you get an IEP based on the evaluation? Either way, you'd need to request the evaluation from the school. I am in NYC schools and a few years ago, I requested the evaluation in March- we got a private evaluation and let the school know, they still did their own in conjunction with the written report from the Dr. It still took until the following school year (October) to get the IEP in place. My daughter has Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and is in an inclusion class, and I find it helps immensely.
Doctor was unwilling to diagnose. He said he wants to monitor and see where DS ends up at the end of the school year -- so to retest DS 5 months later. What irks me about that is it will be too late to push the school at that point for ICT. I dont want to start 2nd grade in one classroom to have them move him to inclusion later down the road (if it could be prevented). The school has not asked for an eval to be done, although the teacher is vocal about his issues with focus, transitions and some peer issues (she says he gets too close to people are it is "off putting"). So should i push the school to do the testing now?? Should i wait based on the doc? If the teacher thought he needed an eval why isnt she recommending it? Like are they told not to?
Message edited 2/24/2020 3:09:36 PM.
Posted 2/24/20 3:08 PM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Re: Potential ADHD...
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
So, is the Dr unwilling to give a diagnosis that would help you get an IEP based on the evaluation? Either way, you'd need to request the evaluation from the school. I am in NYC schools and a few years ago, I requested the evaluation in March- we got a private evaluation and let the school know, they still did their own in conjunction with the written report from the Dr. It still took until the following school year (October) to get the IEP in place. My daughter has Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and is in an inclusion class, and I find it helps immensely.
Doctor was unwilling to diagnose. He said he wants to monitor and see where DS ends up at the end of the school year -- so to retest DS 5 months later. What irks me about that is it will be too late to push the school at that point for ICT. I dont want to start 2nd grade in one classroom to have them move him to inclusion later down the road (if it could be prevented). The school has not asked for an eval to be done, although the teacher is vocal about his issues with focus, transitions and some peer issues (she says he gets too close to people are it is "off putting"). So should i push the school to do the testing now?? Should i wait based on the doc? If the teacher thought he needed an eval why isnt she recommending it? Like are they told not to?
I would push the school to do something. Obviously, they feel there is an issue, you went to the Dr, didn't get a diagnosis- so I would let them know that and that you still want some services for him. I don't know what goes on in the schools- each one is different. We are in a different school this year now that we moved and they are offering DD so many more services- they modified her IEP to include them. You can ask for the ICT class even though your son doesn't have an IEP. DD also has anxiety and teacher reached out to me and we now have her meeting with the guidance counselor and doing this small group therapy with her as well- it's focused on dealing with anxiety/stress, but maybe there is something they could put in place to help when his ADHD tendencies happen. They've put a few things in place for DD's anxiety that are not part of her IEP.
Posted 2/25/20 8:32 AM |
Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08 2860 total posts
Re: Potential ADHD...
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
So, is the Dr unwilling to give a diagnosis that would help you get an IEP based on the evaluation? Either way, you'd need to request the evaluation from the school. I am in NYC schools and a few years ago, I requested the evaluation in March- we got a private evaluation and let the school know, they still did their own in conjunction with the written report from the Dr. It still took until the following school year (October) to get the IEP in place. My daughter has Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and is in an inclusion class, and I find it helps immensely.
Doctor was unwilling to diagnose. He said he wants to monitor and see where DS ends up at the end of the school year -- so to retest DS 5 months later. What irks me about that is it will be too late to push the school at that point for ICT. I dont want to start 2nd grade in one classroom to have them move him to inclusion later down the road (if it could be prevented). The school has not asked for an eval to be done, although the teacher is vocal about his issues with focus, transitions and some peer issues (she says he gets too close to people are it is "off putting"). So should i push the school to do the testing now?? Should i wait based on the doc? If the teacher thought he needed an eval why isnt she recommending it? Like are they told not to?
Write a letter or email to the Special Ed Chair person and request an evaluation. The teacher probably can't "tell" you do it
Posted 2/25/20 9:47 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Re: Potential ADHD...
Posted by Aries14
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
So, is the Dr unwilling to give a diagnosis that would help you get an IEP based on the evaluation? Either way, you'd need to request the evaluation from the school. I am in NYC schools and a few years ago, I requested the evaluation in March- we got a private evaluation and let the school know, they still did their own in conjunction with the written report from the Dr. It still took until the following school year (October) to get the IEP in place. My daughter has Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and is in an inclusion class, and I find it helps immensely.
