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More Fertilthoughts info

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Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


More Fertilthoughts info

Regarding Immune "Risk Factors"

I cut and pasted this from the Yahoo immunology group's files. I notice a lot of women here asking about specific symptoms. I hope this is helpful. Please don't hesitate to join the Yahoo group and download all the available files! There is a wealth of information available.


Could immune issues be a problem with me? A list of patient risk factors

Updated 9/16/04

Information to be used as a guide only. Not be taken as medical advice.

Also see Dr. Beer’s Risk Assessment Tests:

1. Self Test to determine need for Immune testing.

2. Self Test to determine need for immune treatment.

General risk factors:

Taken from:

Indicators for Immune Testing

The indications are as follows:

(a) Two miscarriages or two IVF or GIFT failures after age 35 or three miscarriages or IVF or GIFT failure before age 35,
(b) poor egg production from a stimulated cycle (less than 6 eggs),
(c) one blighted ovum,
(d) idiopathic infertility,
(e) previous immune problems (ANA positive, rheumatoid arthritis, and/or lupus),
(f) previous pregnancies that have shown retarded fetal growth, and
(g) one living child and repeat miscarriages while attempting to have a second child.

For additional risk factor information, you may want to visit the Autoimmune Superchecklist:

Risk factors for each of Dr. Beer’s 5 Categories of Immune Problem:

Category 1 Immune Problem (poor blocking antibodies)

Lack of blocking antibody to pregnancy

Risk factors

1. Placental cells fail to grow and divide
2. Poor LAD test results.
3. Miscarriage pathology report reveals "inadequate depth of trophoblast invasion" "inadequate blood conversion by the trophoblast" or " inadequate syncytium formation".
4. DQ Alpha match with spouse.
5. Preexisting category 2,3,4 or 5 immune problems.
6. Two more more IVF failures
7. Repeated implantation failures
8. Unexplained infertility
9. Recurrent miscarriages

Category 2 Immune Problem (APA’s)

High levels of antibodies to phospholipids causing the blood to clot too fast

Risk factors

1. Unexplained intrauterine fetal death
2. Thrombophlebitis (blood clots in the veins or the arteries during pregnancy)
3. Three or more losses before 10 weeks.
4. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and other autoimmune disease
5. Subchorionic hemorrhages
6. Slow heartbeat in the baby
7. Second trimester loss
8. Retarded or damaged placental development
9. Preterm delivery.
10. Premature silent labor
11. Preeclampsia
12. Oligohydramnios (low levels of amniotic fluid)
13. Mother tests positive for APAs (IgM, IgG or IgA), even at borderline levels
14. Miscarriage pathology report reveals " vasculitis" (inflammation of the blood vessels that feed the placenta), or "thrombosis" ( blood clotting).
15. Lupus anti-coagulant (LAC) positive
16. Loss of chromosomally normal baby
17. IVF failure and implantation failure.
18. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
19. Inherited Thrombophilia
20. Infertility
21. Incompetent cervix
22. HLA DQ A1 4.1 mother with HLA DQ A1 4.1 fetus
23. History of thrombosis, venous or arterial ( including stroke)
24. Hepatitis C
25. Fetal growth retardation in the second or early third trimester
26. False positive test result for Syphillis
27. Endometriosis
28. Blood clots
29. Bleeding during pregnancy
30. Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia
31. Abruption of the placenta ( abruptio placenta)
32. Abnormal fetal heart-rate tracing

Category 3 Immune Problem (ANA’s)

Elevated antibodies to the baby's DNA or DNA breakdown products

Risk factors

1. Infertility
2. Implantation failures
3. Lupus, Scleroderma or Polymyositis.
4. ANA is positive but autoimmune disease screening is negative (no evidence of lupus or rheumatoid arthritis).
5. Presence of an underlying autoimmune (ie Reiter's disease)
6. Miscarriage pathology report reveals "Villitis", " Intervillositis" or "Villositis", "Perivillitis" (inflammation of the root system tissue of the placenta ) .
7. Loss of chromosomally normal baby
8. Presence of any of the other immune categories (1, 2, 4 or 5)
9. Repeated IVF failures
10. ANA test of 1:40 is significant
11. Recurrent pregnancy loss

Category 4 Immune Problem ( ASA’s)

Female antibodies to the male’s sperm (often coexisting with antibodies to the phospholipid ethanolamine).

