We have an amazing Family Yoga class every Saturday morning at 10:30 AM. It is a great way to teach children posture and coordination while having fun!!The cost is only $15 for one parent and one child ages 3 to 10. If you are interested we also have a Punch Card Speical where you get 5 classes for 50 dollars.

In addition, we also offer an all level adult yoga class, every thursday at 6:30pm. $10 per person!

Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 10:30
Classes are $10 for one parent and one child! Please call in advance to reserve your spot. We hope to see all the mothers who participated in this event last year.
*****Mother's receive 10% off ITZ jewlery boutique items

Hosted by:
In The Zone Personal Fitness
62 Bethpage Road
Jericho, NY