Doctor was unwilling to diagnose. He said he wants to monitor and see where DS ends up at the end of the school year -- so to retest DS 5 months later. What irks me about that is it will be too late to push the school at that point for ICT. I dont want to start 2nd grade in one classroom to have them move him to inclusion later down the road (if it could be prevented). The school has not asked for an eval to be done, although the teacher is vocal about his issues with focus, transitions and some peer issues (she says he gets too close to people are it is "off putting"). So should i push the school to do the testing now?? Should i wait based on the doc? If the teacher thought he needed an eval why isnt she recommending it? Like are they told not to?
Write a letter or email to the Special Ed Chair person and request an evaluation. The teacher probably can't "tell" you do it
That is what im wondering -- like why wouldnt she be saying, you know what, we can eval him here if you ask. Like how would i know that otherwise without asking here. Very frustrating@!
Posted 2/25/20 10:04 AM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Re: Potential ADHD...
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Aries14
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
So, is the Dr unwilling to give a diagnosis that would help you get an IEP based on the evaluation? Either way, you'd need to request the evaluation from the school. I am in NYC schools and a few years ago, I requested the evaluation in March- we got a private evaluation and let the school know, they still did their own in conjunction with the written report from the Dr. It still took until the following school year (October) to get the IEP in place. My daughter has Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and is in an inclusion class, and I find it helps immensely.
Doctor was unwilling to diagnose. He said he wants to monitor and see where DS ends up at the end of the school year -- so to retest DS 5 months later. What irks me about that is it will be too late to push the school at that point for ICT. I dont want to start 2nd grade in one classroom to have them move him to inclusion later down the road (if it could be prevented). The school has not asked for an eval to be done, although the teacher is vocal about his issues with focus, transitions and some peer issues (she says he gets too close to people are it is "off putting"). So should i push the school to do the testing now?? Should i wait based on the doc? If the teacher thought he needed an eval why isnt she recommending it? Like are they told not to?
Write a letter or email to the Special Ed Chair person and request an evaluation. The teacher probably can't "tell" you do it
That is what im wondering -- like why wouldnt she be saying, you know what, we can eval him here if you ask. Like how would i know that otherwise without asking here. Very frustrating@!
You do need to request the evaluation in writing, but the teacher should absolutely let you know that's what needs to be done. Does the teacher know the updates with the doctor?
Posted 2/25/20 10:42 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/10 1801 total posts
Re: Potential ADHD...
I may be against the norm, but I wouldn't be too concerned that a 6 yr old pushed another student CONSIDERING it hasn't happened in the past. My concern would be if you, his teacher, etc speak to him and he CONTINUES to do it.
Also, I'm not sure what district/state you are in, but I know my district would have recommended an evaluation months ago if there is serious concern. I mean by the end of September a teacher can pick up on red flags (just my opinion from what I have experienced).
From what you said... At 6 years old concerns would be trouble with peers (getting too close), below grade level for reading, and not focusing when work gets hard.
To me these are all visual processing issues, poor spatial awareness, etc.
Ask his teacher specific questions... When does he have a hard time focusing? Is it throughout the entire day? Is it when he's doing near work (desk work)? Is it when he's reading/copying from a smart board? Is it more auditory.. when he's doing carpet time or listening to a story, etc.? How is he in gym? Clumsy, uncoordinated?
Also, check the Smart Board. I noticed at open school night our projector was so light and washed out. You could hardly see the information. I asked the teacher to see if she can close the blinds or dim lighting when they kids had to copy from the smart board. Also, ask the teacher if your son can move closer to the smart board for the time being.
I would without a doubt look into vision therapy and get a comprehensive eye exam. It is expensive, but by the new school year you'll have a different kid.
Good luck!!
Posted 2/25/20 10:59 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Re: Potential ADHD...
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Aries14
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
So, is the Dr unwilling to give a diagnosis that would help you get an IEP based on the evaluation? Either way, you'd need to request the evaluation from the school. I am in NYC schools and a few years ago, I requested the evaluation in March- we got a private evaluation and let the school know, they still did their own in conjunction with the written report from the Dr. It still took until the following school year (October) to get the IEP in place. My daughter has Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and is in an inclusion class, and I find it helps immensely.
