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Last day of school

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Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Last day of school

Today was the last day of school for my oldest (he finished 2nd grade). He got off the bus SOBBING, and has been sad, with on and off crying, ever since. I told him he can sleep later than 6:15 tomorrow morning, can go to bed later than 8 tonight, and not be stuck to a schedule, besides the few weeks he has camps. Nothing helped. He said he already misses his teacher, his friends (even though he will see a few of them a lot this summer), and he will miss getting to go to school everyday. I think it is very cute that he loves school so much, but what kind of weird kid hates summer vacation? He is on the couch right now watching TV with a sad face. Chat Icon
He asked if we can make a paper chain counting down to the first day of school- meanwhile my DS who ended K last week is screaming "NOOOO I don't want the first day of school to be here yet!"
It's going to be a lllllooooonnngggg 10 weeks Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/19 7:37 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Last day of school

This was EXACTLY my Dd when she ended Kindergarten.
Right down to not being able to sleep that night.
I was shocked and taken aback by it.
She got over it fast though and ever since then counts down the days till the end of school. So that was short lived!

Posted 6/20/19 9:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Last day of school

my son just finished 2nd grade, too... and this is him, too. he wasn't sobbing- but definitely sad! Hes a kid that really craves a routine and a plan... so he worries about that i think. Plus, he honestly doesn't have many (or any) friends that ask him to do things outside of school (although his teacher says the other kids really like him. They just never invite him to do anything with them outside of school) So i think he does miss seeing the other kids in school, and gets really bored at home.
Hes doing the town "summer rec" program at his school this summer- so i'm hoping once that starts, he'll be good LOL
Another thing- not sure if your sons school does this. But at my son's school, they do a "clap out" for the 5th graders that are moving on to middle school. the whole school lines the hallways and claps/ cheers while the 5th graders walk out the doors of the elementary school for the last time. A lot of the 5th graders and teachers definitely get emotional over that.... so if his school does that, he might've seen them crying or sad, which doesn't help either.
I'm sure he'll be fine once he realizes how nice lazy mornings are!! HAHAhA

Posted 6/21/19 7:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/13

1101 total posts


Last day of school

My son is reacting this way about ending Pre-K but I think it is just his personality. He likes his routines and feels good about school. He says he misses his friends, teachers, and the bus. I took the approach of telling him it's okay to be sad and he will see his friends in Kindergarten (we have UPK). I know it's hard for him to make transitions.

Posted 6/21/19 9:12 AM


Member since 5/05

5754 total posts


Re: Last day of school

a paper chain! i love it!

i'd schedule some time with a friend or two asap.

Posted 6/24/19 9:16 AM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: Last day of school

I think it's actually very normal. The school year flies by for us adults, but for the children, it feels like a very long time. The children get into routine and any disruption to this is a jolt to their systems.

DS is ending K on Wednesday and he began to get emotional last night. He had a hard time sleeping. He's going to camp with so many of his friends from school, but it's unknown and a change, so I can sense his emotions. DD is ending preschool and is very attached to her teacher. This morning her teacher said she was sad it's her last few days and DD got teary. Both of my children end school Wednesday and begin camp Thursday, no downtime.
They are emotional about their school year ending.

I think the best thing you (OP) can do is get your child into a routine as much as possible. Make a calendar so he can visually see what to expect each day. It will be nice for him to have things to look forward to.

Posted 6/24/19 10:36 AM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: Last day of school

My DD did this at the end of K.
She LOVED her teacher and the teacher loved her. It was heartbreaking.
I took a picture... and she got over it with some ice cream.

Posted 6/24/19 1:47 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Last day of school

Posted by nycgirl

My DD did this at the end of K.
She LOVED her teacher and the teacher loved her. It was heartbreaking.
I took a picture... and she got over it with some ice cream.

I remember on the last day of K, DH went to meet DD at the bus and she came off SOBBING! He looked at the driver and said, "OMG what happened?" He thought something had happened on the bus. The driver shrugged and said- they are all upset over the last day of school.
We were shocked. We were remembering the feeling of euphoria when we were kids. It was like the best day of the year!
So we were NOT expecting this. Her best friend's mom said she came home sobbing too. Apparently one of them started crying as the teacher was hugging them good bye and it set them all off!
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So the buses were filled with sobbing Kindergarten's while the other grades were celebrating! LOL
She was upset the whole day, and even that night said she couldn't sleep because she couldn't stop thinking about it. I had to put a movie on for her to take her mind off of it.

But that has not happened since- I can assure you.
She's in 3rd now and can't wait for Wednesday!

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Posted 6/24/19 1:58 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Last day of school

Thank you, everyone! He is a little better- we spent all day today at the pool, just the 2 of us, which he loved because he didn't have to spend time in the baby pool with his sisters. On Friday we saw Toy Story 2. Tomorrow we are going to have a playdate with a friend from school, next Monday he starts a 2 week baseball camp. Then we go away for a week. After hyping all of this stuff up, I think he got a little more excited.
He slept until 9:30 this morning and loved it. His teacher has an Instagram page for the class, she posted a video on Thursday of all of them sobbing. She was an amazing teacher, it was hard to say goodbye to her.
Thanks again for making my feel not alone with my weirdo child!

Posted 6/24/19 7:34 PM

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