I'm holding onto a sliver of hope b/c SIL got her BFP on day 12 after a negative on day 11 but I was really hoping since I had what I thought might be implantation cramping Friday afternoon/evening.
Do you think it's possible you were a little off when calculating your O date?
I guess since I don't chart. I got my the evening of CD 13 so I'm assuming I ovulated on CD 14.
I don't have much experience with charting or OPKs and see an RE- but don't people say the smiley could come before the surge? which would make you 10dpo today or am I very off here...
I agree with the pp. They say you can ovulate anywhere from 12-36 hours after getting your smiley. I am new to the OPK but I got my smiley on Thu and I am counting today as 1DPO. You may still be early. Good luck!
I agree with the pp. They say you can ovulate anywhere from 12-36 hours after getting your smiley. I am new to the OPK but I got my smiley on Thu and I am counting today as 1DPO. You may still be early. Good luck!
Based on this, since you got the smiley in the evening, it's possible you are even 9dpo!!
i agree with the PPs and also want to add if you had what you "thought" was implantation cramping on friday, even if it was, it could def still be too early for an HPT to detect HCG. your levels wouldnt necessarily be that high yet.
i know how you feel! after i saw so many others get positives on 9 and 10DPO i was really sad when i got my BFN...but we're not out until AF shows .......