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Miracles Do Come True

Member since 8/10 2287 total posts
Name: Caren
Are we ready to send them back to school?
I am!! I also can't believe that so many districts go back on different days. My kids start Wednesday some friends start Tuesday and my other friend her son goes on Friday. Her son gets on the bus at 7:15 for elementary school and my kids get on an hour later. As for being ready, I think its the anticipation of it all. My baby starts kindergarten, my daughter first and older son second grade. Im having 3 kids in school full time and Im going back to work. Im not ready for the chaotic mornings and getting homework done but I am trying to give myself more free time and less activities for the kids.
Posted 8/30/19 2:11 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Are we ready to send them back to school?
We start Thursday. We have a few different start times in my district due to busses. My son has the early elementary start which I love cause I can put him on the bus and still get to work with plenty of time to spare.
I was ready for him to go back but he’s been in FL with my parents for the last week so I miss him. I’m flying down tonight to get him. We were supposed to be at Disney until Wednesday but hurricane Dorian has other plans so we fly back up Sunday and will have a last minute staycation.
Posted 8/30/19 2:42 PM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Are we ready to send them back to school?
No...I love the carefree days of Summer. No HW, no sports, lots of time outside. So much less yelling 
Posted 8/30/19 3:31 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
Re: Are we ready to send them back to school?
This is a close tie for me. I don't miss that chaos of getting them up and ready and running to activities. I love the opportunity of being in the "moment" with them because it goes by soooo fast. On the other hand, I am running out of things to do with them when it comes to getting out of the house and I've got some projects to do that can't be done when they are home.
Posted 8/30/19 3:36 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Are we ready to send them back to school?
Posted by Katareen
No...I love the carefree days of Summer. No HW, no sports, lots of time outside. So much less yelling 
Same. September has always been the most depressing time of the year for me. The summer goes way too fast.
And for me, routine is torture. I hate routine. Doing the same thing in the same way day in and day out bores me to death. It's not a routine, it's a grind. ugh
Message edited 8/31/2019 11:50:50 AM.
Posted 8/30/19 5:30 PM |
Life is Good!

Member since 7/07 7979 total posts
Are we ready to send them back to school?
Sort of. I’m a teacher so when he goes back I have to go back. We had a great summer but at this point both need the routine back. I’m ready to get paid again, that’s for sure.
Posted 8/31/19 11:47 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/16 253 total posts
Are we ready to send them back to school?
lol yes, the grind! May I reference the viral back to school supply shopping YouTube? (If you haven’t seen it, it’s hysterical). Summer is fun, just a tad too long and the week or so lead up to the first day of school is tough, almost like let’s just do it already.
Posted 9/1/19 12:38 AM |

Member since 1/06 3508 total posts
Name: J
Are we ready to send them back to school?
Yes. I am ready for them to go back. I work year round and the last few weeks of coordinating their play dates/care have been annoying. My kids are better with a routine.
Posted 9/1/19 7:45 AM |
Member since 8/10 6011 total posts
Are we ready to send them back to school?
I am ready to get back into our routine. My DD has been saying she’s bored the past couple weeks, so it’s time for her to go back too. The only thing I’m not looking forward to is packing snacks and lunches every day.
Posted 9/1/19 8:17 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: Are we ready to send them back to school?
Yes and no! Yes because I'm sick of running my own Summer camp, ha! No because I don't want to get up at 6am!
Posted 9/1/19 5:37 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Are we ready to send them back to school?
Nope. I have to get myself and DD ready in the morning and she's not the easiest person to wake up. My anxiety is going to be at a 10 instead of the usual 7. Lol. I'm also not excited to do homework.
Message edited 9/1/2019 7:11:30 PM.
Posted 9/1/19 7:10 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Are we ready to send them back to school?
Message edited 9/1/2019 7:11:09 PM.
Posted 9/1/19 7:10 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Are we ready to send them back to school?
No, only because my son is a lot of work during the school year. I’m not ready to deal with the “I forgot my books, for legit to hand in my hwk, lost my hwk, forgot tests etc..” it’s the worse dealing with this crap after a long day of work. Summer is so less stressful.
Posted 9/1/19 7:42 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Are we ready to send them back to school?
My son has been ready to go back since the beginning of August. He started refusing to do anything fun: pool, park, etc.
I am a teacher and I am not looking forward to going back. Everything is so hectic and I feel like I’m burning the candle on both ends most of the time. I don’t mind working, but I feel like nothing gets 100% when school is in session.
Posted 9/2/19 10:01 AM |
Miracles Do Come True

Member since 8/10 2287 total posts
Name: Caren
Re: Are we ready to send them back to school?
Yes the chaos of getting everyone out in the mornings is stressing me out which is why Im up at 6am and school doesn't event start till tomorrow. We packed backpacks yesterday and I realized I was short fine tip dry erase markers for my son so I ordered them from Amazon. Im nervous about getting 3 snack bags, 3 lunches together and just getting us all out in time for the bus at 810. I made sure activities were only during the week and not weekends. I am sad that we will not have more time but I think I am just ready.
Posted 9/3/19 6:26 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Are we ready to send them back to school?
We started today...Bye Felicia She was excited, I was excited, so win win
Posted 9/3/19 8:49 AM |
Love my boys!!
Member since 1/12 3548 total posts
Name: Christine
Are we ready to send them back to school?
The kids started today, but so did I. I will miss us all being together over the summer, but this is the first year we have no babysitters! DS is in 3rd DS 1st twin DD's- Prek DD- nursery
All 5 kids in full day school. Feels like we hit such a milestone
Posted 9/3/19 9:41 PM |