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*2011 Races*

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Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: *2011 Races*

Posted by julz33

Thanks Michele! It was my fastest out of the winter series but not even close to post-baby PR. I felt great running but had a lot on my mind - the whole time I was thinking and worrying about the home inspection.

So what 5ks are you thinking of for february?

Great! You should be proud, you haven't done a lot of running lately, right? It was my 2nd fastest of the series, the fastest was the last one at Jones Beach - still not as fast as my PR at the Pancake Run last month :)

I don't think I will do one in Feb, I think I need a break. The next race I might do is in my town in early March. They don't count your time, but there is a clock at the finish line. Only $5...I might do it more as a fun run with the jogger if it's not freezing out. Then in April, there is a 4-miler in East Islip I usually do.What about you? Not to many races in Feb, but the race calendar gets hopping again come Spring.

Posted 1/30/11 3:22 PM
Long Island Weddings
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i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: *2011 Races*

I was a full minute faster this time at Jones Beach than last time at Jones Beach. I did really really bad the first time- but then again I was sick and the wind was awful. Robert Moses time was right in between the two.
I've only been running the races, and doing insanity 6 days per week. I really want to complete the insanity program as close to their schedule as possible, so I have no time for other running.
Feb I will be moving onto month 2 of insanity which is going to be crazy! I want to do that 4 x 2 mile relay at sunken meadow in Feb but thats all I have planned for now. And I want to do the 15k in Kings Park in March. I have to look online and find some others.

Posted 1/30/11 3:39 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: *2011 Races*

Posted by julz33

I was a full minute faster this time at Jones Beach than last time at Jones Beach. I did really really bad the first time- but then again I was sick and the wind was awful. Robert Moses time was right in between the two.
I've only been running the races, and doing insanity 6 days per week. I really want to complete the insanity program as close to their schedule as possible, so I have no time for other running.
Feb I will be moving onto month 2 of insanity which is going to be crazy! I want to do that 4 x 2 mile relay at sunken meadow in Feb but thats all I have planned for now. And I want to do the 15k in Kings Park in March. I have to look online and find some others.

Wow, a full minute faster is great! My times for the 4 races were all within a minute of each other. There is the Little Cow Harbor Run in early March...4-miler. And in Feb, there is the 4-miler in Long Beach and I think there is one in Sayville. I'm still on the fence, part of me wants to get the Insanity. Is it hard to follow. I hate anything that has crazy steps, I like straightforward cardio and weights.

Posted 1/30/11 7:41 PM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Re: *2011 Races*

Right now, I'm still sidelined from running (Wednesday will be a full month). I'm hoping to get back by the Spring for all the races. I'm already dissapointed I'm missing the Camusett 25k, which I had my heart set on running. No way I'll be prepared for that by March.

I'm seeing a knee specialist on Tuesday so hopefully I'll get more insight!

Posted 1/30/11 8:23 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: *2011 Races*

Posted by missfabulous

Right now, I'm still sidelined from running (Wednesday will be a full month). I'm hoping to get back by the Spring for all the races. I'm already dissapointed I'm missing the Camusett 25k, which I had my heart set on running. No way I'll be prepared for that by March.

I'm seeing a knee specialist on Tuesday so hopefully I'll get more insight!

Hope you feel better soon! You will get back, I know it's frustrating. Running is awesome, but the only downfall is the aches and pains that come along with it. Have you tried Active Release Techniques (A.R.T.)? I do it and it's helped me tremendously. Many chiropractors do it.

Posted 1/30/11 9:02 PM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Re: *2011 Races*

Posted by runlikethewind

Hope you feel better soon! You will get back, I know it's frustrating. Running is awesome, but the only downfall is the aches and pains that come along with it. Have you tried Active Release Techniques (A.R.T.)? I do it and it's helped me tremendously. Many chiropractors do it.

Thank you! I haven't tried that or heard of it but I'm going to google it now.

Posted 1/30/11 9:11 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: *2011 Races*

Posted by missfabulous

Thank you! I haven't tried that or heard of it but I'm going to google it now.

Not sure where you live, but I go to someone in Massapequa who is great. There are several that do it on LI.

Posted 1/30/11 9:19 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: *2011 Races*

Posted by missfabulous

Right now, I'm still sidelined from running (Wednesday will be a full month). I'm hoping to get back by the Spring for all the races. I'm already dissapointed I'm missing the Camusett 25k, which I had my heart set on running. No way I'll be prepared for that by March.

I'm seeing a knee specialist on Tuesday so hopefully I'll get more insight!

are you still having pain after a month? Chat Icon
I can see by your posts how much your enjoy running. I hope you can start again soon.

Posted by runlikethewind

I'm still on the fence, part of me wants to get the Insanity. Is it hard to follow. I hate anything that has crazy steps, I like straightforward cardio and weights.

Get it! I am beyond obsessed. You do a Fit Test the first day doing as many moves as you can in a minute. I just did it again at day 15 and I am shocked at how much I have improved in only 2 weeks.
It is basic cardio moves and easy to follow. A lot of the moves are from sports drills. The challenge is doing the moves fast and keeping correct form for the entire time (usually 30 sec - 1 min for each move). Pushing yourself to your limit.

Posted 1/31/11 7:17 PM
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