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2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

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Member since 8/05

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2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

I am 2 DPO!!

I O'd Wed or Thurs. We BD everyday from Sun-Thurs, so we will see. Also used Pre Seed this month! Hopefully it makes a difference!!

I am now 5 DPO. I have had waves of nause on and off since yesterday. When I got dressed this morning, my boobs were slightly sore. I am due on the 1st, so I will hopefully wwait until then to test. My bday is the 6th so I hope to get a great present from myself!!!

Message edited 7/23/2007 7:47:15 AM.

Posted 7/20/07 7:33 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to 3!

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Jesss, duh.

Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

I think I o'd somewhere between thursday and sunday. My grrams is in the hospital so we only got to BD Sunday....maybe once is all it takes? Doubtufl, I know.

I haven't been feeling any different. So I'm sure this is not my month. But we'll see.

Posted 7/20/07 7:35 AM

Two under two!

Member since 5/07

3703 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

I'm 3 DPO! FF says to test on the 28th so I'm going to TRY to wait until then. I don't have a great feeling about this month.

Posted 7/20/07 7:48 AM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

I am about 9 DPO. I have some cramps. I was not sleeping but now I am agian. No other real symptoms. We'll see. I am going to test again tommorow and then on Monday.

Posted 7/20/07 7:57 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/07

293 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

I am 7-8 DPO. I have been exhausted this week, but that could be due to returning from a trip abroad and jet lag. But last night I had some mild cramps in lower abdomen, unlike anything I have ever had before. Other than that no symptoms. I usually get sore BBs about 5 days to a week before AF is due, so I don't think that will be a symptom for me. AF is due about Thursday the 26th so I will try to hold out testing until Tuesday. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to all!

Posted 7/20/07 8:02 AM


Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

Im 1DPO, I think I missed my window this month, I was having Lakanookie due to the crazy hoise I had (family and kids visiting) I tried to BD when we had the chance, I think I got to on my O day, Im going for it all weekend just for good measure. I couldnt start the acupuncture due to the family here. So next month for that. I guess now just wait. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 9:27 AM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

11DPO with a long luteal phase, so AF isn't due til mid next week.

Posted 7/20/07 9:37 AM

Girls Rule

Member since 2/07

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Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

I didn't think I was going to be in this month, but count me in!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 11:07 AM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

Posted by SweetCaroline

11DPO with a long luteal phase, so AF isn't due til mid next week.

I just started tracking LP but it looks like I have like... a 17 day one. So I am 9po and due on the 28th.
I didn't think I had any symptoms besides cramping as I posted above but this morning when I got to work. I was SOOOOO nascaous. I felt so bad for a while. And not my usual IBS stuff. I really felt like i was gunna puke. So I was craving something cold and drank cold iced tea and it calmed down. Now I am nacaous again but it is my usual IBS stuff because I had tacos for lunch...Chat Icon

But I don't know.. i guess only time will tell.

Posted 7/20/07 3:01 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

"Lakanookie "

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Sorry I love that

Posted 7/20/07 3:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/07

293 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

Just checking in...Looking back at my half-completed chart (from being on vacation) I think I am somewhere between 7-10 DPO. My temps have been high (98.4) everyday except yesterday when I got a 97.9, then back up today to 98.4. Of course I started reading about "implantation dips" Chat Icon Chat Icon
Still no other symptoms except tiredness and some mild cramping the last 3 days.

I broke down and tested this morning but (not unexpectedly) got a BFN. My husband thinks I am crazy.

How is everyone else doing?

Posted 7/21/07 7:30 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/07

7 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

af was due yesterday, temp is up around mid-99's.. i have cramping the past 2 days also.. but no sign of af. im trying not to test yet because of the cramps. i feel like i will test and then af will come.

Posted 7/21/07 1:17 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

834 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

I'm on 13DPO today. I tested this morning, but it was negative.
I had a dip at 11DPO, and my temp's jumped up quite a lot in the last 2 days. I'm hoping it was an implantation dip.
AF is probably due tomorrow - it's so hard just waiting to see what happens. DH is so good - he told me to stop POAS lol and he keeps telling me it probably won't happen this month since we just started trying.

