The first time i got preg was on 50mg clomid however i mc in may i had a d&c. Af came 51/2 weeks later and then nothing. I had to take provera to induce a period. I got pregnant again on 100mg clomid again in oct and mc (with meds) in nov. I started af 6 weeks later (jan) but it only lasted heavy for 2 days.
Heres the roadblock. The drs upped my clomid from 100 to 150 this month on cd3. I went on thursday cd 10 and today cd12 and theres no change in follies. just a bunch of immature follies. I was told that but tuesday if theres nothing going on i will start clomid again. Ive heard of this but im not sure what it exactly does.

Has anyone had problems with their first cycle after mc? I was really hoping that there were some follies growing. The only thing thats got me going thru this second mc is ttc again asap