Doctor was unwilling to diagnose. He said he wants to monitor and see where DS ends up at the end of the school year -- so to retest DS 5 months later. What irks me about that is it will be too late to push the school at that point for ICT. I dont want to start 2nd grade in one classroom to have them move him to inclusion later down the road (if it could be prevented). The school has not asked for an eval to be done, although the teacher is vocal about his issues with focus, transitions and some peer issues (she says he gets too close to people are it is "off putting"). So should i push the school to do the testing now?? Should i wait based on the doc? If the teacher thought he needed an eval why isnt she recommending it? Like are they told not to?
Write a letter or email to the Special Ed Chair person and request an evaluation. The teacher probably can't "tell" you do it
That is what im wondering -- like why wouldnt she be saying, you know what, we can eval him here if you ask. Like how would i know that otherwise without asking here. Very frustrating@!
You do need to request the evaluation in writing, but the teacher should absolutely let you know that's what needs to be done. Does the teacher know the updates with the doctor?
I have kept the teacher informed of all his appointments. When i found out there was no diagnosis and i told the teacher i could physically see she was disappointed. Since then we have worked together to get him pulled out for reading daily which is helping a lot (I also got him an amazing tutor to help with that as well, and signed him up for karate!). I dont know if i should start the eval process now with the school or give these other things a chance to work. Such a hard call... what would you do?
Posted 2/25/20 1:20 PM |
Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08 2860 total posts
Potential ADHD...
start the eval with the school.... there is literally no harm in doing it.
Posted 2/25/20 2:48 PM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Re: Potential ADHD...
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Aries14
Posted by b2b777
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
So, is the Dr unwilling to give a diagnosis that would help you get an IEP based on the evaluation? Either way, you'd need to request the evaluation from the school. I am in NYC schools and a few years ago, I requested the evaluation in March- we got a private evaluation and let the school know, they still did their own in conjunction with the written report from the Dr. It still took until the following school year (October) to get the IEP in place. My daughter has Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and is in an inclusion class, and I find it helps immensely.
Doctor was unwilling to diagnose. He said he wants to monitor and see where DS ends up at the end of the school year -- so to retest DS 5 months later. What irks me about that is it will be too late to push the school at that point for ICT. I dont want to start 2nd grade in one classroom to have them move him to inclusion later down the road (if it could be prevented). The school has not asked for an eval to be done, although the teacher is vocal about his issues with focus, transitions and some peer issues (she says he gets too close to people are it is "off putting"). So should i push the school to do the testing now?? Should i wait based on the doc? If the teacher thought he needed an eval why isnt she recommending it? Like are they told not to?
Write a letter or email to the Special Ed Chair person and request an evaluation. The teacher probably can't "tell" you do it
That is what im wondering -- like why wouldnt she be saying, you know what, we can eval him here if you ask. Like how would i know that otherwise without asking here. Very frustrating@!
You do need to request the evaluation in writing, but the teacher should absolutely let you know that's what needs to be done. Does the teacher know the updates with the doctor?
I have kept the teacher informed of all his appointments. When i found out there was no diagnosis and i told the teacher i could physically see she was disappointed. Since then we have worked together to get him pulled out for reading daily which is helping a lot (I also got him an amazing tutor to help with that as well, and signed him up for karate!). I dont know if i should start the eval process now with the school or give these other things a chance to work. Such a hard call... what would you do?
Hmmm...I think I would start the eval with the school. Like PP said, there is no harm to it. in retrospect, I wish I would have pushed harder in K & 1st grade when I thought there was an issue and not waited until 2nd. I mentioned my concerns to the teachers but they kept telling me it was "age appropriate" and she'd outgrow it. I wish I would have trusted my mommy instincts- only because the earlier intervention starts, the easier it is and the less she would have fallen behind. Once she got the IEP and the help she needed, I saw a lot of stress be alleviated from my DD. The worst that can happen is they don't diagnose him with anything and you follow up with the Dr anyway in 5 months (your evaluation from the school probably won't even be done by then!). Sounds like you are taking steps to help him privately, so that's always a good thing! Good luck!
Posted 2/25/20 4:44 PM |