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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
So, a little backstory, Jack was speech delayed. Saying no words at 15 months. At 18 months he was evaluated and started receiving speech therapy twice a week.
For 8 months he hated his speech therapist. I didn't know any better and thought this was how it should be.
At just over 2 years I switched his therapist to one that he adores. He starts making huge progress.
At 27 months he has about 50 words. Now at almost three years old he has well over 350 words.
At the age of 3 EI ends and they move on to CPSE if the child qualifies. CPSE is through the childs school district.
I should also add that Jack has been going to a regular preschool since Sept (27 months) The first month was straight up torture. He had major separation anxiety, but now he LOVES it and is doing beautifully (according to his teachers AND the owners of the school) They said that he is right in the middle of every task, and is not behind any of the other children at all. They also said that he is communicating to them all the time.
When it came time to test him for CPSE he was evaluated two days in a row. The first day he did great - the second day he was blatantly not answering things that he obviously knew (Ex: Cookies) therefore bringing his overral score MUCH lower then it really should have been. He is very headstrong and when he doesn't want to do something - he doesn't. Also, these tests are pretty boring and just showing you pictures in a book. When it came time for the actual activities to "play" with, he performed great.
S0 - we have our meeting on Friday. DH is also a teacher in our district. They offer Jack speech 3 times a week. I am beyond thrilled. They then offer for him to go to a special ed. preschool. I am shocked. So was the woman from the agency who came with us. No one ever thought this would be on the table. While I know that soooo many people would be happy about this - I am not one of them. They suggested an integrated class for Jack. Right off the bat I tell them "Thanks, but no thanks, he is flourishing in his preschool and I wouldn't want to take him out of that in fear of a setback" I also would rather challenge him. I never want him to be the highest functioning child in a class - I would rather him be pushed by others around him.
The woman from the agency is not happy with me at this point. She says that I am basically turning down a GIFT that they are giving bc my DH is in the district and that I am also turning down a Harvard education for my child. Don't even get me started with how pizzed I was. He is my son and I truly know what is best for him. I see the progress he is making day in and day out. He strings three and four words together now. Is he at the level of a regular almost three year old? No. Is he catching up? Absolutely.
So, after speaking with my husband, my sons speech therapist, my sons current nursery school, and his pediatrician, we are all in agreement that he will be staying in his current nursery school.
Now, I ask you - and would LOVE to know honest answers here - What would you do in this situation?
If you read this entire thing - THANK YOU!
Message edited 4/18/2010 6:43:33 PM.
Posted 4/18/10 6:39 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I think you made the right choice. I agree with you.
Posted 4/18/10 6:42 PM |
Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05 9612 total posts
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I would absolutely have made the same exact decision and in my IHO you did the RIGHT thing.
Posted 4/18/10 6:43 PM |
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
Typical school all the way. If he does well there, that's where he should be. JMO.
Posted 4/18/10 6:45 PM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I agree with you, as well.
Posted 4/18/10 6:45 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
After reading all that, I have to say that you are doing what you know is right for your son. And, on top of that, you're not just some stubborn mom, you actually went on further to ask the advice of others who agreed with you. So I would say you're really doing the right thing. I mean, you already know he's doing well, so why mess with that? Just because other people might have to fight to get their kids in the program that was offered to you doesn't mean you HAVE to take it. If he doesn't need it, then it'd be a waste, imo. You know your son best and that's pretty evident. I'm glad to hear he's progressing so nicely!
Posted 4/18/10 6:46 PM |

Member since 4/08 7758 total posts
Name: colette
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I would've done *exactly* what you did. Great advocacy for Jack, D.
I don't know it's weird but it sounds like some of these evaluators are "incented" to push the integrated classes, would that be the case here??? I understand why she threw it out there, but honestly as a parent it's YOUR decision and she should've backed off when she saw your disinterest.
That Harvard comment is just off the wall nutso and unprofessional, imho.
Stick with your plan and GO JACK!!!!!
Posted 4/18/10 6:47 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/07 3631 total posts
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I would have made the same decision you did.
Are they offering you this because your DH works in the district? Would they NOT offer it otherwise? If so, then I take it to mean Jack doesn't really NEED special ed. anyway. Please correct me if I misinterpreted that.
Posted 4/18/10 6:49 PM |
So blessed!

Member since 11/06 10348 total posts
Name: Ivelysse
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I would have done the exact same thing. If it is working for Jack then I wouldn't change it. I am shocked that the district would even offer to pay for a different program especially during these times.
Posted 4/18/10 6:55 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I would do the same exact thing that you did...
Am I reading correctly that they are basically giving you this "gift" because DH is a teacher in the district, but otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified for it?
Posted 4/18/10 6:58 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
Posted by Reese32
I would have made the same decision you did.
Are they offering you this because your DH works in the district? Would they NOT offer it otherwise? If so, then I take it to mean Jack doesn't really NEED special ed. anyway. Please correct me if I misinterpreted that.
They really didn't give much of an explanation. They just said "We will place him in a special ed nursery school also" The woman from the agency and his therapist all claimed this was a gift since DH works in the district and they've never seen it offered before for a child just with a speech delay. They said normally parents have to fight to get it for their kids.
Posted 4/18/10 7:00 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I think you are doing the right thing You know Jack best and just b/c they offered it, doesnt mean its right for him. Sounds like he's flourishing in his preschool, so I would def leave him their
Posted 4/18/10 7:03 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
If he is flourishing and happy where he is and you are happy with his current placement then I definitely think you made the right decision. A one of two day observation I don't think can replace what you, his teachers and others see on a regular basis.
Posted 4/18/10 7:11 PM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I would do the same as you. Why move him if he is flourishing where he is?!
Posted 4/18/10 7:15 PM |
2 boys 2 girls!!!!
Member since 7/08 3324 total posts
Name: M
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I totally agree with you! It sounds like if you put him in the other pre-k he would be to advanced, which would ultimately probably hurt him. I had this problem through elementary school until I was offered Honors courses, and I really believe that is why I HATE school, because I wasn't pushed when I was younger, and that is when you NEED to be pushed! Goodluck!
Posted 4/18/10 7:23 PM |
Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07 17227 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I think you're doing the right thing!!!!
Posted 4/18/10 7:24 PM |
Finally made it to 1,000!!!!

