CPSE meeting was today.

DS qualified.

I am still trying to wrap my head around all of this, and I know I will get more answers when the agency is back in touch to start next week.

Basically, he will be getting a behavior person 1x a week.

The thing that sucks though is that he can't have the service in Nassau.

We are right over the border.

He goes to nursery school in Nassau and my ILs who he is with 4 days a week also live in Nassau.

His cousins who he is with 4 days a week are in Nassau.

They said I could arrange play dates at my house or in the local community in Suffolk but he tends to be really good 1:1, and I know it's gonna be a PITA to bring everyone over to my house/town.

Has anyone been in this situation?

His issues tend to be with transitions and sensory stuff.

He's only been in school for a few weeks and I've had no negative reports, but they said he could be in the "honeymoon" phase.

His meltdowns are after he gets home from school.

His environment is with his family and this is really hitting me now that this is bothering me that he can't get services in his environment if he needs them.

Anyone been there/have advice?

ETA: They did say if something changes for the worse, and they feel he qualifies for a school or school-based services I'd need to pull him out and put him somewhere in Suffolk. It was a lot of info to take in and a lot of people talking at once and the Parent Advocate did not come to the meeting (we agreed to continue without them).