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gluten free moms

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

565 total posts


gluten free moms

What are you ladies eating ? If i eat one more egg im going to cry and im so queasy and hungry and frustrated.

Posted 9/27/14 6:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/10

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gluten free moms

I eat a lot of fruit, hummus, veggie sticks for snacks

Bisquick has great GF pancake mix
Aldis has their own GF brand, their corn bread is awesome

Posted 9/27/14 7:59 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: gluten free moms

I was solely GF. Since pregnant I have become gluten light. I was not gaining weight with the pregnancy and needed more carbs so I incorporated certain grains back into my diet and I feel a lot better. I would get GF pancakes- bisquick or pamelas, bananas and hard boiled eggs, pamelas corn bread muffins, KIND bars with fresh fruit on the side and hummas with veggies or hummas with cheese on almond crackers.

Message edited 9/27/2014 8:24:02 PM.

Posted 9/27/14 8:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


gluten free moms

how about nuts, dried fruit, greek yogart, veggies and tzatziki dip, stuffed grape leaves, rice cakes, GF muffins (you can make a batch and freeze), Rice Pasta Salad in Italian Dressing with Mozzerella and olives, cheddar cheese sticks, apples and peanut butter, smoothies....I thought you asked for snacks, sorry!

Meals: any protein and veggies and if feeling queasy or you need something more substantial add the protein to pasta or rice. I like making Jambalaya too with chicken and shrimp.

Posted 9/27/14 8:32 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

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gluten free moms

I'm still trying to stay 80% paleo during this adventure but I had add more starch because I found myself getting a little hypogycemic with my usual protein and veg diet. sweet potatoes have become my new best friend

Posted 9/27/14 9:25 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

660 total posts


gluten free moms

I was doing Paleo pre pregnancy and was just too nauseous to continue it. It was all downhill from there but I felt like crap-prob due to what I was eating.

Posted 9/27/14 10:09 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

210 total posts


Re: gluten free moms

Posted by jdbaby

I was doing Paleo pre pregnancy and was just too nauseous to continue it. It was all downhill from there but I felt like crap-prob due to what I was eating.

I actually assumed that would happen to me as well and kinda planned on falling off the paleo wagon....all my
Close friends have been pretty nauseated and self proclaimed carbovores during their first tri. so far tho...knock on wood....I feel pretty energized and only get a little queasy when I need to eat. it goes away once I feed the monster Chat Icon
No food aversions yet either...chicken and eggs and veggies all still appeal to me. I am eating more fruit...and the sweet potatoes. but i'm only 7 weeks....that all may change...

Posted 9/28/14 8:40 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


gluten free moms

I'm not gf but DH is so I'm always trying to come up with ideas for him or for our dinners. For breakfast/lunch/snacks he does a lot of chex with almond milk, greek yogurt, granola bars, nuts, nut thin crackers with laughing cow cheese or hummus, progresso gf soups, fruit. I've made him muffins and cookies that were both really good. Dinners are all kinds of things from stuffed peppers to enchiladas to roasted chicken, etc. I usually post my dinner plan on the dining board so I can always share a recipe if you see anything interesting there.

Posted 9/28/14 10:44 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

565 total posts


gluten free moms

Im just queasy and bored of everuthing i normally eat. But tomorroe i will be on the hunt for some of these brands. I will definitely be visiting the dining board. Thanks ladies knew i could count on you.

Posted 9/28/14 11:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/13

58 total posts


gluten free moms

Udi's bread products, especially toasted (sandwich bread, burger buns) .
not preggo but GF for years.

Posted 10/8/14 12:36 PM

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