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Infertility   ::   Sponsored by Lighthouse Wellness Center

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Infertility Introduction Post ClientServices 0 17724 Pinned  
by ClientServices
Please read before posting... ClientServices 0 21368 Pinned  
by ClientServices
POAS pic - no I didnt test yet MrsJ 11 2056 19 years ago 
by MrsJ
did you hear about this play? Donna 6 1754 19 years ago 
by MrsB
Have you seen this book - A Few Good Eggs leighla 6 6045 19 years ago 
by FeliciaDP
Temp taking but no period... NS1976 2 2369 19 years ago 
by MrsJ
I'm baaaack!! Had my 1st IUI this morning! (Pages: 1 2) MrsJ 33 16234 19 years ago 
by karacg
Second IUI today rose825 9 8385 19 years ago 
by Diane
List your RE and what you like and don't like about him/her (Pages: 1 2) DebG 37 4808 19 years ago 
by Diane
RE this morning Gertyrae 12 1901 19 years ago 
by Diane
What can I expect at my first visit to the re?? NS1976 3 8906 19 years ago 
by Donna
Anyone know reasons for..... NS1976 1 1636 19 years ago 
by redstar
Can you list your symptoms of ENDO.... Missy 2 5668 19 years ago 
by redstar
Wow -- New Thread!! Susan 1 2820 19 years ago 
by MrsJ
Kelleherkm-how did it go rose825 6 1720 19 years ago 
by rose825
Got the surge and I have my IUI tomorrow!! MrsJ 19 10096 19 years ago 
by Gertyrae
The official..."help me obsess over my chart" Thread DebG 9 11640 19 years ago 
by MrsJ
Secondary Infertility rose825 8 2833 19 years ago 
by MrsBee
Dr. Brenner in Lake Success Missy 1 2594 19 years ago 
by monters
Update...took another OPK and..... MrsJ 1 5743 19 years ago 
by rose825
Does RSofNY take Empire Insurance... Missy 6 2978 19 years ago 
by Gertyrae
YAY Ladies!! FERTILE TURTLE DUST to you all MrsJ 8 2626 19 years ago 
by CowgirlChick97
LOVE THISSSSSSSS dm24angel 18 2492 19 years ago 
by QuoteTheRaven424
Just wanted to wish you all good luck Holly 3 12247 19 years ago 
by MrsJ
Great new board!!! Scotty-CassidysMom 4 8734 19 years ago 
by Gertyrae
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