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1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

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Member since 5/05

10311 total posts


1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

How bad was it?

Any chance anybody had to go to LabCorp in the Huntington Atrium for the test? That's where I have to take DD and I'm wondering what the wait will be like.

Message edited 8/27/2007 9:33:55 AM.

Posted 8/27/07 8:30 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

I don't know how bad it is because my Ped did send Hayley for that blood test. She will be 2 in a few weeks and has never had a blood test.

Hope it is not too bad Chat Icon

Posted 8/27/07 8:33 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

It was done at my doctor's office and they did a finger prick. It was pretty quick but I have no idea about the wait time.

Posted 8/27/07 8:51 AM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

Posted by shamrock124

It was done at my doctor's office and they did a finger prick. It was pretty quick but I have no idea about the wait time.

same here...

Posted 8/27/07 8:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1140 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

Funny that you mention it b/c I just took DD last week (she'll be 2 in 3 weeks). I'm not going to was awful...she was absolutely hysterical. It didn't help that the nurses were very rough with her too (I went to Quest labs in Commack).
On another note, my friend's son went and he was totally fine through it...I guess it just depends.
Good luck!!

Posted 8/27/07 9:05 AM


Member since 5/05

10311 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

Thanks for the replies girls! Chat Icon

I'm just debating whether I should do it on a day when my DH can come with me: 1. in case the wait is long, that way we can both take turns entertaining her, 2. in case she turns into a wreck after the test, which normally I can turn around pretty quickly, but it never hurts to have "back-up". Chat Icon

I so wish my ped's office did this test. Chat Icon

Posted 8/27/07 9:10 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

We had to go to a lab and they took a vial of blood. It was over pretty quick, but it was pretty bad, since they take it the same way as for adults - the rubber band on the arm, needle in the arm, etc. I had to sit with my son on my lap facing out and try to keep him held to my chest as hard as possible. He was very upset while it was going on, but he was over it before we left.

ETA: I'd bring your DH if you can. We had to have bloodwork done for my daughter this weekend and she sat in DH's lap, same thing - really upset and all, but I was able to sit in front of her and talk to her and keep her from looking at the needle and getting overly upset. She has a tendency to get really upset and vomit.

Message edited 8/27/2007 9:18:25 AM.

Posted 8/27/07 9:16 AM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

sorry to admit Jen, yeah, it wasn't funChat Icon I took Emily to Quest labs - I WISH my ped's office did this via finger prick! But we had to go to Quest and she got very upset. I'd def. suggest going with someone else. I cried too I felt so bad for EmilyChat Icon

Posted 8/27/07 9:16 AM

My Children

Member since 5/05

7905 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

DS just had it done. My ped did it in his office with a butterfly needle in his arm. DH said that he screamed & cried but then it was over with.

Posted 8/27/07 9:18 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but DS did cry. I think he was actually crying because he had to get restrained (meaning me holding and he couldnt run free) then of the actually needle. Once they found the vein it was done in a maybe a minute they just took 2 small viales. He was also a little cranky sitting in the waiting room.
They had DS sit on my lap then my job was to hold him still and someone else would hold his arm.

Posted 8/27/07 9:19 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

I took Andrew at 1 year, but haven't taken Lauren yet. The first time, the phlebotomist couldn't get a vein, so they did a finger prick and wouldn't you know it, the results got screwed so we were sent back. Our pedi said a finger prick wasn't enough blood! I dreaded taking him back, but we got a different person and it was over in a second, before he even knew! Not a flinch, he was so good! I had brought a lollipop with me and we didn't even need to use it! WE went to Quest Labs as well.

Posted 8/27/07 9:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

I have a trooper, but the blood test freaks him out. You have to hold them really tight on your lap to make sure they don't move and they can get feisty! If you think DH would be better holding - then bring him.

afterwards is not bad, but DS would see the cotton and point to it and cry. And this is from a kid who falls 100 times a day without blinking an eye.

Posted 8/27/07 9:50 AM

Our life is complete

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Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

Posted by shamrock124

It was done at my doctor's office and they did a finger prick. It was pretty quick but I have no idea about the wait time.

Same here, I believe the results were back in 5 days

Posted 8/27/07 10:37 AM

Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06

1225 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

I took my girls to Quest Labs On Brooksite..they were really good. of course it was scary for the mama and the girls cried but once it was over they stopped. It was fast so not so bad.

Posted 8/27/07 10:39 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

I took DD to quest in babylon and the worst part was the turniquit (spelling?

The needle didn't bother her.

Posted 8/27/07 10:41 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

they did it in my drs office. I had to walk out of the room, it was too painful to watch DH was a rock and I was so glad he was there...

Posted 8/27/07 12:51 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

My Ped. doesnt send DC for these tests till age 2 so we skipped it at her 1 yr check up...I am NOT looking fwd to it though.Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Good luck....Id bring DH if you can. It might make it easier on everyone....

Posted 8/27/07 12:54 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: 1yr Blood test for Lead & CBC?

We took Asher to the Labcorp in Commack and it was fine. The girls there did a great job and he didn't even cry.

Posted 8/27/07 7:59 PM

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