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LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
My son will be 11 in a couple of weeks and I still can't believe he doesn't care when he looks like a mess. He does shower every night and he's clean, but if he's got a booger running down his face he just doesn't seem to care. He will run out hair a mess and crumbs on his face from breakfast to get the school bus. Don't get me wrong... he's got a lot of friends and friendly kid who like sports and very little bit talking about girls, but I think it's only bc his friends are. He will be in middle school next year and I keep telling him he needs to care about how he presents himself. Ugh... especially when he's congested from allergies or a cold.
Posted 3/2/20 11:00 AM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Re: Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
Posted by EricaAlt
My son will be 11 in a couple of weeks and I still can't believe he doesn't care when he looks like a mess. He does shower every night and he's clean, but if he's got a booger running down his face he just doesn't seem to care. He will run out hair a mess and crumbs on his face from breakfast to get the school bus. Don't get me wrong... he's got a lot of friends and friendly kid who like sports and very little bit talking about girls, but I think it's only bc his friends are. He will be in middle school next year and I keep telling him he needs to care about how he presents himself. Ugh... especially when he's congested from allergies or a cold.
OMG this is my DS -he's 9.
He has started to care a bit about his clothes and what he is wearing, meaning I now have to get his approval on anything I buy, because if he does not like it, he will not wear it. He is also so into sneakers - everything is about sneakers and what matches and goes etc.
So its all good from the neck down.
The neck up totally different story. He always is sucking his snot up his nose I tell him to use a tissue to clean it and he literally bunches it up and just pushes the tissue up against his nose and then just barely wiping the outside of nostrils and leaving all the mucous still inside. I am constantly telling him to wash his hands after he eats, because for some ODD reason the kid barely uses the utensils put in front of him. He instead wants to take it back old school and use his hands. and I mean for majority of his meals. I feel like we are always repeating ourselves with him 'use your fork, don't eat with your hands, wipe your mouth etc.
He is a good looking kid, and has lots of friends and plays sports, but his facial area and habits need to be worked on.
Posted 3/2/20 1:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
Posted by BriBri2u
Posted by EricaAlt
My son will be 11 in a couple of weeks and I still can't believe he doesn't care when he looks like a mess. He does shower every night and he's clean, but if he's got a booger running down his face he just doesn't seem to care. He will run out hair a mess and crumbs on his face from breakfast to get the school bus. Don't get me wrong... he's got a lot of friends and friendly kid who like sports and very little bit talking about girls, but I think it's only bc his friends are. He will be in middle school next year and I keep telling him he needs to care about how he presents himself. Ugh... especially when he's congested from allergies or a cold.
OMG this is my DS -he's 9.
He has started to care a bit about his clothes and what he is wearing, meaning I now have to get his approval on anything I buy, because if he does not like it, he will not wear it. He is also so into sneakers - everything is about sneakers and what matches and goes etc.
So its all good from the neck down.
The neck up totally different story. He always is sucking his snot up his nose I tell him to use a tissue to clean it and he literally bunches it up and just pushes the tissue up against his nose and then just barely wiping the outside of nostrils and leaving all the mucous still inside. I am constantly telling him to wash his hands after he eats, because for some ODD reason the kid barely uses the utensils put in front of him. He instead wants to take it back old school and use his hands. and I mean for majority of his meals. I feel like we are always repeating ourselves with him 'use your fork, don't eat with your hands, wipe your mouth etc.
He is a good looking kid, and has lots of friends and plays sports, but his facial area and habits need to be worked on.
Too funny! My boys are the same way with utensils. My other son is 8. He will hold the fork in one hand and the other hand pick up food. DH and I are constantly telling him to use his fork. My older son who's 10 now does cut up his own meats and all, but still will use it correctly and then pick it up with his hands after. WTF? Boys are gross. LOL One thing is he does care about the clothes, but has to be Nike, Adidas or a ton of Jerseys he has to wear. My younger son is the one always brushing his hair though. LOL He likes the girls and worries me more with that stuff while my older son in oblivious.
Posted 3/2/20 1:35 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
My son is a slob and doesn’t care how he looks. He comes home with paint spilled all over his shirt. I tell him your 11, why are you coming home like a 5yr old and if anyone makes fun of him. Lol. He’s such a hot mess.
I have to remind him to brush his teeth every day and tell him to get back in the shower when he comes out with it dry. Like wtf.. 45 min shower and your hair is dry. Friggin boys
Posted 3/2/20 5:57 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/15 3049 total posts
Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
My 10 yo is the same. His hair will be a mess and he doesn't care. He'll have a constant glistening snotty nose, and he doesn't notice. He'll be wearing floods (he's really tall) - doesn't care. I'm lucky that he doesn't care about his clothes though - other than wanting to wear elastic waistband pants b/c it's easier for me.
Posted 3/2/20 6:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
Ok, so it's not only my son. I just don't get it. How do you not care there are crumbs and a mess on your face from breakfast, chapped lips and hair a mess running for the bus. Ugh!
Oh, and the shower thing is the same. He'll be in the shower forever and I yell to finish soaping up and he's like... Oh, I haven't started yet.
Oh, and I make sure he has chapstick and tissues in his backpack, but they seem untouched even though his lips are bleeding or dry when he gets home and sniffing in boogers.
Message edited 3/3/2020 7:22:54 AM.
Posted 3/3/20 7:21 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
my 9 year old son is the same way!!! he just doesn't care about how his hair looks, and it drives me nuts!! LOL its getting long and he needs a haircut, but when i suggest going for one, he just keeps telling me he doesn't want/need one. meanwhile, its a mess and he doesn't really worry about fixing it. HAHA and he'll get a shower at night, and then play around and "spike" it up while its wet, then sleeps with it that way and its just a total mess in the AM. UGH! And forget about if hes congested from allergies- he just holds a tissue up to his nose, doesn't actually blow it out to stop it from running for a little bit. LOL i'm actually glad he doesn't care too much about clothes yet- he just wants them to be comfortable- no jeans or anything with snaps. so i buy him athletic pants, and long sleeve t-shirts, and hes been ok with it so far HAHA but the hair thing drives me nuts, and i just don't have the energy to argue with him about it!!!
Posted 3/3/20 8:57 AM |
Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07 4521 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
My 10 and 11 year old boys are the same way. Who cares if my clothes match and if I never brush my hair.
Posted 3/3/20 2:00 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 2326 total posts
Name: Ms. Brat
Re: Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
My 16 year old only recently started to take pride in his appearance. My 14 year old always has. You’d think the older one would’ve taken a hint from the younger one!
Posted 3/3/20 6:41 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Is it just my kid? 5th grade boy
So what you are telling me is my 5 year old will continue this behavior until he is in at least middle school - LOL. He pretty much demonstrates every trait that you listed including messy hair, face, clothes. Taking a shower but forgetting to soap up.
Posted 3/4/20 7:54 AM |