Risk factors

1. Antiphospholipid antibodies to serine or ethanolamine
2. Multiple failed pregnancy through IVF, IUI, GIFT or ZIFT
3. Husband with a vasectomy reversal
4. Husband with male antisperm antibodies
5. DQ alpha match with the spouse
6. Miscarriage pathology report reveals "Vasculitis" (inflammation of the root system tissue of the placenta) "Thrombosis" ( blood clotting) "Villitis", " Intervillositis" or "Villositis"or "Perivillitis" (placental root system inflammation).
7. Damaged yolk sac seen on ultrasound
8. Poor post coital tests (sperm are dead or not moving in the cervical mucus)
9. Infertility

Category 5 Immune Problem ( Natural Killer cells)

Elevated CD 56+ cells (Natural Killer cells) producing high levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha or elevated CD 19+5+ cells that produce antibodies to hormones and neurotransmitters

Blood circulating CD 56+ problems

Risk Factors

1. Past live born child that is DQ alpha 4.1/4.1
2. Past history of endometriosis ( even if endometriosis now removed)
3. One or more live-born children then infertility, implantation failure or a miscarriage
4. Natural Killer cell number ( CD 56) above 12% on Dr Beer's NK Assay
5. Natural Killer cell cytotoxicity( 50:1) above 15% on Dr Beer's NK Assay
6. Mononucleosis
7. Mitral valve prolapse
8. Vanishing twin
9. Unexplained hives
10. Thyroid disorders ( even if controlled with thyroid medication)
11. Subchorionic hemorrhages which can cause spotting, bleeding
12. Recurrent miscarriages
13. Psoriasis
14. Antithyroid antibodies
15. Antisperm antibodies
16. Antiplatelet antibodies (ITP)
17. Antiovarian antibodies
18. Premature shortening of the cervix
19. Premature aging of the placenta
20. Pregnancy showing damaged yolk sac
21. Positive result on Embryo Toxicity Assay ( this test not done in Dr Beer's lab)
22. Positive or borderline postive for antiphospholipid antibodies (APAs) (esp. serine and ethanolamine)
23. Positive or borderline postive for antinuclear antibodies (ANA)
24. Miscarriages with a spouse who is DQ alpha compatible with you at any of the numbers.
25. Miscarriage pathology report reveals "decidual necrosis" ( tissue death) and "fibrin or fibrinoid formation" ( scar formation) or "abnormal trophoblast morphology".
26. Low amniotic fluid volume
27. Loss of chromosomally normal baby
28. Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)
29. Irregularly shaped gestational sac
30. Increase in PI or RI of the blood flow to the uterus, placenta and cord.
31. Implantation failure
32. Husband with vasectomy reversal
33. History of pelvic inflammation (PID)
34. History of one or more ectopic pregnancies
35. High fasting free insulin levels or adult onset diabetes
36. Herpes infections or flair-ups during loss
37. Hair loss

Uterine resident CD 56+ problems

Risk Factors

1. Very low blood NK cell numbers or cytotoxicity
2. Uterine polyps
3. Two or more IVF failures
4. Thyroid disorders ( even if controlled with thyroid medication)
5. Subchorionic hemorrhages which can cause spotting, bleeding
6. Stabbing pelvic pains or cramping with inseminations or embryo transfers
7. Sjogrens Syndrome
8. Rheumatoid arthritis
9. Repeated implantation failures
10. Reiter's disease
11. Recurrent spontaneous abortions where the pregnancies are lost earlier and earlier
12. Raynaud's Syndrome
13. Psoriasis
14. Premenstrual spotting before period starts
15. Positive skin test allergic reaction to HCG within 30 minutes
16. Past history of endometriosis ( even if the endometriosis has been removed)
17. Papilloma virus infections (HPV)
18. Odd/irregular menstrual cycles
19. Mycoplasa /ureasplasma infection
20. Mitral valve prolapse
21. Miscarriage pathology report reveals "decidual necrosis" ( tissue death) and "fibrin or fibrinoid formation" ( scar formation) or "abnormal trophoblast morphology".
22. Luteal phase deficiency
23. Lupus
24. Loss of chromosomally normal baby
25. Live born child then secondary miscarriages or infertility
26. IVF fragmentation, slow cell division, arrested cell division and poor quality embryos
27. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
28. Iritis
29. Infertilty with endometriosis prior to first assisted reproductive technology (ART) or IVF cycle.
30. Increasing signs of PMS
31. IgA anticardiolopin antibodies.
32. Husband with vasectomy reversal
33. History of herpes
34. History of ectopic pregnancies
35. High TJ-6 numbers
36. Hair loss
37. Flu like symptoms with implantation, transfer or implantation failure
38. Fibromyalgia (achiness in the small joints and muscles )
39. Female antisperm antibodies
40. Failure to carry to term with other traditional NK cell immune treatments (i.e. IVIg and LIT).
41. Dysplasia of the cervix
42. Donor egg failure
43. Dermoid cysts
44. Crohn's Disease
45. Cramping, jitteriness, or strange traveling sensations in the skin post intrauterine insemination or post transfer
46. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
47. Carcinoma in situ of the cervix
48. Antithyroid antibodies
49. Antibodies to hormones and neurotransmitters or high CD19+5+ levels
50. "Few scattered cells" "lymphoid cell nodules or accumulation in the endometrium" "Stromal hemorrhages" " increased infiltration of CD57 positive NK cells" seen on Dr Beer's endometrial biopsy report

