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So competitive

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


So competitive

My 9 year old DS (will be 10 in May) has become so competitive when it comes to sports or pretty much anything. Mostly sports though.
I get it... maybe a boy thing bc I see how him and his friends play together. They're all good boys, but they def do some trash talking too.
I don't mind him wanting to win, but then when he gets so upset he cried it's a bit ridiculous.

I have sat him down and spoke with him about good sportsmanship, cheering your friends on if you don't win, it's not the end of the world, be happy with your life and all the other good things going on.
He eventually moves on and fine. Last basketball game when they were playing for championship and they lost he took it hard and wouldn't even talk to one of his best friends after the game bc he was on the winning team,

I actually spoke with the prinicipal the other day bc we had a PTA meeting and DS told me they took away soccer from the kids. She said the boys were getting so bad. Both 4th and 5th graders are on a "break" from playing soccer.
Ugh! My younger DS is 7 and nothing like that. Although not as into sports either.
Anyone else have a child like that?

ETA - he gets like that with grades too. Especially math bc he's really good in math so wants no less than a 95. For ELA not so much bc that's his weaker subject. LOL

Message edited 3/21/2019 11:37:21 AM.

Posted 3/21/19 11:33 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


So competitive

Normal IMO. My son gets upset and generally lets it roll off him but others on his hockey teams get very upset. With my DS teams they put every ounce of themselves into the game so I get why they are upset.

Posted 3/21/19 3:50 PM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: So competitive

Really normal.
I see kids crying at every game... I also see a whole lot of smack talk between the kids at recess. Parents get all emotional too... so why not the kids?!?! There is such an increased sports competition and involvement (as in time commitment) vs when we were kids.

Maybe a good first step would be having the school psychologist talk with the boys. Mine wasn’t helpful... we actually went privately with our son who was having a really tough time. It was worth every minute and dollar.

Posted 3/22/19 11:27 AM


Member since 6/06

5911 total posts


Re: So competitive

I have two girls who play sports, one on an all boys team. I think what you are seeing with your son is pretty normal. During big games kids come off crying. I am super non-competitive nor athletic and don't really get it

Posted 3/22/19 12:13 PM


Member since 5/05

3116 total posts


Re: So competitive

It is pretty normal, and I feel if other kids are that way, then it comes out worse on them. DS used to get this way when playing solo sports like tennis and loosing, even when the practice was for fun. Now he is 13 and plays baseball, and when they loose is not too bad at all. The trash talking when he was around that age drove us crazy, because it was even among friends on the same team. Now they encourage each other... so there is hope.

What you mention academically, is great. That means that he is competing with himself, and pushing himself to give his best.

Poor principal, I can't imagine how bad it was, to have to take soccer away Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/19 3:51 PM

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