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18 months/Potty training

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Member since 5/05

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18 months/Potty training

for those of you with boys..have you tried potty training at 18 months and any success? also does anyone have this potty by Baby Bjorn,thoughts?

I'm considering teaching Robert, he just turned 18 months..not sure if that is crazy or not at this age...

any advice is welcome..Thanks!

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Posted 6/18/07 5:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

I tried at 18 months, that's when he got his first potty. No luck at all.

I tried again at 2, but he wasn't interested, plus I had a newborn at home at that time.

At 2-1/2, he poopy potty trained. He just knew when he had to go, and he did.

He didn't fully train, pee pee and all, until he was 3. It took us a day or two and turned out to be rather easy. I look back and probably think I should have looked to pee pee train him a few months sooner than we actually did.

IMO, its never too early to start.. Some kids get it much easier.

Message edited 6/18/2007 5:35:21 PM.

Posted 6/18/07 5:34 PM

Back in LI!

Member since 5/05

1525 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

thanks for the advice..

I have a 5 week old right now too, so its pretty hectic but I figured I would give it a try

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Posted 6/18/07 5:37 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

My son will be 18 months and took interest about a month ago. I put him on every night before a bath and he's probably gone 3 times in the potty, but its more about exposure and making a connection for him right now. He is starting to go at more predictible times ( just before bath, right when he gets up) so I figured why not? He now says "I pee" and "I poo" (after he has gone) and most of the time he is accurate. I am not expecting anything successful until he is more about 2-3, but why not try.... BTW- this is my first experience with this so I am kind of winging itChat Icon

Posted 6/18/07 6:02 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

hi we started olivia at 14 months becuase she was telling me when she peed and pooped. she would run to me and pull on her diaper. now she says pee pee and ca ca.

Posted 6/18/07 6:07 PM

Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06

1225 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

My girls are 16 months and one of my twins Reese goes on the potty she makes poop and pee and will hold it until i put her on. I didn't want to get a potty so i got the seat that goes right on the toilet and it works mess to clean up..good luck

Posted 6/18/07 7:24 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

forgot to add we have the 3 in one potty from babies rus. its got the insert that goes inthe regular toilet and the base can be used as a step stool to step up or its a low potty for training. here are some pics

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Posted 6/18/07 10:21 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

forgot to add we have the 3 in one potty from babies rus. its got the insert that goes inthe regular toilet and the base can be used as a step stool to step up or its a low potty for training. here are some pics

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Posted 6/18/07 10:21 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

forgot to add we have the 3 in one potty from babies rus. its got the insert that goes inthe regular toilet and the base can be used as a step stool to step up or its a low potty for training. here are some pics

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Message edited 6/18/2007 10:23:13 PM.

Posted 6/18/07 10:21 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: 18 months/Potty training

See the training part is great for now, but it would be hard for him to tell you before he has to go....

Julia is still working on that and she will be 2 in 2 weeks, she loves to sit on the potty, and will go once in a while if she sits on it long enough--lol but she still has to learn to tell me she has to go before she does it, and thats still kind of hard.

Posted 6/18/07 10:56 PM

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