The statistics are alarming.

--Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths for children ages 1-4 and the second leading cause of unintentional injury death in children 1-14 years of age.

--For ever child who drowns, four others are hospitalized for near drowning and as many as three suffer permanent brain damage.

--9 out of 10 drowning deaths occur when a caregiver IS supervising but not paying attention

--Most drownings happen in residential pools.

Saf-T-Swim is a member of the Long Island Drowning Prevention Task Force and is committed to teaching water safety thereby reducing the number of needless drowning deaths each year.

Use the off-season this fall and winter to prepare your child for the coming summer months. Now is the perfect time to give your child valuable life-savings skills that can protect them AND help them to love and respect the water. Check out swim programs in your area or call 1-866 SAF SWIM.