CD 19+5+ problems

Risk Factors

1. Uterine smooth muscle remains quiet and does not contract three times in two minutes
2. Thyroid disfunction
3. Sleep disorders
4. Skin tests for antibodies to progesterone, estradiol or HCG are positive within 30 minutes to 48 hours when applied to the patient.
5. Raynaud's Syndrome
6. Premature ovarian failure (POF)
7. Poor uterine lining of less than 8 mm when tested on day 13 or 14
8. Poor stimulation even with high doses of stimulatory drugs
9. Poor egg quality in IVF. Fewer eggs recovered, slow division, fragmentation of embryos, fertilize in vitro with difficulty, poor quality embryos, fragile when frozen and thawed.
10. Poor blood flow to the lining of the uterus and muscle at the time of implantation
11. Panic attacks
12. No positive BHCG or slow rising BHCG after IVF transfer.
13. Night sweats
14. Migraines
15. Luteal phase defect
16. Low progesterone levels
17. Lining fails to develop adequate thickness, adequate layers or adequate blood flow to zone three.
18. Irritability, moodiness
19. Irregular cycles
20. Increasing PMS symptoms
21. Increases in CD19+5+ cell numbers above 10% ( seen on NK Assay). Normal numbers are 2 - 10%.
22. High prolactin levels, breast discharge
23. High estradiol levels and FSH levels on cycle day 3
24. Fibromyalgia (achiness in the small joints and muscles )
25. Depression
26. Blood vessels that do not enter zone three of uterine lining
27. Antibodies to neurotransmitters, including serotonin, endorphins and enkaphlans.
28. Anovulatory cycles
29. Adult onset diabetes
30. Adult attention deficit disorder (ADD)

Inherited Thrombophilia Problem ( Inherited Clotting problems)

Inherited tendency for the blood to clot too easily.

Risk Factors

1. Unexplained intrauterine fetal death
2. Thrombophlebitis (blood clots in the veins or the arteries during pregnancy)
3. Systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases
4. Stillborn baby for no apparent cause
5. Second trimester loss
6. Retarded or damaged placental development
7. Recurrent miscarriage
8. Preterm delivery.
9. Premature silent labor (often caused incompetent cervix syndrome)
10. Preeclampsia
11. Positive for lupus anti-coagulant
12. Oligohydramnios (low levels of amniotic fluid)
13. Miscarriage pathology report reveals " vasculitis" (inflammation of the blood vessels that feed the placenta), or "thrombosis" ( blood clotting).
14. Loss of a chromosomally normal baby
15. IUGR ( intrauterine fetal growth retardation) the second or early third trimester
16. Intrauterine growth retardation
17. Implantation failure
18. HLA DQ A1 4.1 mother with HLA DQ A1 4.1 fetus
19. History of TIA's ( transient ischemic attacks)
20. History of blood clots
21. Hepatitis C
22. False positive for Syphillis
23. Endometriosis
24. Pregnancy spotting
25. Anticardiolpin IgA positive
26. Placenta abruption


Hope that's helpful.

Posted 10/21/07 4:17 PM
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Re: More Fertilthoughts info

Great post Chat Icon

Posted 10/21/07 8:40 PM

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