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2 Photoshop questions...need help

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LIF Toddler

Member since 12/05

399 total posts


2 Photoshop questions...need help


i need some help..trying to play around with a few pics:

1. how do i add text to a picture?

2. how do i put a picture on a new background?
ex: how would i put a pic of my baby on let's say a big heart as the background? where can i find different backgrounds and import them into photoshop?

hope i make sense? i'm trying to learn photoshop...


Posted 2/13/06 1:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Rocking the party

Member since 5/05

4937 total posts


Re: 2 Photoshop questions...need help

1. To add text, just click on the T tool - that's your text tool. You can draw a box right on the picture and then type away. It will automatically create a new layer for the text.

2. You can have both pictures open, then click on the Move tool (arrow with cross hairs) on the top right, and just drag the picture onto the heart background. It will automatically create a new layer for the picture you dragged in. You can then scale the picture you brought in by going to Edit, Transform Path, Scale. If you hold the Shift key while bringing your corners in or out, it will size it proportionally (sp?).

Make sense??

Posted 2/13/06 1:56 PM

Treasure what you have

Member since 5/05

1839 total posts


Re: 2 Photoshop questions...need help

another photoshop question, how do you color in only one part of a picture???

Posted 2/13/06 1:59 PM

Rocking the party

Member since 5/05

4937 total posts


Re: 2 Photoshop questions...need help

Make a new layer.

You can use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (first one, second row) and select what you want to color. Then fill it in with color and then you can adjust the opacity of the layer to get whatever feel you're looking for.

Posted 2/13/06 4:54 PM

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