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one breast much larger than the other?

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/16

2921 total posts


one breast much larger than the other?

I had noticed for the first time about a month ago that my right breast looked alot bigger than my left, but I had gained some weight so I didn't really give it much thought... Since then, I had gained another 5 lbs or so and went back on WW the other day. Tonight, while Dh and I were hanging out he told me that he noticed one breast seemed alot larger. I assume this is from the weight gain, but I will call my dr tomorrow just in case.

Aside from the size, there are no other changes at all. No lumps, nothing else looks different. Just the size... anyone else experience this with weight gain of about 10-15 lbs?

Posted 4/10/19 9:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15657 total posts


Re: one breast much larger than the other?

My left has always been larger than my right. But, I will mention, that I went for a mammo recently, and the tech asked if that was a recent change with my different sizes. I said no. She said okay, just making sure. So, I would have it checked out since it's a sudden thing.

Posted 4/11/19 9:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/16

2921 total posts


one breast much larger than the other?

called them today and they said because it's a sudden thing they want me to get an ultrasound done and see a breast surgeon to be checked out

Posted 4/11/19 4:33 PM

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