She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
My Birth Story (from 4/2006)
Hey guys!! Jordana Madison and I are home from the hospital. So here is my story:
We were scheduled for a c-section on Friday 4/14/06 at 9:00. I got there at 7 and had the nicest nurse. Unfortunately she went off shift at 8 and I got an inexperienced nurse who wasn't so great. I demanded an attending for an anesthesiologist (which is apparently very rare), so they gave me one. He seemed very unhappy to be there at first, but then he got nicer as time went by. So they gave me the IV which hurt a lot less than I expected. First they gave me novocaine (not very painful), and then the IV (didn't feel it at all).
Then they took me into the OR and gave me the epirdural. I was very scared and asked the nurse to talk to me and hold my hand. First they gave me novocaine (not very painful), and then the epirudal (didn't feel it at all).
Then they started the surgery. Iwas freezing and kept shivering. They began and then my DH came in. I was told I would feel tugging and pulling, which I did. I was expecting not to feel anything. At one point it was a little painful, but only for a few seconds. The doctor told me to let him know when I felt sharp pain, which I did at one point. My left side was totally numb, but not my right side. So they upped the epidural and in a few seconds, I felt nothing again. I did not get tied down, which I was concerned about.
Then the told me I would feel some pressure.. .and then the baby came out. (9:31 am) I couldn't stop crying until they wheeled me out of there. They cleaned her up and brought her over to me. She was wonderful!! She was 7lbs 7 oz. I didn't feel a thing after she came out.
I went to the recovery room and they gave me the baby. I tried to nurse, but she was sleeping. I just held her for a while and they took her to the nursery to measure her length (20 1/2 inches). I waited a while for the anesthesiologist and then the room wasn't ready (I requested a bed by the window and someone had just left the room). Then they took me up to my room.
Apparently my nurse was on a break so I got a temporary nurse who didn't even speak to me, but I had my baby, DH, mom and sister there. I was great. The room was all mine (at least until later that night). I tried to nurse, but she was sleeping.
I did get a roommate later that night, who was actually in my lamaze class! I was in bed all day and not allowed to leave. I had a catheter and these things wrapped around my legs which would get tight and loose to keep my circulation flowing.
The next day they took the catheter out and I was able to walk around. I was still hooked up to the IV. I did a few laps around the floor. On Sunday, they took out the IV and the epidural. Apparently at sometime the epidural got knocked out of me, so I was going sans pain medication for a while. It wasn't too bad (6 out of 10 on the pain scale). But then I started taking 1 Perkoset every 3-4 hours. I got to shower and did my hair. I felt like a person again!!
So to fastforward, the baby is great. She is feeding so well and sleeping great. I told the nurses I wanted to exclusively breastfeed, but I had them keep her in the nursery at night and bring her to me when she was hungry. Each night she was brought out to me twice- so she slept 3 hours at a time.
We had a rough start to the feeding, but now she is nursing like a champ. My milk is in. It hurts when she latches, but then it is fine. I have been feeling great and have been able to walk around and move around since the day after the c-section.
She is still sleeping well- in fact i put her down a few hours ago and she is still sleeping. We struggled a lot with the name, but picked one last night. I am feeling really well. In fact the nurses couldn't believe I had a baby on Friday. Even my 2nd roomates husband asked me if I had a baby or if I was visiting someone.
I am so in love with my little girl. 5 days in the hospital with my daughter really gave me a great chance to bond with her and get to know her routine.
We just got home a few hours ago and I am adjusting to beginning our new life together.
Here is a pic of my beautiful baby girl!
And just to compare, here is a pic of her now! Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 2/20/2008 4:29:14 PM.