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My August 22nd 2006 Birth Story..
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My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
My August 22nd 2006 Birth Story..
I am going to try to keep this short but it was a long 28 hours so I am not sure if I can! LOL last Sunday night I lost part of my plug. Nothing bloody just a little bit of mucas. Went to bed and woke up all through the night to keep checking on what was going on. Nothing more so I didnt think much of it. When I got up the next morning, my water had broken but not all of it. I called my doctor and she said to get to the hospital. On the way, I leaked more and more. Got there, went to triage where they examined me. I wasnt dialated at all but it was my water breaking so they admitted me.
I got into my room at around 1 with no pains just ALOT of water. They told me that they were going to give me cervadil and then pertocin to get things going. Meanwhile, I started getting contractions but all in my back. They put in the cervadil (which hurt because I didnt have the epi yet) and we waited. The contractions were coming stronger, still ALL in my back, and I dialated to 3 cm but then got stuck there. They then started the pertocin and they started coming hard and fast. Again, no stomach contractions and I could tell the baby hadnt even dropped (I carried VERY HIGH) and I was getting concerned. Finally they offered me the epi, which didnt hurt at all and everyone knows my fear of needles. I was in such peace. This was at 11 at night and I was able to sleep a bit. But it kept wearing off after about an hour each time which I didnt know would happen. At one point during the night, we had a scare. The babys heart rate dropped very low and people were scrambling all around me. They put in a fetal monitor to check her and thank god she was was because of my pressure because of the epi apparently.
So now fast forward to Tuesday at around 11 30 in the morning. I was finally 10 cm dialated and it was time to push. Now is when I freaked. The nurse comes in and says shes shutting off the epi. I lost it!!!!! Shutting it off when I am about to push??????? My doctor NEVER told me this was her procedure. I started to cry and freak and they said it had to be done. As soon as they shut it off, the pains were coming non stop..still all in my back. I pushed from about 11 30 in the morning to about 2 15 in the afternoon. At this point I was begging for a c section. My doctor finally explained to us that every time the babies head came down, when I stopped pushing, she went right back up again and that I wasnt going to be able to get her out like this. So off we went to the OR.
She was born at 2:55 in the afternoon. I didnt feel much except pressure and pulling but the shakes I experienced were HORRIFIC! I just couldnt stop. I threw up twice in the or and 5 times overall throughout labor. Megan Lynn came out screaming with her eyes wide open with a head of black hair which neither my husband nor I had at birth so we found that kind of funny.
She was brought to the nicu for the next 24 hours because the labor and delivery took so long. Everything turned out fine thank god..she was a little jaundice and a bit traumatized as they put it but she was out of nicu the next day.
Overall my experience wasnt a great one, I cannot lie. It was LONG and rough and everything I was afraid of wound up happening (induction, fetal monitor, no epi when pushing, c section) but when you see your childs face and hold her in your takes EVERYTHING else away. It is so worth it..thanks for letting me share!
Posted 2/20/08 6:18 PM |
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