Member since 6/08 1059 total posts
Name: stacy
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
You know you have my support I think Its totally out of the question & would only disservice him.
Posted 4/18/10 7:24 PM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I think I would have done what you did...if he's doing fine, why take him out?
Posted 4/18/10 7:28 PM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I totally agree with you that I would never want my son to be the most highest functioning child in his classroom. My son also thrives on challenge and does well with typical peers (since he's been with typical peers since he started daycare at 3 months).
I think I would probably be thinking along the same lines as you for Jack since his delays are only in speech and he's made such great progress.
But maybe before you make the final decision you should go see the classroom and see how it runs. An integrated classroom is typical and special ed in the same room. Actually, there are more "typical" children than special ed so he would have the benefit of having typical children in the class too. The teachers are better experienced to deal with delays and there are usually more staff in the class. In addition they get the benefits of some of the specialized therapy that otherwise wouldn't be offered. I witnessed the 4 year old program at my district the other day and I have to say that the class was run phenominally. I was very impressed. It was more cohesive and organized that the one at my daycare. The special-ed children they place in these types of classrooms (at least in my district) are usually higher-functioning delayed children. Otherwise they would send them out completely to a specialized school.
Just wanted to play some devil's advocate for you.
However, since your DH is a teacher, you've consulted with your ped, therapist and current school and you're all on the same page I think you're making the right one! And since he will still have speech I think you're very well covered!
Posted 4/18/10 7:30 PM |
My three little miracles

Member since 4/06 2628 total posts
Name: Alison
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
You are obviously an informed parent and you are basing your decision on many factors. You made the decision based on what will be best for your son after evaluating the situation and all of your options.
Could the word "gift" have been used because if he attends the special ed preschool there will be no charge, whereas the private nursery school he is in now charges tuition? That comment would have made me shudder.... gift or no gift, you are doing what is best for you DS!!!!
Posted 4/18/10 7:31 PM |
lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05 7401 total posts
Name: Julianne
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
you need to listen to your mommy instinct and do what you think is right. i'm a school based SLP too. who cares if they write against committee recommendations on the IEP. if he is doing well, why would you change things? you know your child best. anyway, you can reconvene at any time if you ever want to. the document is fluid. i wish him continued success!
Posted 4/18/10 7:55 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/09 2157 total posts
Name: Shari
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I think you did the right thing, absolutely. Trust your gut.
Posted 4/18/10 7:58 PM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
I would of done the same thing because I believe kids learn from each other. If Jack is the smartest in the specal ed class...he isn't "learning" from any of the other kids. I would rather my child "try" the regular class and if he is having a difficult time keeping up with the other kids then I would look at options.
Posted 4/18/10 7:59 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
Posted by lbelle821
I totally agree with you that I would never want my son to be the most highest functioning child in his classroom. My son also thrives on challenge and does well with typical peers (since he's been with typical peers since he started daycare at 3 months).
I think I would probably be thinking along the same lines as you for Jack since his delays are only in speech and he's made such great progress.
But maybe before you make the final decision you should go see the classroom and see how it runs. An integrated classroom is typical and special ed in the same room. Actually, there are more "typical" children than special ed so he would have the benefit of having typical children in the class too. The teachers are better experienced to deal with delays and there are usually more staff in the class. In addition they get the benefits of some of the specialized therapy that otherwise wouldn't be offered. I witnessed the 4 year old program at my district the other day and I have to say that the class was run phenominally. I was very impressed. It was more cohesive and organized that the one at my daycare. The special-ed children they place in these types of classrooms (at least in my district) are usually higher-functioning delayed children. Otherwise they would send them out completely to a specialized school.
Just wanted to play some devil's advocate for you.
However, since your DH is a teacher, you've consulted with your ped, therapist and current school and you're all on the same page I think you're making the right one! And since he will still have speech I think you're very well covered!
There is one school right over here that is supposedly amazing. It was the only one I would consider (because I do not feel comfortable putting him on a bus) but after speaking to my ped about it yesterday he did not think sending him to this particular school would benefit him. Also, there is a long waiting list for the integrated class that they have there so he probably wouldn't have gotten in anyway.
Thanks for your input though, you know I appreciate it!
Posted 4/18/10 8:00 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: An update from Jack's CPSE meeting, and a WWYD? LONG warning!
Posted by july0105
You are obviously an informed parent and you are basing your decision on many factors. You made the decision based on what will be best for your son after evaluating the situation and all of your options.
Could the word "gift" have been used because if he attends the special ed preschool there will be no charge, whereas the private nursery school he is in now charges tuition? That comment would have made me shudder.... gift or no gift, you are doing what is best for you DS!!!!
Yes, that is absolutely what I think they meant when they said "Gift" - I don't care about the $$$ at all, it's not even a factor here!
Posted 4/18/10 8:01 PM |
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