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If you co wash

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Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


If you co wash

what do you use?
how do you do it?
do you ever shampoo?
has it changed your hair?
do you have any tips?


Posted 9/14/13 8:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/09

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If you co wash

I cowash with devacurl no poo about once a week, and then deep condition after that. I never use shampoo and see a big difference. All the other days I just condition.

Posted 9/14/13 8:28 PM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: If you co wash

What is co wash?

Posted 9/14/13 8:41 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: If you co wash

I have very curly dry hair. I didn't know what cowashing was but, I googled it and yes I have been doing this for years. I shampoo about once a week. You will see when you need to. But most days I just condition. I feel that if I just rinse and don't condition my hair gets more frizzy. Major difference.

Posted 9/15/13 8:11 AM

Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06

4412 total posts


Re: If you co wash

Posted by MsSissy

What is co wash?

When your 6 year old takes a shower with you??

Chat Icon Chat Icon sorry, couldn't resist
It's when you don't use shampoo, just conditioner

Posted 9/15/13 10:42 AM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

14432 total posts


Re: If you co wash

I didnt now there was a name either. I do it all the time.

I find my hair pretty healthy, it's long too. Not sure if that's why, or I don't flat iron, or use better hair products?

Posted 9/15/13 5:43 PM

Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: If you co wash

Live and learn, live and learn... This is the first time I hear of the words 'co-wash" not in relation to washing one's two kids together! Chat Icon

As it turns out, I "cowash", have been doing it for years.-) I use conditioner every single day and wash with regular normal sampoo every 3-4 days.:

In addition, I started using Wen in the beginning of summer and I see a HUGE different in my think, long, curly hair. I can't, however, use it exactly as directed. First of all, I don't need as much as they recommend using. I use 3-5 pumps instead of 10-15. Also, I still use regular shampoo 2x a week, otherwise my hair gets greasy and weighted down.

Posted 9/15/13 10:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

4694 total posts


If you co wash

I have never heard of this but i'm going to try it.

I recently dyed my hair darker and it's SO frustrating to watch the color wash out over time (i normally shampoo every, or every other day). This may help a lot!

Posted 9/16/13 6:21 PM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: If you co wash

I try doing this, but it ends up leaving my hair way too greasy, especially if I put Moroccan oil in it.

Posted 9/20/13 6:13 AM

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