Posted 7/21/07 1:32 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/07

7 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

today is cd 30, i tested with a dollar tree test and got a BFN. if still no af in the next few days i will test again. i bought 5 dollar tree tests, so i am set for the week lol.

Posted 7/21/07 5:17 PM

Back on Board.

Member since 10/06

1838 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

9 DPO. The only symptom I have is nausea, but I had terrible nausea last month and it was a symptom of absolutely nothing! I really really really want to hold out to test until AF is overdue.

Posted 7/21/07 9:02 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

On friday and Saturday I was SOOOO nascous but nothing today. I got BFP on Wed and Saturday... I think I am out this month. Today is 11DPO. I am not hopeful anymore. AF is due on the 28th.

Posted 7/22/07 3:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/06

1050 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!!

2dpo This is going to be a long 2 weeks. I need to keep my mind off of this or im going to analyze everything. Only 2nd month trying. But think we did more than enough bd this month! Good luck to all in the 2ww.Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/07 1:49 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/07

256 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/07 8:57 AM


Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

Im 4 DPO, and just as of yesterday have these twinge pains on my left side. I dont know, I think it was just gas Chat Icon Im so lost. Im just going to wait and see. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Good Luck Ladies.

Posted 7/23/07 9:12 AM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

Tested again this morning.. BFN...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I think I am 12 DPO. (I don't temp or use OPK so I just counted O as the day after EWCM). I could be wrong. AF is due on Saturday. So that would be a long luetal phase and I was on two meds that are known to screw up CM. So maybe I am only like 10DPO...

All the symptoms and whatnot have gone away. Chat Icon Chat Icon that this doesn't mean anything. Someone recently had a BFP and had symptoms up to day 10 and then they stopped. so maybe???

But I think I am out this month. I guess I will test on Wednesday again. It sucks to see that BFN though.

OK Pity party over.. just feeling sad.

Posted 7/23/07 3:01 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

Posted by Tigger77

I am 2 DPO!!

I O'd Wed or Thurs. We BD everyday from Sun-Thurs, so we will see. Also used Pre Seed this month! Hopefully it makes a difference!!

I am now 5 DPO. I have had waves of nause on and off since yesterday. When I got dressed this morning, my boobs were slightly sore. I am due on the 1st, so I will hopefully wwait until then to test. My bday is the 6th so I hope to get a great present from myself!!!

Ohh good luck.. Those symptoms sound promising. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/07 3:01 PM

Two under two!

Member since 5/07

3703 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!! VENT

I'm now 6 dpo and feeling nothing, except ANNOYED b/c I had an appointment at my OBGYN for my annual and since I was there last I guess, Vytra was bought by HIP...well of course my dr doesn't take the new insurance. I'm so frustrated--Insurance is sooo annoying. My Dr. takes just about every insurance except this type of HIP and one other...what are the odds. I didn't even get to talk to the Dr. and then what if I was pregnant-then I'd be really screwed. I had my charts all printed out and was all set to discuss.
Anyway, I called my company and they only change insurance(we get to choose b/t 5 or so) in November and then it wouldn't take effect until Jan! We are going to try and get the insurance through my DH's company now b/c I REALLY like my Dr. and don't want to change--especially now. Chat Icon sorry this on top of the waiting put me in a mood!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Not ten minutes after I posted I started to cramp on the left side? odd for me...but I am trying not to think too much about it.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

GL to everyone still with me in the wait!

Message edited 7/23/2007 7:35:32 PM.

Posted 7/23/07 4:33 PM

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

14656 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

2WW is over for me. I got AF on Friday and proceeded to have one of the most painful and heavy periods since I stopped taking the pill.

The next step for us is to get help. We'll be making an appt. in the next few weeks to see a RE.

Posted 7/23/07 7:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/06

1050 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

Mrspornstar - So sorry af came around!Good luck with your next step! Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/07 8:02 PM

Two under two!

Member since 5/07

3703 total posts


Re: 2 Week Wait check in!! *update for me*

I'm sorry too! GL!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/07 8:40 PM
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